Are Canadian dairy quotas fair to consumers?
Thanks to a decades-old combination of tariffs, quotas and simply price fixing, Canadians pay higher prices for eggs, dairy, and poultry than most other countries.
And according to the OECD - the organization representing the world's developed economies - we pay nearly double the world price for milk, cream and butter, for instance, and two-thirds more than the American price.
The culprit is the quota system, which limits what leaves farms’ gates, thus stifling -- along with large tariffs that block the entry into the country of similar goods -- the natural selection process that governs most businesses.
While the supply management system has worked well for farmers, and does provides both price stability and food safety, consumers are starting to think they've been coming up with the short straw -- which is what critics like Danielle Goldfarb have been saying for years.
The subsidy amounts to a transfer to dairy producers of $72 per Canadian per year, that report says.
So the real winners from supply management are the dairy farmers -- about half of whom live in Quebec -- that received the initial quotas years ago. Click here for a good overview of a complex subject.
So how can we reduce dairy prices without ruining present-day dairy farmers who bought their quotas in good faith? One option -- as described in this CD Howe proposal -- would be to gradualy increase the number of quotas, so that they gradually lose their value and can be subsequently abolished.
Are dairy quotas fair to cumsumers? Would you support leglislation thast would open our border in this area/?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: essaysmith | Jan 18, 2022 11:18:30 AM
I paid $1.45 for a gallon of milk in Phoenix! In the middle of the desert with no cows to be seen! My local store charges me $7.99, and I live near a few dairy farmers (all of whom do quite well). Not that the price will go down with the removal of regulation.
Posted by: Al-man | Jan 18, 2022 1:20:44 PM
What should be done is any surplus milk, cheese, butter, ect should be allowed to be sold in the local markets or farmers markets. That or like a few places in Manitoba, start a small cooperative and sell products locally. These farms could sell it for a couple dollars cheaper than the regular supermarket and laugh all the way to the bank. If enough places did this it would cause the bigger players in the game to force regulations to be removed or go broke.
Posted by: Clear & Focused | Jan 18, 2022 8:45:05 PM
I am definitely not one for regulation, and we wouldn’t need any if sleepwalkers didn’t reign supreme. However, to anyone who reads this article and feels compelled to post something, I ask you: “have you ever heard the name Dr Chiv Chopra?”
If you are a Canadian who drinks milk, and have never heard the name Dr. Chiv Chopra, then you should all put down that glass, turn off Dancing with the stars, and start doing some fu**in research. Look up the story yourselves… it is too sickening for me to even begin to relay.
If you think that perhaps we should open our borders to American dairy products, then you are no doubt a lobotomized maniac… Or a masochist. But one thing is for sure – you don’t have a clue. Because American’s have sadly relinquished all self respect, and all will to live when they allowed Monsanto to push its Bovine Growth Hormone into American Farming Operations. Now you cannot buy milk in the States without being slowly poisoned by it.
Dr. Chiv Chopra blew the whistle on this exact same genocide happening here… but then our lovely Health Canada FIRED him for his good deed! (Health Canada – HAHAHA LOL oxymoron if I ever heard one). If you’ve never heard this story, maybe you should ask yourself why? A better question might be "what exactly do you know?"
And then think about that the next time you’re drinking milk. If they fired this man for doing his job, then one must wonder – who did they replace him with? And how are we supposed to know that Bovine Growth Hormone isn’t now completely throughout Canadian dairy products either.
Oh, ya… one last thing to ponder… Monsanto – you know that corporation who brought you agent-orange, bovine growth hormone, and genetically modified plants that not even insects will eat, yet they’ll sell them to you for dirt cheap… ya, you know that friendly neighborhood, one-stop-shop for all things genocidal… Well, while you were sleeping, they acquired the “company” formerly known as Blackwater.
Ya, you know Blackwater don’t you? That “company” of mercenaries paid for by the taxpayer. A lawless gang of legally paid, killers – the largest on the planet; and in the permanent employ of the US government, yet accountable to no one because they are a “private” “company.” They have so much blood on their hands that they have to keep changing the company name (now called Xe Services), in order to keep layering on more obscurity.
Ask yourself why would Monsanto want to acquire such a company, and what correlation would death-squad killers have with the agra-business??? Hhhmmmmmmmm???? That is a good question! Hhmmmmm!!!?? Very interesting!
And if you’ve never heard of these companies or what they’ve been doing with the subsidies you obviously agree to… than you deserve everything that is coming to you.
