Where are the anti-sweatshop nations?
In the world of manufacturing, there are few issues more polarizing than blue-collar wages.
For a fair and reasonable society to run, you’ve got to pay your factory worker a competitive wage. This much we know. What we also know, unfortunately, is that without government intervention, no company in its right mind is going to continue manufacturing in countries like Canada, where labour costs are sky-high compared to the developing world.
So, of course, companies (though not all companies: big ups, Canada Goose) outsource, and they make their goods in places like Vietnam and Peru and wherever else the cost of labour will most pad profit margins.
We know the horrors of sweatshop compensation in those nations, but which countries remain stubborn and continue paying its blue-collar workers most?
According to new data released by the American Department of Labor, Canadian manufacturers are paid well – the most favourable wage in all of North America, in fact – but don’t even rank in the top ten, giving way to a host of European nations.
*Bing: What nations pay blue-collar workers least?
The top ten:
1. Norway – Total hourly compensation ($57.53); pay for time worked (n/a)
2. Switzerland - $53.20; $34.29
3. Belgium - $50.70; $24.01
4. Denmark - $45.48; $34.78
5. Sweden - $43.81; $25.05
6. Germany - $43.76; $25.80
7. Finland - $42.30; $22.35
8. Austria - $41.07; $21.67
9. Netherlands - $40.92; $23.49
10. Australia - $40.60; $28.55
13. Canada - $35.67; $24.23
14. United States - $34.74; $23.22
You’ll note that total compensation doesn’t necessarily denote how much a worker actually takes home in an hourly wage, which speaks plenty about social benefits afforded a country’s blue-collar employees. (Look at Canadian blue-collar workers, who earn even more per hour than Belgium manufacturers but receive total hourly compensation at some $15 less.)
Are Canadian factory workers paid fair? Too much? Too little? You tell us.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Clear & Focused | Jan 18, 2022 9:21:56 PM
HAHAHAHAHA!! I like your title to this one, Jason. “Where are the anti-sweatshop nations?” LOL
… And, interesting choice of words when you ask: “but which countries remain STUBBORN AND CONTINUE PAYING ITS BLUE-COLLAR WORKERS most?”
This implies that if we weren’t so “stubborn” then we would lower our wages to sweatshop levels like those whom you obviously admire.
But, if you really had a clue, you would realize that all of the nations on your “list” are sweatshop nations when they engage in trade with these known human rights abusers… and then “ice the cake” by off-shoring all their own manufacturing jobs to these places. It’s kind of like hacking off your own legs because walking looks to be more difficult than rolling around in your very own wheelchair.
But what should you care, right? I mean… Apple Inc. can just put up another net to catch the suicidal Chinese factory workers from jumping off the company roof, can’t they? Who cares as long as you get your iphone for a few bucks cheaper, right?
Free trade isn’t free, fools.
You all deserve everything that is coming to you.
Posted by: no prob | Jan 19, 2022 12:54:10 PM
No worries. The jobs will eventually come back to North America. They not only are paying very low wages in other countries, they are also getting shoddy work done. YOu get what you pay for. Therefore, the jobs will eventually come back. I have high hopes.
Posted by: Clear & Focused | Jan 19, 2022 2:34:25 PM
@ no prob
Question: What do you think the inflation adjusted wage will be for the average North American blue-collar worker after having to compete with Chinese blue-collar workers for so long?
If jobs come back at all, it will be because the price discovery of supply and demand will bring the global blue-collar wage down to Chinese levels, not because the Chinese wages will come up. This will happen through inflation, and already is happening. A Canadian might even get a miniscule raise, but by inflation of the cost of living, for everything around us at a higher rate, we will all be going backwards, as we have been for the last 100 years. We will soon be brought completely into line with Chinese labour because, through the lie of "global free trade," there is a global market for slave labour now.
Don't you know how Globalism works, fool? We are all global now... isn't that how the stupid idiotic slogan goes?
