Is the retirement age going up, no matter what?
Just a few days after Prime Minister Harper's promise/threat to rework the federal retirement income system by monkeying with Old Age Security, the Conservative government seems to be moving into damage control. Who can blame them?
The government's opponents are having a field day mauling such a backhanded attempt to balance the budget.
NDP finance critic Peter Julian has been the most vocal, arguing the Conservatives would rather spend millions on fighter jets and prisons rather than support Canadian seniors.
Posturing aside though, if Harper's government was to announce next month that the age at which people will be eligible for OAS was going to increase from 65 to 67 over the next 15 years or so, would you take to the streets?
I doubt it.
But as seniors live longer, fertility rates decline, and the ratio of working taxpayer to retired senior continues to shrink, it is going to happen. Just as it has in the U.S. -- and in the U.K. as well.
It's all a question of generational fairness, argues UBC prof Kevin Milligan: "If generational fairness demands an equal lifetime total flow of benefits to each generation, then it makes sense to reconsider whether the line we draw between the work and retired parts of life ought to remain forever pinned to age 65."
What do you think: Is such a change fair to all or are the Conservatives turning their backs on the very people that elected them?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Ron Joseph | Feb 3, 2022 12:13:54 AM
Well as I near 60 it seems like my old adage of "why is it mandatory to pay into it when you're self employed and looking after your own pension" is coming home to roost. If you paid into it like 9/10's of your life and the contract says 65, then 65 it should be. I did not set up the flipping program and it's turning out just like UI. Pay, but don't collect. These programs are set up for people who don't give a damn about retirement until it is upon them and they have no resources. OAS gets clawed back from all the responsible people anyway,the very ones who paid the maximum rate into it to start with.
Talk about getting it in both ends!
Posted by: Jim | Feb 3, 2022 7:59:55 AM
If we survive a conservative majority government as a nation I will be shocked and amazed.
Quit letting foreigner's into this country that kill their own children.
Quit handing out roughly 3800 dollars a month to immigrants that come here immediately.
Give that type of income to our Canadian pensioners who deserve it after sacrificing the best years of their lives for our country and corporations for the last 30 to 40 years.
Take the massive amount of money you give away to politicians and senate people, who will never deserve that type of payout after two terms, let alone earn that type of payout.
You give billions of dollars away to foreigners that have done nothing for our country and to politicians and senate members who have done nothing for this country.
Stop this nonsense and there will be plenty to go around for our senior pensioners who deserve it for all their sacrifices, for this country. You will never be able to pay them enough, but what you pay them now is a disgrace and you jackasses want to take that away from them.
Posted by: Soon to retire | Feb 3, 2022 8:04:38 AM
Actually we haven't paid into it (that's CPP) at least not directly although those that have saved enough to get clawed back must have paid a ton of taxes alomg the way. Good luck to the opposition parties. It gives them a good chance to take up the retired folks banner and run it up the tallest pole. Should be interesting.
Posted by: Way to go Jim | Feb 3, 2022 9:35:25 AM
Thats the spirit Jim. I wish all real Canadians would stand up and say the same thing. Make thew imagrants pay the short fall. After all there the ones that have caused Canadians this problem. Some of them come here and never contribute but always collect.
Posted by: Cheryl | Feb 3, 2022 9:36:47 AM
I agree with Jim stop allowing all the immigrants into our country and sponging of the welfare system. Also why should they qualify for CPP and OAS for coming here and taking and never giving back but being entitled after a few years to receive those benefits. Most of us will have paid for 50 years and then to be told we have to work longer or to maybe not even have it available wow! Well our wonderful Government is at it why dont they decrease their wages like my payroll did in January the rich got a raise and us middle class working welfare people lost even more on their pays. But who do we get to complain too? Nobody as the Government doesnt give a crap about the workers as usual!!!
Posted by: Jim | Feb 3, 2022 10:28:36 AM
Excellent Jim.
I have been sending the same information to my MP Lisa Raitt and attempting to have a meeting with her to discuss these exact issues.
She or her office have not even had the common courtesy to even acknowledge the information that I have sent or to contact me to set up an appointment.
I just retired.
The Government seems to forget that we are a growing number of voters.
I feel certain that when the election comes along, they will want our votes.
Why should we vote for them when they treat Seniors like me (I have only worked here since I was 15) discourtiously but treat new immigrants and illegals like every day is Christmas ??
I know some immigrants who came here 50+ years ago and were given nothing but the right to come to Canada which satisfied them. When did this change ??
Put a MORATORIOM ON ALL IMMIGRATION until we get our act together,
Do not be afraid to OFFEND SOMEONE.
This is Our Country not theirs.
