Smoking ban at work might help employees butt out
Employees need to quit -- smoking that is.
According to a new Conference Board of Canada report, smoking bans on all company property should be part of a comprehensive non-smoking policy in Canadian workplaces.
The report revealed, as well as prohibiting smoking both indoors and outdoors on company property, that additional measures such as smoking cessation programs would also encourage employees to quit smoking.
Statistics Canada 2012 figures show that 20.3 per cent of Canadians still smoke despite warning labels on cigarette packages, hidden packages behind the counter in stores and even clever advertising by the Ontario Ministry of Health aimed at preventing people from smoking.
The Quit the Denial campaign claims social smoking is as ridiculous as social farting, social nibbling and social earwax picking.
But even though the truth is out there, Canadians are holding steady on their smoking habits.
The Statistics Canada report revealed that the largest group of smokers is in the 20 to 34 age group.
And smoking isn't getting any cheaper. Depending where you live in Canada, a package of cigarettes can run you $10 and upwards. Smoking can be a hefty toll on your finances and your health.
Karla Thorpe, Director, Leadership and Human Resources Research, Conference Board of Canada, says, "Implementing workplace smoking bans and enforcing these restrictions will help to reduce the likelihood of smoking and shift the organization culture.
"Employers can also do more than setting restrictions -- they can plan a key role in helping smokers to quit. Three-quarters of current smokers are employed and many want to quit. The most effective methods to help smokers quit are to couple access to medication with counseling and support. This can increase success rates by two- to three-fold."
Smoking is banned at many workplaces, restaurants and even in vehicles when you have children on board, depending where you live in Canada.
But there are many workplaces that do not have bans on smoking and it is evident when you see workers on construction sites, landscape and road repair puffing on their cigarettes as they toil.
You wonder just how much time in a workday is going up in smoke with lost productivity.
Even many high school students are spotted smoking (not on school property mind you) but on the sidewalk directly in front of the school.
What starts out to be cool, could up costing you.
By Donna Donaldson, MSN Money
Do you think places of employment should ban smoking on company property and include programs to help encourage employees to quit?
Posted by: mascaren | Jun 19, 2021 1:50:06 PM
This is a VERY GOOD IDEA; though NOT a new one.
Back in 1989 I was a casual smoker,the company I worked at implemented a NO SMOKING POLICY, I quit smoking in Jan 1990,due to the no smoking policy at my employer;and have not touched a cigarette since.
There was no Nicorette etc back then,I just quit "cold turkey",and am happy,healthier and richer for making that decision.Back then cigarettes went from $14.00 to $22.00a carton,and that also motivated me to quit smoking.
Posted by: Gilles Meloche | Jun 19, 2021 2:47:56 PM
Bang on. Day after day I watch people outside my window going for smoke breaks seemingly every hours. So, at 15 minutes a break, by the end of the day that's two hours of lost productivity. Not all are that bad but you get the point. And, they feel they're entitled to it which is aggravating. The sad part is, bosses don't seem willing to take on the issue. Not when others who don't smoke are working away merrily at their desks without the benefit of a break every hour!
Posted by: Don | Jun 19, 2021 6:44:25 PM
Sorry I don't buy the smokers not working hours that non-smokers do. The difference I found (supervising 120 employees) you always knew where to find the smoker (outback smoking).....not so much with the non-smokers. Watched many a non-smoker visiting around the corner,staring in boxes, taking an hour to come back from the washroom etc, etc. Just my experience but I didn't find there to be much difference. People who waste time, waste time, smoke or not.
Posted by: Lisa | Jun 21, 2021 12:22:23 AM
No, smoking may be costly, smell terrible and look gross, but it is not illegal and people should just butt out of other peoples business.
Posted by: Barb | Jun 21, 2021 12:22:57 AM
A smoking ban at work might make me want to get into a different line of work or become self-employed. You could lose a very talented employee with this ban.