And if you think that shoddy foreign workmanship will have anything to do with bringing good paying jobs back, then I guess you've never heard the term "planned obsolescence". The shoddy work is baked into the cake on purpose so that your purchase will soon break or become "obsolete", and then you will stupidly go purchase another one like the idiot that you are.
Like I said, you deserve everything that is coming to you. May you live forever.
Posted by: What's your problem? | Jan 19, 2022 11:06:50 PM
@Clear & Focused ... If anyone is the fool, it is you. Think you are all high and mighty? You have described yourself in your little meaningless rant, although I doubt that you are even remotely capable of understanding what you have said.
Posted by: Clear & Focused | Jan 20, 2022 8:15:51 AM
@ What's your problem?
BAAHH-HAHAHAHA. If you cannot understand what I've said, it is because you are the fool. If you think that I am incorrect, then please explain where I have erred. But I know that is impossible for you, because you are one of the simpletons who perpetuates the scam. Banker's and politicians rely on imbeciles like yourself who don't understand the system. Get a clue, and then articulate it, fool.
Posted by: Elmo | Jan 20, 2022 9:53:58 AM
Everyone should know by now that Clear and FockedUp... aka Dazed and Confused is the roaming internet messiah of world economics. Having read the majority of his HAHAHAHA long-winded cures for North American and worldwide economic ills, I am surpised that he isn't the Prime Minister or the President of the USA or the head of the WMF. I mean... he has ALL the answers in his widdle bwain, yet simply continues to waste his precious time and gifts on a 2-bit MSN money blog. Hey CF... maybe you should write a book or spend more time running your own business. You must be a freekin' treat to work for. Moron !!
Posted by: Misanthrope | Jan 20, 2022 9:55:58 AM
@Clear & Focused. I've been reading your posts for the last few months and I tend to agree with you most of the time. I was wondering if you had a website I can check out?
Posted by: Clear & Focused | Jan 20, 2022 2:22:05 PM
@ Misanthrope
Thanks for the interest. I have a book coming out on the Nuremberg trials, and how through those set precedents, the majority of our own military officers are currently guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity just by going to work. The material is mountainous. I will announce it on this blog since you asked. And thank you.
As for what my problem is, as someone asked... my problem is with sleepwalkers, and this alone is my problem. Because their complacency affects me, just as it affects us all.
There is something seriously wrong, and it is because of sleepwalkers that we are all doomed. We are at an evolutionary cross-roads, and when the majority are offended because I point that out, well then it just shows you that perhaps we are no longer at that cross-roads, but we may have now passed it on the road, literally, to de-evolution and extinction.
You are one person out of countless who actually understands the truth in my words. I seem to remember one other named Trixie who sounded like she has her head screwed on straight. But two people, out of countless readers… this makes me even less optimistic about our future. I choose to post on a money blog because I feel that the only ones who are blind to our situation, are the ones who profit from it.
Misanthrope – it is hard for me to list all of my influences, but if you are looking for good information I will tell you that I listen to a lot of alternative talk radio… People like Mark Passio who has a website called whatonearthishappening.com, or Jan Irving at gnosticmedia.com. Ian Crane is another guy who is connecting a lot of dots. Also, if you have never listened to redicecreations.com then you are missing out on some interesting stuff. You will find all sorts of people interviewed on that site who think like us. Not all of it is interesting or even believable, but like any thinking individual, you must retain what resonates with you, and toss the rest.
Good luck, and happy researching.
Posted by: Clear & Focused | Jan 20, 2022 2:34:14 PM
... some might also want to go on Youtube and watch the documentary called "Beyond Treason" or anything about the TRUE history of Zionism. You will be shocked to learn what reality is.
As for the rest of you, keep paying your taxes so that you can patriotically fund this madness. No worries... your time will soon be up.
