Your face could launch your career
Ugly people need not apply.
The online dating site recently launched an employment listing service exclusively for its members.
And, according to its website, "an attractive face is always a good first impression for business".
First impressions are important. But looks aren't everything. Personality and skill must enter the equation at some point.
And how about the job interview. Are you going to be good looking enough to get hired? Are employers even allowed to hire based on your looks?
Hiring practices can be challenged, such as the case with the Royal Bank of Canada outsourcing work to temporary foreign workers replacing some of its current Canadian staff.
Even some large clothing store chains have come under fire for their hiring practices of seeking out attractive, young staff that they feel have the look to sell their products.
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As for online dating, my cousin met his future wife on a dating site and my sister has also met some interesting male friends online.
As for beauty...I still believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Employers could be missing out on some real talent and may not be able to fill positions if they just limit their search for beautiful people.
But you never know. The dating website has over 750,000 members worldwide. There could be a lot of brains along with that beauty out there.
Your face could launch your next career.
By Donna Donaldson, MSN Money
What do you think about employers seeking attractive employees for their companies?
Posted by: Kim Millership | Jun 14, 2021 11:59:34 AM
I think its totally disgusting! I am not the greatest looking person but I am highly intelligent, loyal, and resourceful...Looks should have absolutely nothing to do with it!!
Posted by: Kevin | Jun 14, 2021 12:09:18 PM
Really, it depends on the job role, if looks play a part, then the job probably isn't for me anyways, does anybody really want a job where your looks are a part.
I wouldn't take any skilled-job posting seriously using something like this.
Posted by: Avesther | Jun 14, 2021 12:10:15 PM
I think we take this stuff way to personally.
Posted by: james | Jun 14, 2021 12:10:29 PM
I have seen the beautiful people site and who judges what is beautiful lol Some of those people are not attractive at all. What is good looking to some is ugly to others. Take a look at the owners of beautiful people site. Those guys look creepy and not attactive at all to the woman I date.
Posted by: Laura | Jun 14, 2021 12:11:17 PM
Couldn't agree with you more -- what happened to merit, intelligence, hard work, integrity and honesty????
Looks should be nowhere near evaluating a person's effectiveness in a job
Posted by: James Martin | Jun 14, 2021 12:23:10 PM
Should it matter? No. Does it matter? Yes - It's in our nature.
This is the reality. Fortunately we are not created equal, and people are born with different gifts. Depending on what you're hiring for and what fits in your culture, why shouldn't an employer be able to incorporate physical appearance, body language and personality into their hiring decisions.
People are different - if we can agree to discriminate on intelligence, why not physical characteristics as well? Shouldn't each applicant be evaluated for all of who they are?
Posted by: mimid | Jun 14, 2021 12:32:42 PM
Beauty doesn't last for most people. You eventually age, maybe gain weight, get sick...
I was beauftiful when I was younger, I worked in the servise industry (bartender) and my bosses loved me as I brought in a lot of clientele, I was also a really good worker with a good attitude, I stayed many years. Eventually, I got older, a little chubbier and younger, better fit employees got more attention than me, I wasn't the bosses favorite anymore and really started to feel like my job was at risk. I left before they could find an excuse to fire and replace me. I now work in an office where my brains are more important than my looks and I'm treated with a lot more respect. It's a lot more fulfilling!
Posted by: TagMan | Jun 14, 2021 12:36:36 PM
My first comment is... businesses provide ALL of us with the standard of living that we enjoy (at whatever level) - they keep the world turning so, how is it that anyone gets to tell them who they can and cannot hire? It's pretty arrogant when you think of it. And just because the law states that you can't discriminate, where is the advantage in working for someone who really didn't want you?
So if beauty works (and we all know it does) then good on them and if I'm not 'beautiful" enough to make it with them then damn... I'll just have to go somewhere else.