Posted by: james grant reeves sr | Feb 3, 2022 11:01:55 AM
same here just ready to retire had heart attack 3yrs of diabetes well i worked only to be told you pay for everything no coverage for anything you need now the goverment wants to let us know work some more i think they should give some back too
Posted by: Garry | Feb 3, 2022 11:45:07 AM
I believe it is time to revist retirement age. The current situation will not be sustainable in the future and raising the retirement age by 2 years will alleviate the situation slightly. Other western countries already have gone that route, and in some European countries retirement age is beyond 67. If we don't do somthing soon, our children won't be able to afford what we have today. I don't have any political leanings, but anyone can see that with the number of seniors in the future, the current approach is not sustainable.
Posted by: Lenny | Feb 3, 2022 11:57:05 AM
I am a staunch conservative for years now but as time goes on and all the rumblings of forcing me to work longer to be able to collect my pension is swaying my position!!! I have payed ccp and horendous amounts of taxes since I was sixteen which was not that bad as I realize we have to pay for the way we live and our social programs!!!! I strongly disagree with the way they allow imagrints who are here for a couple years to be part of the pension plan should ten year minimum before they can be part of it. Long story short I think my conservative donations if this happens and I hope that everybody else that is set to retire with in next couple three years do the same!!!
Posted by: Randy | Feb 3, 2022 12:11:47 PM
The Feds can find the money in other places. Eliminate the Senate without severance or pensions
for the Senators. just send them home. Money can be found in the Civil Service -- the 4 P's.
Reduce Pay, pensions, Eliminate perks and patronge. Eliminate spending on Culture, heritage
and nonsense like these as well as restrict immigration so immigrants don't share in social programs
for 15 years. There are countless other ways to save money as well Stevie, without hurting
the people that are most vulnerable.
Posted by: John | Feb 3, 2022 12:13:28 PM
Honestly, increasing the age of retirement, I have been paying into the tax base of this country for the last 44, I have set enough money away for a comfortable retirement and I continue to make my annual tax contributions to this countries ever growing sinkhole of wasted dollars.
I understand the need to help our less fortunate brethern in far away distant countries, when they are hit with famine, flood and war, we do our utmost as a country to ensure that we meet our obligations to the world, ...........unfortunately it appears that the world ends at Canada's door step , we currently have seniors living below the poverty line, while newly arrived wantobe Canadians are doled out immediate funds on a monthly basis, funds that would make the average Canadian pensioner wonder what the hell he did to piss off the government.
Lets buy those new jet plans, continue to give gold lined pensions out to politicians that hold office for two terms, continue paying the Senate members 6 figure salaries so they can WORK (and I use that term loosely) Please explain to me once again what these folks actually do for the country after they join the Senate, do not bother in telling me what they did to earn the right to join the Senate , first think about the Canadian penshioners that have footed the bill since confederation, the ones that fought in our wars and other peoples wars ( peace keeping) the ones who have contributed to this country for years , oh yeah they get a pension >> maybe << seems to pale when compared to what our politicians / senators are getting out of this game they are playing.
Its time for our Government lackeys to start leading by example come on guys share the pain give up that golden pension and live retirement like the rest of us , plan for your own future instead of having us pay $245 to your pension for each dollar you put into it.
Posted by: R White | Feb 3, 2022 12:25:45 PM
The proposal assumes that someone can find employment until the age of 67 ...... ask anyone over 55 how easy it is to find a job when they have been laid off....... they will also tell you about the E.I. scam that the government has instigated, that makes it impossible to collect when you need it.
Posted by: Terry | Feb 3, 2022 12:30:11 PM
The best answer is to raise the threshold for clawback of the OAS. Right now retirees do not see a reduction in OAS unless they are making more than $68,000 from other retirement income sources. Reduce the threshold to say $48,000. That way low income retirees will get full OAS at 65. Those retirees who already have good retirement income from other sources will not feel the hit nearly as bad if they loose some or all of their OAS. Retirees already making $5,000 a month will not miss the $500 a month from OAS like a retiree trying to survive on $2,000 a month.