Posted by: Barb | Jun 21, 2021 12:28:04 AM
When I have a break, where do you suggest I smoke? Should I go for a walk two blocks away from my office to have a smoke break? This may take more than 15 minutes.
Posted by: Clyde | Jun 21, 2021 2:28:06 AM
Pick a date. How about January 01, 2015? Anybody who will not be legal to smoke as of that date, never will be. Issue Smokers Licences to smokers, like a Drivers Licence, and they can only buy a regular quantity (swipe card, Government Controlled) of the brand they smoke. Anyone handing a cigarette (or more) to a non-licenced person will lose their smokers licence. .. for life! When there are few enough smokers to bring down the manufacturers, NObody smokes. Works for me.. .. ..
Posted by: Lawrence | Jun 21, 2021 2:52:00 AM
I think don is right it is not smoking it is some people are lazy and will find ways to do nothing at all.
Posted by: Jo-Ann | Jun 21, 2021 4:50:09 AM
I have smoked for 62 years and every job I had I could smoke. Right down to the last one before retirement in 2007. It did not interfere with my work ethic and I didn't make anyone sick. This is just the high and mighty preaching to us and if you looked hard enough every one of those bosses or at least half of them still smoke.
I was raised in an age where every adult smoked, had 5 to 10 children and everyone was healthy. Its time you left us alone and got onto other matters in the world like poisoning our food. That is the biggest problem now. by the time the big wigs get around to it, it will be too late for many. The folks have more allergies today that ever before. Why ? Its because of the crap they are putting in and on our food...God help us!!!
Posted by: jax | Jun 21, 2021 9:07:31 AM
Look at all these pavlovian control freaks trying to tell people what to do. It is absolutely abhorrent the way people feel they have the right to force their opinions on people. Last time I checked, it is still a free country. Get a license to smoke? And I assume you will head up the new minisry of asshole Pavlovian control freaks who apparently possess the right to "allow" me to smoke by granting me a license? Your that guy who starts coughing obnoxiously when I light my cigarette across the street from you.
It is unbelivable how stupid people can be and how quickly they can forget that as soon as my freedom of choice starts to be attacked, it sets the precedent for your freedom to be attacked in the future.
What is the difference between firing someone for smoking, firing someone for being a woman, or firing someone for being black? When does it become discrimination?
Posted by: David | Jun 21, 2021 9:13:57 AM
It wont help them quit, it will simply instigate moody behavior. Plus its not a employers role to play mommy and daddy to grown ups.
But if they decide to do that, then smokers should launch a lawsuit because the employer should also ban the follow things ... overeating/obesity, excessive prescription medication use, coming to work after a night of drinking/hung-over, not washing your hands before you eat, not sleeping enough, coughing in the workplace, sneezing in the workplace, not eating a healthy balanced meal at work, etc etc.
So if companies are willing to pay for massive legal fees to battle something that is none of their business, then they can surely go ahead. Because the smokers have much more ammunition to target other things like smoking that are equally as bad that cause more deaths that the employer would have to ban first before banning smoking.
Posted by: me | Jun 21, 2021 11:53:00 PM
boy oh boy, what about the drugs far worse abuse in this society.. People kill each other every day to get a score.. smokers just smoke.. what about the gun owners lets pick on them their chose of weapon kill people - kids .. next why don't we put anyone who even is accused of harming a child under water every 5 minutes now you will be doing society justice... yup I smoke and I have never hurt anyone in my life. I don't drink and drive, I have a nice family, but yup I smoke .. but lets let drunk drivers get a way with it, lets let our children have guns, and let them do drugs and drink, so they can break into people's homes and steal to support their habits, and the good working people who smoke tobacco lets crucify them... I am sure all the people that made comments are perfect here.
Posted by: dan | Jun 22, 2021 3:14:56 AM
the anti-smoking nazis are at it again
Posted by: Lily | Jun 22, 2021 4:53:32 AM
David has a point; why target smokers when over eaters, drinkers, reckless drivers... cause numerous problems and drain the health dollars.