Posted by: Barbara Suderman | Jun 14, 2021 12:47:52 PM
So--what's new about this concept? it's been going on for centuries--well as long as people have been looking for gainful employment. Studies have shown that each culture has its own idea of what is beautiful but nowhere is 'big heart' mentioned first. So--the norm? Hire beauty--it does work.Alas, for those who are older and beauty has waned--take solace in the fact that you are still reasonably attractive and hopefully fit. use your years and experience to your benefit and add some humour. it just might work for you!
Posted by: John | Jun 14, 2021 12:57:03 PM
We may be outraged, but unfortunately this kind of narrow minded judgmentalness has been going on and on, and most of us are guilty of unconsciously supporting it one way or another.
It does not matter so much whether we choose our next employee or colleague based on their looks, race, religion, size of their hands, how they eat their peas, or whatever.
Most people will help their less qualified friend over someone they don't know
Most people will find an excuse NOT to hire someone they feel is better than them
Most people will avoid hiring someone with accent different from their own
Most people will shirk from different skin color even if they claim to be "color blind" when it comes to race (I have observed this in ALL races, not just white)
And most people will believe a pretty looking person even she was a mass murderer
Most people believe that what college someone graduated from matters more than their experience and knowledge
We look so much for "easy" clues, that we lost track of important ones: expertise, intelligence, experience, proven record, value system (integrity)... and we add to that our own interests, and there are always plenty of excuses why smart and good are passed and less qualified ones are hired.
So, I think we are all guilty of this, pretty or not.
Posted by: Dave | Jun 14, 2021 12:58:58 PM
I personally like dealing with beautiful women, be it in the service industry or professionally. But that is just me.
Posted by: George Brown | Jun 14, 2021 1:02:37 PM
mimid has it dead on, we all get older and rarely do we get any better looking, so use your youth and looks while you can because 10-20 years goes by really fast and in this superficial world you'll be kicked to the curb just as quickly, just try to learn something while your doing your nails and trimming your eyebrows because being old is one thing, but being old and stupid is an entirely different situation
Posted by: David | Jun 14, 2021 1:19:28 PM
Can someone start a dating and employment service whose requirements are an IQ of minimum of 125 and must hold a minimum of a 3 year undergrad degree. And tell them once they pair up they must have at least 4 children with each other.
It'll lead to members creating brilliant babies who will eventually rule over the "beautiful" peoples babies.
Posted by: mike | Jun 14, 2021 1:21:42 PM
shame on Canada, you are the worst with regard to hiring. you never give the job to the qualified. lots of dirty business going underneath.
Posted by: Shirley | Jun 14, 2021 1:30:01 PM
It is true in some points. You take care of your look doesn't mean you are serious in work but who doesn't care about their appearance definitely wont be an organize, detail and serious person. That means you have to be at least tidy and neat and up-to-date.
Posted by: patrick | Jun 14, 2021 1:34:40 PM
phylis diller said beauty may be only skin deep but ugliness goes right through to the bone..... but I say beauty is in the eye of the beholder..... so , to each their own..... anything else is rather a racist way .... remember the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.... so screw equal.... patrick
Posted by: Marina | Jun 14, 2021 1:42:06 PM
In the words of Judge Judy "Beauty fades....stupid is forever!" Nuff said!!
Posted by: terry | Jun 14, 2021 1:43:39 PM
Who decides who is beautiful? What you might think of as beautiful, I might have other thoughts. People are attracted to many different things (it is the entire package that I see). Just hiring on looks is really shallow.
Posted by: kaye | Jun 14, 2021 1:44:41 PM
yes look matter, whatever. it's the reality of the world. garbage article. what the hell kind of feedback is that lol.
Posted by: Tanja | Jun 14, 2021 1:46:21 PM
They've always done it.just now they are doing it publicly, So why change now.
I don't know how many times I have been passed up for someone who looks better.
Posted by: RealLife | Jun 14, 2021 1:53:24 PM
There are certain jobs where employers consider looks and presentation, when hiring. Sales positions (especially in pharmaceuticals), receptionists, client managers, even bank tellers. While I prefer to hire the best qualified person, sometimes those qualifications include looking professional and attractive, to make clients feel more at ease and to be represent my brand. It doesn't necessarily mean a thin person, but it sure means someone who puts themselves together nicely. Sometimes a 3 CAN dress up as a 9 and get away with it.
