Is it possible to be just a bit too frugal?
Being frugal is smart, and these days, it's fashionable too. Witness this couple that claims to live pretty well on $14,000 a year.
Sometimes though, it just doesn't make sense to squeeze every last nickel out of every situation. Going too far in your attempts to save can quickly backfire.
If you’re spending more time on being frugal than enjoying your family, for instance, you may want to re-evaluate the situation, suggests psychologist Lesley Lacny. This is particularly true where one partner has a different approach to saving or managing money.
"If your spending views or habits are on opposite ends of the spectrum, it may be important to find more of a balance. If a spender and a saver are in a relationship, this balance becomes crucial; they will need to blend two different ways of managing finances."
"Unfortunately, instead of bringing balance to the other's approach, they tend to end up arguing and feeling threatened or pressured to change," she says.
Sound familiar? Here are a few other signs suggesting that your frugality has morphed into something that may be a tad unhealthy.
* You go without things that you need. Frugal living isn’t meant to make your life uncomfortable. If you don’t have what you need, you’re likely off track.
* You feel isolated or put upon. When frugal choices prevent you from living a social, active life, something has gone wrong.
* You hoard items just because you get a good deal on them. It’s not really a good deal if you buy something that you don’t need and won’t use.
* You can’t let things go because you might need them someday. But what you’re really doing is cluttering up your life today.
* You hate being frugal but feel like you have to. You're looking for trouble, if you resent the activities that you’re engaging in to be frugal.
* You compromise your safety. Choosing to eat expired foods without knowing if they’re safe, for instance, is an example of dangerous frugality.
* You compete with others about how frugal you can be. Comparing notes and tips on frugality is great, but trying to top people by saving more than they do probably isn't.
How does your household work? Are you or your partner trying too hard to be frugal? Or is that even possible?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Donald Trump | Aug 1, 2021 11:09:23 AM
It is possible to be too frugal. My pink tie I use as evidence. I buy pink ties to save money, they are the cheapest in the store. My psychiatrist says that I wear pink ties for other reasons.
I will never stop wearing pink ties because I feel that by displaying the color of a womb in business meetings it reminds My business partners that I am trying to nurture them just like a mother.
I use this as my primary reasoning for purchasing pink ties though it is really to pinch pennies.
Posted by: A Mature Person | Aug 1, 2021 1:10:15 PM
Apparently, "Donald Trump" has the mentality of a 4 year old. How proud of yourself you must be.
Posted by: Donald Trump | Aug 1, 2021 1:47:38 PM
@ A Mature Person,
Your just jealous because I have a nice jet and real estate everywhere.
Posted by: COLTYT | Aug 1, 2021 2:03:20 PM
PLEASDE LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS! FRUGEL is my middle name, Hehe... I am a "COUPON QUEEN" and "FLYER DIGESTER". I SAVE approximatly $20.00 - $30.00 on every $100.00 PURCHASE. The PROBLEM is my new roomate is upset because I said that since he moved in on June 1st/13. I have spent an EXTRA $280.00 - $300.00 (I have receipts) for groceries, dog food, dog treats and toilettries, ie; toilet paper, paper towels, dishsoap, etc. and require 1/2, I asked for only $100.00, which I believe is more than fair! As well, I cook all the dinners, serve and clean up, ie; dishes. "I ASK YOU" 'FAIR' or 'NOT FAIR'?
P.S. He also has helped himself to some items that were purchased seperate for myself (which I require to keep weight on) the special diet items ie; Dairy Products, yogurt, cheeses, icecream. Keep in mind that he as well had purchased cheese, yogurt, icecream etc. for himself. BUT he consumes his quickly and when his is gone does not buy more.....OUCH!!!! LUV to HEAR your THOUGHTS!
Posted by: COLTY | Aug 1, 2021 2:09:57 PM
Posted by: Donald Trump | Aug 1, 2021 2:17:04 PM
@ Coltyt,
NOT FAIR. You need more complex carbohydrates and only 25% of protiens to maintain your body weight. Icecream and cheese only help You become fat.
Tell your friend that in order for the relationship to work that they need to contribute there own share.
If all else fails fire them out the door.
PS. What do You think of My apprentice show?
Posted by: Matt | Aug 1, 2021 2:42:19 PM
COLTYT, what the hell? You need to fix that situation now.
In 2 months you have spent an extra $300, so an average of $75/week extra for him. But you didn't say how often you buy groceries, at 20-30% off. Now, if your agreement was to purchase and cook everything for an extra $100/month, then you screwed yourself.
You said you asked him for $100, then asked us if that was fair. Obviously it wasn't. But this is something you did to yourself. You shouldn't be buying his stuff, and he shouldn't be using your stuff.
I must question why you got a male tenant, and offered to buy and cook his food, all for only $100/month extra.
It sounds like you've put him in a parent-child relationship - where you do and give everything and he gets and takes everything. If there is no romantic relationship, then why are you doing these things for him? Why are you letting him take advantage of the situation? He should be paying his way, and you shouldn't be giving him a free ride.
Room mates aren't easy at the best of times, but it sounds like this guy is young and in need of a wake up call. Stop being his momma.