However, I cannot agree with Jo-Ann, smoker of 62 years. People back then were affected by all that second hand smoke. I tried smoking half a cigarette ONCE in my life and had trouble keeping food down for 24 hours. Moreover, Doctors treating recurring bronchitis and reduced lung function mistakenly assume I'm a smoker when THIS IS THE RESULT OF SECOND HAND SMOKE! So please smoke in your private space and refrain from exposing others (particularly, children) to your second hand smoke. And THANKS to all you considerate smokers who do this.
Posted by: leigh | Jun 22, 2021 5:59:04 AM
I find this kinda weird....Canada has freedom acts like: freedom of speech and more....Now ive been smoking since I was 16 yrs old and all I see is these non- smokers taking away the smokers freedoms...I'm tired of the non-smokers complaining about the smokers and wanting to take away smoking... But then they turn around and wanna say smoking weed is ok and we should pass that so everyone can smoke it instead of tobacco.. Now how dumb can you be on that one...Now I say as a smoker if your gunna get rid of smoking then get rid of drinking alcohol at the same time also.
Posted by: Susan | Jun 22, 2021 7:38:42 AM
I am surely tired of being preached at I have smoked since I was 16 and now I am 55 yrs old. I was brought up in an alcoholic home with abuse it has caused me more damage then smoking I suffer from panic attacks, depression. I have worked full time since I was 17 years old. I have smoke breaks on the sidewalk on my breaks not every hour you jerk you probably spend most of your day screwing it away playing on your Iphone or computer, I'd go side to side with you Clyde anyday bet I get more work done in a day then you. Also what about all the drunks allow to have children then not care for them beat them call them names but it's ok bring on the brooze. And I bet you are one of the ones who what's pot legal wouldn't that be cool, go to the hospital for a operation and your surgeon is stoned out of his head, people driving wasted like there is not enough freaks on the road. Try finding something more important to bitch about and leave me the hell alone.
Posted by: Peter solomon | Jun 22, 2021 8:56:07 AM
I'm not sure what is a motive from non smokers? I did smoke for forty years a now smoke free for seven years. But my opinion is that smokers pay at least tax on their habit so cost of health care can be offset by that tax. But hamburger munching obese non smoker with heart problems have no excuse and they are the ones whom are burden on society. I know that quit smoking is for most smokers is no option and not let them smoke somewhere at the work place would cause lots of unemployed. Wouldn't be that more harmful to economy that a few hour of unproductivity ?
Posted by: janet swan | Jun 22, 2021 10:34:20 AM
well don, I know from experience,that yes the smokers take way more breaks than non smokers and the non smokers are left to do the work. I work in a care home and yes try to find a nurse that is a smoker. There always outside smoking and the care aides that smoke are always out there with them.and yes it is every hour.whos answering bells or dealing with everything else the ones that dont smoke.and if they dont get there little smoke breaks, man oh man there bitchy as hell and cant deal with anything.seriously I say ban it all together. and susan people dont drink at work or in the car driving or walking down the street like smokers do so to say ban drinking is really just blowing it out of your ass.many times ive walked down the street and had to cross over the street or ask the smoker if i could walk ahead of them so i dont inhale there second had smoke as they selfishly walk down the street puffing not caring about kids or anyone else on the street. and not to mention apartments where they throw there butts over the bacony to the ground and the smoke goes into the next apt window. like how fair is that for those with kids. bedrooms filled with cigarette smoke and you dont even smoke.I say bring on smokeless apartments and condos as well.