Good luck sleepwalkers. Go protest for your “free-market” milk. HAHAHAHA
Posted by: Clear & Focused | Jan 19, 2022 9:23:07 AM
If we lived in a truly just society, and not the parasitic nest of Luciferianism we find ourselves in, then you would have seen EVERYONE at Health Canada (if not, the entire Canadian bureaucracy) resign in protest when this sickening abomination happened to Dr. Chopra and his colleagues; because all bureaucrats are these people’s colleagues, and therefore should’ve, at the very least, shown solidarity with them, lest they might suffer similarly in the future.
But, in fact, we saw none of this. We see self-serving, sociopathic, sub-humans vie for any and all government positions, time and again, so that they can slide through life doing nothing… except what they do best – manipulating people, opposing natural law, and then covering it up. And if there are any decent ones who managed to somehow get hired, well they obviously get fired not long after their altruism is discovered… either this, or the light within them quickly gets extinguished when they are assimilated into the hive. This is grotesquely evident in the ranks of our “police” forces, because any altruistic rooky cadet quickly realizes that he did not actually join an altruistic organization, but in fact sought out a hierarchical gang of barbaric terrorists. This does not absolve even these naïve fools, because once the wrongdoing is discovered, the true human is then faced with a choice which will determine his/her evolution (or lack thereof) from that point forward. Should they choose to continue turning a blind eye while collecting their paycheck, then they have chosen the path de-evolution, and therefore do not deserve to continue evolving with the rest of us. The world is only so big, and should therefore be the gift given solely to that which evolves.
Anyone who works for ANY part of the government at this stage of the game, is an accomplice by complacent acquiescence – if not, worse. You are, at the very least, aiding and abetting sub-humanism just by going to work, and therefore by definition – not human, and do not deserve the same rights as the rest of us. You are in fact parasites, because you will suck every last ounce of life from your host, and then birth your offspring within the crevices of the rotting carcass you’ve created.
The only question is: “where will you and your ilk turn to now?” You have putrefied the last carcass around and will soon begin to sober up to this reality.
Quote: “First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak out for me.
--- Martin Niemöller
Posted by: Elmo | Jan 20, 2022 9:58:01 AM
Dazed and Confused... here's a hint.... S.T.F.U. Your endless rants are but the tip of your anti-social mindset. Get a padded room somewhere or put yourself (and us) out of your self-inflicted misery.
Posted by: Randy Kubbernus | Jan 21, 2022 1:54:53 AM
I find eggs for their food value to be quite cheap.And dairy to be low priced compared to a lot of other foods.Quotas are a necessary evil.Omega 3 eggs are excellent.
Posted by: Bonnie Grad | Jan 22, 2022 12:39:54 AM
The dairyfarmer has never been overpaid for his product. I don't know where Gordon Powers came up with this idea. If you compare milk to other products such as Coke, or even bottled water, then come on! Get realistic. I don't think dairyfarmers will even get a chance to read this silly nonsense!
Posted by: tyler | Jan 22, 2022 9:20:42 AM
im ok with paying more for farm goods so long as there made in canada
Posted by: Kevin Burchill | Jan 22, 2022 9:44:07 AM
The Government allowed this to continue cuasing many a farm to shut down because purchasing qouta was such a high cost .And many a farmer had invested all there savings into qouta now the government says they are going to take there savings away shame on them .PAY BACK A MORE THAN FAIR DOLLER .Then do as you see fit with your qouta and we will loose more farmers .Don't forget the old saying ( No Farmers No food No Future)
Posted by: Mr.Mischief | Jan 22, 2022 11:29:31 AM
There are larger issues at stake: First there is bovine growth hormone and other additives that US farmers legally use but which are banned here in Canada for health reasons, Second there is the issue of lost Cdn jobs-do you want to see powerful US corporations gobble up Cnd farms and then when they have a monopoly they can charge what they want? The quality of Cdn food should set the world standard for quality and purity, we should not let foriegn junk (Monsanto and its (franken food` come to mind) take over our stores and diets. The rpice of Cnd milk is too high but that largely because of agribusiness greed and weak-kneed marketing boards.
Posted by: Dear uninformed | Jan 22, 2022 12:33:33 PM
Clear and Confused. You write with much passion and with a great writing style that would lead people to believe you are a very well informed person.
Unfortunately I have to correct a few of your misconceptions:
Monsanto was one of many chemical companies at the request of the U.S. government to make agent orange.
Monsanto did not purchase Blackwater.
Also your quote from Martin Niemöller. Are you trying to compare our government with Hitler. Wow that is a stretch. Or are you saying people who a the loud very small minority (like people who write these articles) are persecuting people, because neither are true
I do work in the ag field and even compete with Monsanto, but if you think they are the devil, show it to them with your choices in food not by making up stories about them or ostracising them.
Just wanted to let people know not to believe everything they read.