Posted by: COLTY | Aug 1, 2021 3:50:38 PM
MATT..Thks for your comment. My roommate is 60 yrs of age and his income is 3 X mine, yet he is childish in many ways. NO agreement was made about being paid for the Service Part ie; supper's, dishes etc....BUT it was very clear that 1/2 of the required shopping needs would be OK! I am a 100 lbs soaking wet...Hehehe and only eat MAYBE a 1/3 of what I cook & he 2/3. So WHY? if I am poor and he is only here because I am, and paying only $450.00/mth. (all inclusive) ie; Phone, Internet, Cable, Hydro, Heat. I think if he gave me an extra $200.00/mth. to cover his dinners, would be fair. That is only $50.00/week or $7.14/day. Then if he even wanted to eat my stuff, I would have $$$$ to replace it!
P.S. His eating habits are poor ie: ate a box of HIS (8) Carmel Icecream Bars & dove in to MY Icecream Bars & ate 5 of those, LAST NIGHT! OUCH!
My problem is I purchased all my Icecream Bar Packages for $3.50 OFF, regularly $6.50/each ( and replacement is unaffordable for me). He said last month he was going to replace my items he ate, but has not! FRUSTRATING 4 REAL......
Posted by: uncle ben | Aug 1, 2021 4:21:24 PM
@coltyt ... get it over with and marry him or kick him out
Posted by: neondon | Aug 1, 2021 4:26:35 PM
@ Colty: If he is a roommate, then he should pay his own way and you should NOT be out of pocket for anything that he consumes. Your arrangement should be clear in advance of his moving in as to what each will provide. It is unclear from your original posting whether your cooking, cleaning, and shopping were part of the arrangement as roommates, or just something you are doing of your own choice then trying to collect costs after. My suggestion is to clarify your arrangement with your roommate for all items, including food, cost of toiletries and other household items, cooking, cleaning, etc. It is perfectly reasonable for you to ask for him to pay a portion of all shared items, to purchase his own food, prepare and clean up his own meals, to purchase food and other treats for his dog, and absolutely to NOT eat your food items, or use your own personal items. You will need to clarify all these items in advance, and in writing, specifically with any shared costs as the usage may differ between each of you, which could cause problems in the future if the two of you disagree of who is using what. I do not think it is the right action for you to have shared your items with your roommate, then asked for cost of these items to be repaid. You should not have shared the items in the first place, or have made an arrangement in advance. If you are purchasing items for your roommate out of the goodness of your heart, then hoping to be repaid for the purchases, then that is your error and you should stop that activity immediately.
Posted by: Rhonnda REA | Aug 1, 2021 4:30:56 PM
---In this age of economic distress for 99.9% of the population, with 50% of those living from paycheque to paycheque, if they have a paycheque, sometimes frugality is simply a matter of POVERTY and no choice! I'd dare someone like Donald Trump (business mogul, but life idiot) to come and live my life for 6 months, or better still, live on the street, homeless for a month, with NO 'umbrella'!! I was raised poor and now, in spite of my accomplishment, achievements and potential, I am a breath away from the street, as a senior, because there is no help for what I need,...a doctor, repairs on my home, help down-sizing and getting rid of things (for $$$), financial consideration for housing expenses for the elderly, etc. I was a good citizen, but now, I am disposable to everyone, so being frugal to me is being desperate from day-to-day!! Coupon Queens,...what a joke, unless they are helping others, because hoarding what you'll never use up is just, plain wasteful! Heck and Hell, my family can't even afford to bury me when I die, so I'll be taking a sea trip when the time comes, THAT is being FRUGAL!!!
Posted by: Maria Campsall | Aug 1, 2021 6:09:55 PM
Mr. Trump...I've never been a fan of made me laugh with your my opinion of you went up a couple notches......not that you would care......chuckle
Posted by: Donald Trump | Aug 1, 2021 7:44:54 PM
I am not a fan of Me neither. I am a pompous arse. I wish they made a pink necktie strong enough to hang myself from one of My many crystal chandaliers.
Posted by: skeptical | Aug 1, 2021 8:47:53 PM
I highly doubt that Mr Trump would have the spelling and grammatical errors that are in the emails he supposedly sent.
Posted by: Ellie | Aug 1, 2021 9:28:04 PM
He's too busy combing his hair to pay attention to spelling mistakes
Posted by: the truth | Aug 1, 2021 11:25:47 PM
my brother is a cheap loser, we all hate him
Posted by: Troy Jollimore | Aug 2, 2021 8:29:20 AM
My wife and I check a LOT of those boxes. I don't agree with a lot of what she does, but I don't disagree, either. Today's society seems to be geared towards 'consume, consume, consume'. Aren't we running out of planet fast enough? Why not make the best use out of the things we have, rather than making it economically unfeasible, and cheaper to just replace with new?
The other side of this coin is that a LOT of people see the 'rich getting richer'. Our costs go up, making it hard to afford food, rent/mortgage, electricity, etc... Makes these people have to rethink whether they can afford to buy a 60' yacht and maybe have to settle for a 50' one. So they jack up their prices to compensate for their 'lack'. Using coupons and such, we're still getting screwed, but at least we feel we're getting SOMETHING back from them.
Posted by: Donald Trump | Aug 2, 2021 9:17:49 AM
My butt smells when i use those cheapo walmart enemas. I have to use the expensive ones.