U.S. retailers land on Canadian soil
First we saw big box stores popping up everywhere in Canada.
Now we are seeing an invasion of U.S. and international retailers setting up shop on Canadian soil.
Forget Wal-Mart -- the Target empire is quickly spreading across Canada.
Our "Truly Canadian" Zellers stores have been taken over by the Americans and are transforming into the Target brand.
Since March, 48 locations have opened across the country with 20 more set to open this month. By the end of the year, Target is aiming to launch 124 Canadian retail stores.
And now Hudson's Bay Company is banking on bringing luxury retailer Saks to Canada.
Believe it or not, Canadians love the luxe life.
According to a new report from American Express, Canadians are spending more on luxury items than their American and European counterparts.
What is even more interesting, though, is that it is young Canadians -- specifically Gen Y'ers -- who are dominating the luxury spending growth in the core areas of fashion, travel and fine dining.
I don't know about you, but I do love luxury items...that is, only when I can get them at a discount. It's like an adrenaline rush.
Each year, Canadians make the pilgrimage for cross-border shopping. But what is it that draws these shoppers to the U.S. market? Is it the American brand retailers themselves or is it how much bang you can get for your buck south of the 49th Parallel?
By Donna Donaldson, MSN Money
Does it matter to you if a retailer is Canadian or American-based?
Posted by: Ray | Jul 31, 2021 2:07:34 PM
Does it matter to you if a retailer is Canadian or American-based? no I just want a good deal like US customers do. why do we still have to pay more for products in Canada.
Posted by: Tiffany | Jul 31, 2021 2:11:59 PM
You do realize that The Hudson Bay Company is American since 2008? So Zellers even ceased to be Canadian after that. Even Tim Hortons is American now. There aren't many Canadian stores anymore.
Posted by: Son of Enki | Jul 31, 2021 3:03:08 PM
Horton's is actually (and thankfully) back in Canadian hands as of (I if memory serves) 2009.
Posted by: Son of Enki | Jul 31, 2021 3:12:18 PM
P.S. And yes it does matter to me whether or not a retailer is Canadian or not. I want my money to go to Canada when I spend it here, not america or any other country. I don't want these american companies coming here and taking over the Canadian ones and destroying our heritage. The stupid government only cares about money and not preserving our history.
Stop destroying and selling farm land then bringing in products from the us and Mexico and bringing all these foreign companies to take over and kill our industry. Sure it doesn't help that without competition the Canadian companies had higher prices and then got worse when they raised the price to stay afloat from the damage done by american retailers (Zellers).
But none of this matters as its far beyond too late to do anything about it and have it change, other retailers have set their roots too deep to be shut out now. And thus we have no choice but to buy american or what have you.
Posted by: CS | Jul 31, 2021 3:46:54 PM
Does it matter to you if a slave has made those garments? Does it matter to you if fashion is for low-minded people activity? Does it matter to you if a global effort led by a group of crooked scammers, the sons of Edward Bernays, to conquest the local economies is doing this to your country? Does it matter to you if your happiness has been forged to make you a meek, pathetic costumer? Does it matters to you if the cheapest, and unabashed, scum of the world pays for this "inoffensive" article to be published?
"Son of Enki" made a good point! Thank you, buddy. Good comment!
Posted by: aka fred | Aug 1, 2021 9:27:57 AM
When was the last time, you saw a product with made in Canada, or USA!! You see, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, or some Asian country, and it has been this way for years. Target and all big box stores have merchandise that read, made in some Asian, or indo Chinese factory that pay slave labor prices..
Posted by: Kent | Aug 4, 2021 10:20:18 PM
I hate to say it but sometimes the American retailers are just plain smarter than Canadian ones. Years ago I moved to Vancouver and laughed as I saw Canadian Tire and Rona stocking their shelves with snow blowers. But neither Walmart nor Home Depot stock them here. A snow blower in Vancouver???? The only place I've seen them here is in Canadian Tire and Rona...I don't know a single Vancouverite who even owns one...most have never even seen one. What a waste of shelf space!!! How is it that an American company like Walmart or Home Depot can know they shouldn't sell snow blowers in Vancouver but Canadian Tire and Rona can't??