Posted by: Susan | Jun 22, 2021 11:24:24 AM
Well Janet, sorry to tell you but I don't smoke around my children or grandchildren I don't smoke in there houses or having smoking in mine. Also there is no smoke filled rooms that they are sleeping in your don't know shit and think that everyone has no consideration for others well sorry to tell you but you know nothing I work in a hospital and I take my smoke break at break time and at lunch time. Also I am not bitchy because I cannot go smoke whenever. Sorry that you work where people have no sense of responsiblity for there job. I have worked at the same place for 23 years from when you could smoke in the cafe to on the property to the sidewalk and I don't leave butts all over the place we have ashtrays to which I use. What do you do when you are behind a car that stinks from the exhaust hold your breath or when you are near a factory or foundry again hold your breath. Do you enjoy all the crap they put into your food. People don't drink at work are you sure of that? People don't drink and drive really? Why is there MADD because of all the non drunk drivers, grow up. Do you live in the same world as everybody else, some do drink at work, before and after and some do drugs before and at breaks. Get into the real world then you can shoot your mouth off.
Posted by: Wendy | Jun 22, 2021 12:47:28 PM
Enough already!!!!!!!!!!!! This whole article makes me want to swear (which I dont usually do). But WTF is going on????????? Let's just include all the obese people because they can't walk fast enough around the office to get the required workload completed each day. Or, the less fortunate disabled ones who take 10 times longer to perform the same task as an able bodied person. Or the blind because their canes might trip up people in the workplace. Or the functioning alcoholic who might have 'one' at lunch hour. Or.. even.... just the TIM-A-HOLICS who spend more time walking to and from Tim's for a fix every hour!!! We dont live in a communist environment - stop dictating was YOU tarnished angels THINK is right. Geeez. I DONT HAVE LEPROCY.... dont treat me as though I do!
Posted by: Wendy | Jun 22, 2021 12:53:47 PM
Seriously. It is now time for the 'I CHOOSE TO SMOKE - SO GET OVER IT' revolution.
A campaign needs to be mounted so that smokers can say 'NO THANK YOU' to whoever in government passes through legislation to enable this oppression. Smokers unite!! and say NO MORE I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS CRAP.
Posted by: Canadianlady | Jun 22, 2021 1:58:40 PM
To Jax: Don't you get it, the "Pavlovians" are the addicted smokers. They're reacting exactly as Pavlov's dogs; and, they don't have a choice in the matter. They're addicted, so there can be no true choice for them. Smoking is slow poison to one's self and to those near the smoker; and it should be banned entirely, the cultivation, the manufacture, and the sale.
Posted by: Wendy | Jun 22, 2021 2:17:02 PM
To Canadian Lady...
What surreal world do YOU live in? Better go back down the rabbit hole and live in a fantasy.
What vice do you have???? I'm betting you say ' None'. Well perfect Cdn Lady....I'm happy for you. As for me I can't and wouldn't say Im perfect... because no one is. So let's get rolling on getting rid of the fat people in the workplace (cause they have an addiction to food)... and all others (including yourself BTW).. that have a holier than thou approach to ending the scourge of the earth that is smoking.
Posted by: Former Smoker | Jun 22, 2021 7:02:49 PM
Well I smoked - dang for more than 35 years - an am now a non-smoker due to a heart attack and triple bypass surgery. The first thing they did like to pick on was the fact that I smoked, and trust me, that did not help but there were many other factors at play but I digress. I agree that we shouldn't allow smoking in the workplace as it can be offensive in a closed environment but if someone takes a regulated break outside and has a smoke - then I personally say go for it. I read enough of the comments and there is a lot to agree with the smokers - those who do take an hourly break for a cigarette are likely LAZY and has nothing to do with their smoking habit, so even if they quit - trust me THEY WILL NOT BE ANY MORE PRODUCTIVE. now with that out of the way - how about the food we eat. Take the time to read the labels - most of our foods are "fortified" - why ? - because they have stripped the nutrition from them in the first place. The box which the Corn Flakes come in has more nutritional value than the product inside. Let's talk about Asbestos and the workplace - most older buildings still have that lurking around. How about carpets ........... most wall to wall carpets have more than 60 proven carcinogens in them and most work places have them in there. Cigarettes, though not healthy are not the the only demons out there so all of you that are saying they should ban them totally and or require people to be licensed to smoke are being ridiculous. there were points brought up about obesity - so I voe to ban all forms of TV, thus requiring those people to be active doing something else and not sitting in front of the "boob tube" and eating munchies ............... All in favour to have Karl Marx lead our nation from now on say "aye"
Posted by: Colin | Jun 22, 2021 7:22:54 PM
Stop!!! smokers pay heavily for there drug addiction. Thought Party 20 people invited to your house all smoke .? How many leave the party early morning Answer = All. Another thought lets turn the car on put the exhaust fumes in the window. How many leave the same party in the morning ? None all dead. You breath this in day in day out especially in the inner cities. Why do you think non smokers have cancer etc. Think people we just cant get rid of cars or can we.? Don't hear much from governments on this issue do you.Ssssshhhhhh.