Posted by: don | Jan 20, 2022 2:47:30 PM
I remember being told the global economy was designed to "even out" how people lived in the world. The truly impoverished world citizens are doing better than they were.....it is us who is going to do worse. It is all designed to even out the world populations standard of living. They go up...we go down, maybe someday it will all meet in the middle and you and I will have the same standard of living as the Chinese worker. It is well on its way to accomplishing what was intended. We can only hope there standard of living goes up far enough that ours doesnt go down to far. I have known of this goal for years...it was hardly hidden...why the surprise now?
For all those spouting education being the key...those who arent highly educated deserved to loose thier jobs to lower paid labour......dont you think that sooner or later you will loose your "educated" job to someone who will do it cheaper? You dont think these people are smart enough? Well they are...and much more motivated than us. Other countries will edcuate and hire their own when they are able. It just hasnt hit you yet....wait...it is coming.
Posted by: Dave | Jan 21, 2022 1:19:54 PM
So we have way more natural resources than Switzerland one might ask why are we being failed so badly by our governement when it comes to wages & democracy?
Could it have anything to do with who runs our media, military and society???
Posted by: Misanthrope | Jan 23, 2022 8:29:22 AM
@Clear and Focused. Thanks for the info I will definitely check those out when I get the chance. Do you know who Gerald Celente is? If so wht are your thoughts on him? Thanks again.
Posted by: John Gaul | Jan 23, 2022 8:43:42 AM
It is obvious where the present form of globalization will lead. Every country an third world country with a small super rich class a modest supporting class (for the rich that is) and a desperate majority that are basically peasants. Think Feudal System in modern times.
The solution is for the majority in democratic countries to reject the economic nonsense that has been pushed for the last thirty years and rewrite trade agreements so workers are protected. The economy is a human invention and humans can work to make it fair or not. It is not some god delivered system over which we have no control!
Posted by: We Are Screwed | Jan 23, 2022 9:13:04 AM
Nice topic. Do you know when this all got started? I would guess when we got rid of the auto pack, then when that was taken care of we could move forward and get free trade, how's that working for you so far? Now the big companies do not need canadian content any more in order to sell thier product in Canada. So why not move our jobs to the U.S.,then move thier jobs to Mexico,then move Mexico jobs to China. Do you see a pattern here? They make thier product with cheap labour,cheap substandard material and sell it back to us at higher prices. It is what they call a win win for business and goverments. I just have one question, in the long run who is going to be able to afford thier product at the prices they want? Is the guy making a dollar an hour going to pay $25,000 for a car?
Posted by: no prob | Jan 24, 2022 8:17:52 AM
Clear and Focused this time you are the fool. I know people who work in this sector. The wages are not going up, they are staying the same, here in North America. That is fine. We are not complaining. The work IS already coming back to North America. Again, I know because I"m hearing about it.
Your talk about the shoddy work, that is caught by quality control in a business. Again, things will change. You are frustrated because you have bought things and the item broke and you couldn't take it back. Instead of thinking of the "bad" cycle we are in, start thinking about the good cycle we could go into, which I believe we are going into.
It takes time but the work WILL come back. I do believe that north americans on the whole have been asking for way too much in the past, through their unions. However, that will (already has some places) stop. Simply put, if you ask for too much and get laid off, aren't you going to settle for less? (All North Americans should settle for less than the past. We were gluttons for way too long.) Don't you agree?
Posted by: bonseye | Jan 25, 2022 12:48:48 PM
This goes to ''no probs".Give your head a shake buddy,the unions in north america are the ones largely responsible for setting the standards as far as wages and benifits go.Companies,union or non union don't pay what they do out of the goodness of their hearts.We all have worked long and hard to establish the standard of living we enjoy today and nobody has the right to pull that out from under us.As John Gaul said,"an economy is a human invention" and those humans would be us and all those HARD working Europeans that came over here many years ago and developed North America to what it is today,unlike alot of the immigrants that are coming to North America these days that use and abuse the social systems we've worked so hard for to put in place.I'm sure you have a good idea who those people are.I know that i kind of went off on a tangent but i got a little reved up,sorry folks.