When is the best time to buy groceries?
Grocery shopping is one of the best ways to practice saving skills. With a little effort, you can shave 10 to 15 per cent off your grocery bill, according to many frugal shoppers.
The best time to buy meat is on a weekday morning; specials are out because grocery stores are hoping to sell out earlier that day.
Stores are unlikely to sell something that will make you sick. The trick here is timing: Either use a piece of discounted chicken or salmon on the day of purchase, or rinse it in cold water, re-wrap and freeze immediately. When you're ready to cook it, cook it right from frozen, suggests Canadian Living.
When you do find the meat marked down, buy in bulk. Save what won’t be used right away and store it in the freezer – this will make it last longer, save you future trips to the market and ultimately add up to save you money.
If you’re shopping for prepared foods, head to the store toward the end of the day, however.
Items such as sushi and rotisserie chicken are discounted about an hour before closing. Bread and baked products are often cheaper in the late afternoon or evening; prices are cut so consumers will buy it before it gets thrown out.
When it comes to staples like sugar, salt, flour, bleach and many other items, for most people there is no discernible difference in quality — only in the price. If you can substitute generic or no name brands for brand names, you can begin to experience some real savings, some experts suggest.
Are you really organized when it comes to grocery shopping? Do you try to time your purchases?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Darwin List Recruiter | Jul 22, 2021 4:19:33 PM
When is the best time to buy groceries ?????
When your cupboard and fridge are empty and you're hungry.
Posted by: Phonerion Ballznevsky | Jul 23, 2021 2:26:52 AM
Er-- being hungry and having no food would be the worst time to get groceries. Stock up before you run out.
Posted by: Richard | Jul 23, 2021 2:32:11 AM
Best time is to check the flyer and usually the beginning of the sale. Why? If the item is cheap it will sell out in the beginning of week not end. Buy vegetables when they are in season otherwise you pay a premium since it has to be shipped in from someplace like Mexico. Carrots, potatoes and onions are usually cheap since they grow all year. Check expiry dates too if it is going to expire don't buy it. If you have a nice size freezer take advantage of it since you can put a lot of meat in there. Only buy the meat when it's on sale and often times during summer since the store knows you need it.
Posted by: Larry | Jul 23, 2021 7:23:29 AM
The worst time to buy anything is when it has become so necessary to buy that price is no longer a deciding issue. This reduces the possibly of choosing based on price ,etc and benefiting from price comparisons.
Posted by: Canadian Budget Binder | Jul 23, 2021 7:36:32 AM
Thanks for sharing a link back to Canadian Budget Binder in your post today for your readers.
Today my post will be about reduced and discounted produce for my weekly grocery game challenge post. We typically shop early in the morning when we can or later at night to get the best discounted products. Like you mention and hour before closing they may reduce many items. For the shops that are open 24 hours they may also reduce items later in the evening.
Over the years we have yet to waste any products we have bought on the reduced rack and we have saved quite a bit of money. Just yesterday we picked up fennel, plums and a huge packet of limes heavily discounted and nothing wrong with them but the odd ding here and there. Saving money and shopping smart... is all about planning. Cheers! Mr.CBB
Posted by: SuburbanFinance | Jul 23, 2021 9:21:30 AM
I love saving on groceries because the savings add up so fast. I haven't really thought about saving at certain times, though.
Posted by: Chilli56 | Jul 23, 2021 11:55:25 AM
Just a quick note, I noticed here that many stores that used to reduce prices on food they prepare (i.e.; roasted chicken) are not longer doing this. It appears they are either cutting back on how much they prepare and then taking it off once it reaches a certain point of time.
One other thing, while most stores discount meats and similar items in the morning and certain other products in the late evening this is not always true. Where I am many of the stores bring out marked down bakery items in the morning so take the time to know what the store does. Even then they will sometimes confuse you.
Posted by: homeless homo | Jul 30, 2021 10:30:08 PM
Uh, the best time to buy groceries is after the dick comes out of my butt or mouth and the customer goes away happy and tips me 5 dollars on top of the twenty my pimp requires. Then I go to Safeway and buy chicken wings.