Posted by: Daniel McKay | Jan 22, 2022 4:17:27 PM
I used to be employed by a large scale chicken farmer, that also operated on a quota system while I attended university. Quota systems help maintain profits for the farmers, which ensures a higher level of end product quality and safety. Also, a great advantage to a quota system, is that it can be stripped away from farmers who don't maintain quality standards set by the industry and government. If any measures are taken that reduce profitability within these industries (increased competition or otherwise), corners will be cut, food quality and safety will go down, and ultimately Canadians will die as a result. Food is just like anything else, you get what you pay for. Perhaps some of you need to be reminded of just how dangerous pork, chicken, and dairy can be if not produced and prepared safely. Think of the Listeria deaths in recent years. Also, remember Avian Flu, well that particular epidemic would not have been contained nearly as efficiently if it were not for the quota system that exists in the poultry industry.
Posted by: my question... | Jan 22, 2022 4:44:40 PM
To Mr. McKay: Why do we need quotos?? Why can't we take care of ourselves?? If food goes bad, that I bought, I throw it out. It's obvious if it's bad if it looks or smells wrong. Why do I need someone that makes alot of money, with a degree to tell me my food is bad?? Why then, therefore can't prices be lower?? I don't believe that we need quotas.
Posted by: gary kaminski | Jan 22, 2022 4:59:16 PM
The Quote system can work but greed spells its demise When established the quota given out had no value it was just the right to produce Today a dairy quota for one cow can run $40,000.00 tHERE MUST BE MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PROFIT IN DAIRY TO AFORD SUCH RATES It exceedes any normal return on investment found in todays market place. Secondly when one or two sections (dairy and feathers) of agriculture are given a license to earn a profit it frees up cash to invest in other sectors of farming Grain and hog growers are not quarranteed a profit and therefore are unable to pay the ridiculis prices for land that the supply managed people can because they want to. If there is freedom for dairy and feathers to get into any aspect of agriculture they wish to than grain and hog growers should be allowed to get into any areas of business they wish to and if they cant then the supply managed sectors should be confined to only there business In a country that boasts of rights and freedoms there seems to be a skewed version of who has the rights to produce and who has the freedom to produce AND THE CONSUMER WILL KEEP PAYING THE BILL
Posted by: nick | Jan 22, 2022 5:15:03 PM
What happened to Dr. Chiv Chopra has nothing to do with removing milk quotas or forcing the public to pay extra for milk. The milk industry does not have to be efficient-just pass along all costs to the customer. Plus why should a "quota" by itself have a value. It should NOT. It was given to the original farmers and now to keep down competition they limit the quota so that the quota is worth more then the farm. Why are only milk and egg producers given these golden handouts? Quota cost have put the idea of a dairy farm out of reach of all except the owners families and big business.
Posted by: haefen | Jan 22, 2022 5:18:24 PM
Of course the quota is unfair. That is obvious when one province with 20% of the national population gets 50% of the quota.
The solution, as it is for most federal problems in Canada, is to transfer more responsibility to the Nations and Provinces that make up the Confederation. The closer such programs are to the people, the voters, the more accountability there will be.
Of course there needs to be trade agreements to regulate inter-provincial trade, hopefully they can allow as much access to provincial markets as is allowed by international trade agreements.
Posted by: KJ | Jan 22, 2022 5:36:21 PM
I recommend that all of you who think that farmers are overpaid to volunteer at a dairy farm for one week. If you still think that those people haven't earned what they've been paid, then I'll eat my shirt.
Posted by: Lyn | Jan 22, 2022 6:47:33 PM
Thanks KJ! Dairy farmers do work very hard. Most people would not consider to put in the stressful hours that they do, without a break. In Canada there are stricter health regulations on our food products so we can be thankful for that. All this focus on quota is not relative to the consumer price because removing quota will not effect the instore price. Look at recent beef prices and pork markets, the farmers were losing their farms and the stores kept charging the same price to the consumer. It is always the middle man who profits the most and when people complain about prices it is easy to say we should pay lower to the farmer, but when everyone else gets their fair share the farmer is left with all the work and no profit.
Farming is a high risk venture business. Farmers get blessed with good and poor years. Weather, disease, livestock health all effect the bottom line and are not always a controllable factor in this type of business. Farmers have to spread out the profits on a good year to cover a poor year and hope to average out a fair living. Most young people today are not interested in working as hard as a dairy farmer and that is a reality.
Finally, I wish Canadians would be more thankful for our farmers and all the beautiful healthy food we have available to eat. Do you really want to drink milk from China?
Posted by: Germain Malette | Jan 22, 2022 7:18:26 PM
The question should be ...Would you be ready to pay more taxes and less for your milk and eggs .