Posted by: Unlawful | Jun 14, 2021 2:00:35 PM
I think it has shut a lot of door for me over the years, I'm definately sure of it. I have have a most prominant breathing apparatus lets say, and it completely has closed my opportunities for success. I'm just over fifty now, and can see how my life could have been, had it not been for disgusting, unlawful, and outright WRONG tactics by employers !!
Posted by: Gayle | Jun 14, 2021 2:10:16 PM
Anyone who posts their resume on a "beautiful people" employment site does NOT have a great personality. So stop pretending this is not just about looks.
Posted by: Matt | Jun 14, 2021 5:53:23 PM
What are you on, mike? Blaming the sovereign for human nature? I can tell you are frustrated, but it is most definitely misplaced.
That website states "If your company specializes in sales, is in the service industry, or has regular face to face interaction with customers..." They aren't marketing to businesses looking for educated, career minded individuals. They are marketing for the dime-a-dozen sales people, baristas, and guest services. The type of staff they are marketing generally have a very high turn-over rate, and where skills and education are less important than the presentation. Think make-up sales, hotel guest reception, star bucks, gyms, and many other fields where knowledge is not required - and indeed more often than not is missing.
Personally, I find most "beautiful" people to be some of the least intelligent, most rude and selfish people I've ever met, having relied on their looks to get where they are. Non-beauties are equally at fault for treating them differently - allowing them to act like that.
I do find, however, that "beautiful" people in positions of authority/responsibility are more often than not fully qualified in their job and deserve the same amount of respect as everyone else, but that they find their "beauty" to be more of a hindrance than an asset in corporate culture, and that they often have to fight their own battles to prove they didn't get where they are because of their looks.
I have to fight my own stereotypical beliefs when I see skinny beautiful people - what most people consider beautiful. Personally I immediately feel bad, thinking they've never been able to enjoy a good book or buffet, or that they go through the pains of going to the gym 3-4 times a week, or have some form of eating disorder, or spend several hours a day on their make-up in order to fake-up. I feel bad thinking that in an emergency situation they'd be next to useless. I feel bad for them because I know those are stereotypes, and I know I'm not the only one who believes them. And I know they're wrong.
We've all got problems. But the point is, you wouldn't buy make-up from someone that looked like a tragedy; you wouldn't buy teeth cleaning supplies from someone without teeth; you wouldn't take exercise advice from a porker like myself. It is an evil flaw in human nature. Complain all you want - it's not going to change buying habits.
Posted by: Woman | Jun 15, 2021 5:42:34 PM
I am a woman and - if I believed many comments I received - an attractive one. I am tall, I have blond hair and blue eyes. I used to be very slim, but now I'm a regular size. What bothers me is that so many physically unattractive people treat beautiful females as if they were dumb. I'm sorry to tell you this, but there are as many stupid people who are ugly and/or fat, as those who are hot and/or skinny. Maybe it makes you feel better to assume every beautiful woman is not as smart as an ugly one, but it's a myth created by fat girls. Yes, most men prefer to look at and talk to pretty women, it's in their nature. Sad reality is that most less attractive female coworkers are jealous and don't even hide it. I have never had a problem with a male manager, but couldn't get along with a fat, unattractive female who constantly tried to bring me down. This is not a rule, but very common problem experienced by attractive female employees in many companies. If you can't see beyond someone's slim body or pretty face, what does it say about you? It tells me that YOU are a superficial person, who judges others by their looks.
To get something clear, I would like to add that I have a graduate degree and postgraduate education, and could post my resume on the proposed website for the applicants with an IQ over 125.
Thank you and be nicer to pretty women :-)
Posted by: me to | Jun 15, 2021 10:08:34 PM
let the beautiful people get the job. cause in time they will age and then loose their job haha. then watch their self esteem hit rock bottom cause if they can only get a job on their looks, they wont ever get a decent job again.