Posted by: Chris123 | Jun 22, 2021 9:45:07 PM
Once you filter out all the garbage on either side of this "Debate" you come down to the fact that no one should pay you for your drug addiction and cigarette smoking is an addiction. If you want to smoke then do so on your own time and in a place that doesn't infect (yes infect not affect) others who wish a healthier lifestyle. You would be pretty upset if you were sitting at a bus stop and some heroin junky sat down next to you and decided to inject you with their drug and when you told them to stop replied " I have a right to do what I want to do". We all have to breath and shouldn't be put out by your choice because in that choice you have made one for all those around you and that is not right. So go ahead and rage at my comments but remember this, to live in a utopia together, your going to have to give up some freedoms and the "freedom" to smoke is a good place to start.
Posted by: dan | Jun 22, 2021 10:15:01 PM
if you want to give up your freedoms move to iran or china or cuba or any of the other commie country's, and join the communist party.the more of these bs laws a government enacts the closer to a commie state we get
Posted by: maureen kennedy | Jun 22, 2021 11:25:39 PM
i agree smoking is bad for some people but an addiction is an addiction and rights are rights do not discrimnate or pass judgement . If you dont smoke great if u do thats your choice but we all have the right to choose and if someone,s smoke is bothering u say so and move away they will understand. I dont like people who act like the are supervisors when they are not i dont start a protest to get rid of them or maybe i dont like the colour of someones hair or their voice or the way the walk or the deoderant that they use or dont use . Banning smoking completely will cause more problems than people know of . Lets just try to meet in the middle and have a smoking area outside for people to smoke and people who dont smoke stay away from that area easy enough
Posted by: France | Jun 22, 2021 11:29:50 PM
If you are so concerned about everyone's health, and employer's productivity, etc., why don't you direct your aches and pains with respect to SMOKERS directly at the Government and demand that they shout down the tobacco industries, and leave the smokers alone. It is not illegal to smoke in this country, nor is it illegal to buy smokes. If you don't want to smoke, don't, that's your right. I smoke, like it, and don't plan on quitting. Thank God I'm retired now and don't have to put up with your nonsense anymore.
Posted by: I. Morphy | Jun 23, 2021 3:02:46 PM
Dear Gilles Meloche,
At 15 minutes per break, you say smokers lose 2 hours a day in productivity. Who on earth gets 8 BREAKS A DAY !!! As a long term smoker, I always had 3 cigarettes a day - during my 2 breaks and 1 lunch hour (30 minutes). Oh, and generally it takes 6 minutes to smoke a cigarette. I never took a minute longer than anyone else who was down in the staff room making their tea, coffee, snacks, phone calls, etc. Yes, I've seen lots of lazy people at work wasting time and then leaving the moment their day was finished ! In no way did laziness ever correlate with a person's smoking habit. Health wise - in my last four years of work before retirement, I never used a single sick day. Can't say the same for all those non-smokers who seemed to succumb to every little germ out there. I'm not extolling the joys or benefits of smoking. I wish to God I had never started! However, I can not accept some of the unsubstantiated and downright silly arguments I have read on this question.