In Canada compare to other contries ,we subsidize a lot less our agriculture (directly and indirectly). The quotas systems alows our farmers to have a steady income and depend less on subsidys this also helps them to have a decent living and keep our economy rolling.
Why would we change something that works well ,just compare our economy to what is going on else were in the world.
And remember that we have one of the best quality control for our product in the world.
Quality has a price ,and my children are priceless.
No i would not support legislation to open our border.
Posted by: Concerned | Jan 22, 2022 8:00:02 PM
The real question is would you want to be forced to consume cheaply imported milk from the USA that allow the use of Genetically Modified Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormones (Rbgh) to force cows to produce more milk than they are naturally able to thus reducing cost of production. In Canada we have rejected the use of such products for human health and animal welfare reasons; further dairy farmers only make approx 21 cents for every litre of milk produced under their quota,this means a cow produces about 4 dollars to the farmer every day, i imagine it takes three of those dollars to house and feed that cow as well as operate the machinery on the farm. consumer prices are set by the milk marketing board who through production and themselves absorb the remaining profits for their efforts. i think the farmers are not the people we should ask to take less money or we will see corners being cut and Rbgh will become the demand to remain in business. i would strongly oppose any opening of our border to any food imports and look to strenghten our food security by supporting our farmers instead of trying to force them out of business. Eat seasonally, locally and take action against loss of food security.
look into how our government is currently passing legislation to allow Low Level Presence (LLP) of Genitically Modified Organisms (GMOs) that are not currently approved for food to be contaminating our food supply. take action, stay concerned
Posted by: Concerned | Jan 22, 2022 8:09:53 PM
I have seen people like essaysmith with a 2 dollar 500 ml bottle of pop in their hand whine about having to pay 2 dollars for a litre of milk or 4 dollars for a dozen eggs what is wrong with the world when we value garbage more than gold.
Posted by: Clear & Focused | Jan 22, 2022 11:35:52 PM
@ Dear uninformed
Your moniker is fitting – dear uninformed. I can see you are dearly uninformed. And I don’t need you to tell me anything about my writing style.
But you have not corrected anything. You are quite pretentious to think that you have. First of all, you say “Monsanto was one of many chemical companies at the request of the U.S. government to make agent orange”
… and I ask you: what is your point?? I said Monsanto brought us Agent Orange, and this is an undisputed fact – like everything I publish. Your attempt at obfuscation leads me to believe you have an ulterior motive when you make such inconsequential statements that have no meaning.
Second, you simply say, “Monsanto did not purchase Blackwater.” So Either you are a sophist who is intentionally muddying the waters, or you simply cannot read. I said Monsanto acquired the company formerly called Blackwater (now called Xe Services), and this is a fact. Monsanto DID acquire Xe Services in order to “infiltrate activist organizations” who were opposed to Monsanto’s genocide. Monsanto will never admit to owning the company outright because they can hide this behind other phantom holding companies; but it doesn’t change the documented fact that ANYONE WHO OPPOSES MONSANTO IN A PUBLIC FORUM IS NOW BEING SURVAILED BY XE SERVICES VIA MONSANTO!
Third, you ask if I am comparing our government with Hitler… but this only shines the light on your stupidity. The quote is there for thinking individuals who are able to understand the significance of choosing complacency over natural law and what consequences could come as a result – regardless of the government in charge.
But since you brought it up, I take it you don’t really understand the definition of Fascism. Benito Mussolini, the father of Fascism, defined Fascism as: THE MERGER OF CORPORATION AND GOVERNMENT. So when you are debating weather Monsanto or the Government brought us agent orange etc… then you only look stupid, and your juvenile understanding ironically makes you one of the biggest Fascist to ever post on everydaymoney. So I say the comparison should be made between yourself and Hitler. I am astounded when people who don’t truly understand the definition of Fascism confront me about it. Open a history book before trying to post on here. You only make yourself look foolish and uneducated.
Posted by: Dairy Farmer | Mar 24, 2021 7:23:54 PM
I am thoroughly impressed with this discussion from both sides. As a dairy farmer in Ontario I must say we are held to the utmost quality standards that if the quotas left, no other country could compete with on quality alone. Chinese investors have plans to build a processing plant and ship dried milk back to china for their high class clientele and chose Canada because of the quality (even though it is one of the most expensive places to make milk). I believe the issue comes down to one of food sovereignty, do you wish to purchase your food at lowest cost no matter where or what it comes from and have your tax dollars subsidize mega farms or would you rather pay an extra couple dollars a year to ensure your milk, chicken, turkey, and eggs come from a family farm in Canada who is held to the highest quality standards in the world?