Posted by: John Miller | Feb 3, 2022 12:41:31 PM
I agree that some immigrants do take advantage of our generous benefits but there are many who work hard and do contribute to Canadian society as a whole. However, the comment of whether the country will survive the current government appears to be just anger getting in the way of logic. As the columnists state, the numbers don't lie. Something has to be done or there will be no OAS in the future or at least a reduced OAS. If you remember, it was the current Liberal government, supported by the NDP, that wanted to change the rules so that immigrants could start collecting OAS after being a resident in Canada for only 3 years (It is currently 10 years.) even though they contributed nothing to Canada to get this benefit. Both the Liberals and NDP know that something has to be done but they do not have the guts to say so. It just goes to show to what depths politicians will sink to gain votes. Let's face it, we boomers have been living too good for too long and any time we have to sacrifice a little for the good of of the population as a whole, we get our backs up in the air as if we are entitled to get everything and leave the costs to the future generation. Grow up people!! Contrary to what you seem to believe, it is not "All about me". You saw what heppened when Trudeau brought in the NEP to appease us selfish boomers. He inherited a country with virtually no debt and left it with a $135 billion debt, sent the country into a deep recession, and destroyed the oil industry for 20 years or so. Everyone knows the years of waste and scandal of the Chretien government as well as the financial misery Bob Rae handed Ontario after only one term. Let's get behind the current government and start fixing the financial dire straits left behind by previous irresponsible governments who's main goal was to get elected so they could collect their fat cat salaries and pensions. Mr. Harper's government has rebuilt the military into a proud and effect force after years of Liberal neglect, is giving them decent pay, directed us through a very serious recession, is in the process of reforming immigration so that immigrants who can actually contribute to Canada are given priority, and is now trying to get us on the path of fiscal health. This, to me, shows a government that can actually do something positive rather than just talking about it as the Liberals did with the Kyoto Accord.
Posted by: Yvonne | Feb 3, 2022 12:56:58 PM
I agree with Jim. Letting foreigners into this country is the worst thing government has ever done. Paying monthly incentive to these immigrants is a farce. Once they're comfortable, at our expenses, they think they're home. We even have to be politically correct in everything we say or do. Why don't they stay in their own country and live their own way and leave us alone. Canadian money should be given to canadians not foreigners. Once they're established, they get the same rights as we do and now, that money is tight, who's going to suffer for that. CANADIANS, yes the Canadians. Just work for your people and your country and there will be plenty of money. For those who worked for the government all their career, they have a good pension after thirty some years, but not everyone had a chance to have a secure job (unless you kill, you pretty much get to keep your job in the government) and by that fact, have a good pension. Some of us worked all their life in corporate offices or private sector and we don't get to have a good pension, so we need to and we're counting on this pension at 65. Get your act and your priorities straight and start thinking for your Canadians and what they did. You should be ashamed about even begin to think to change anything that is half-decent for Canadians for the profit of others that are not even our own people.
Posted by: theguyonthecouch | Feb 3, 2022 1:01:08 PM
I have been working since 18, 14 years now paying into something I expect nothing out of... everytime my expenses have increased I get told the same thing figure it out because noone is giving raises anymore.
How can a system rigged to not fail fail? I've paid tens of thousands into CPP and now they are telling me I might have to work longer to claim it? Are they aware that most of us don't work at a desk pushing a pen all day and our bodies can only endure so much?
I hate politicians they are so disconnected from reality it sickens me.
Posted by: Al-man | Feb 3, 2022 1:09:18 PM
I like everything almost everyone has said here so far. Stop forking over bushels of money to people who do not contribute. Quit giving money to countries who usually squander it or don't use it to help the people anyway, quit giving immigrants pensions the moment they jump off the boat, and quit giving politicians millions worth of pensions for spending only a couple of years at their posts. Put all that money in a pot and we wouldn't be in this mess. Take 5 years to look after Canada first. Five years would be a good start. I could see this country achieving momentous things and helping ourselves become great again. Only after that could we maybe start to think about looking where we could help outside our borders. Canada first
Posted by: D. Markovic | Feb 3, 2022 1:15:40 PM
I've been an Immigrant in Canada for about 20 years, and worked for almost as many. Often my pay rate was equal with the minimum wage. Couldn't find a well paid job for years, so I made sacrifices to take some long distance education, after work hours. I was centred around becoming an Insurance Adjuster. My hope was to eventually find a job in the field, and save up money for the old age. However, after I finished the course (and I was awarded with $500 bursary for the best new student in the year I took the course), I can't get job in that field. It's reserved for lawyers, police officers, and generally for rich people wife's and connections. Six years after Diploma, and there is no hope for me to ever have a shot at that position. So I work a physically demanding job, and even that I have to do better than my Canadian born co-workers, or "You can go home", as I've been told on more than one occasion. As I'm getting older my health is deteriorating. (both my parents died before they reached 60 years, from health complications) My genes are working against me, yet when I ask to be transferred at the workplace, they put me ALWAYS to a harder, more stressful, and physically demanding positions. So much that I'm afraid to ask, again. Never in my file was I on Workers Compensation, and I carry my vacation days as long as I can just in case when I'm sick to use those, rather than just call in sick and miss a day.
Why am I telling all this? Because, I have a good chance I wont live till 60, but the thought to hold on at least till I'm 65 kept me going. Now this Government is saying hold on till 67?
Yeah, I'll try: If you can give me a job where I can sit on my ass all day, and do non productive work, I just might have a chance. No? Then what's left REVOLUTION??? Maybe I'll die a hero?
I have to, and I do live, and raise my children on less than $30000 annual income for more than 80% of the time I was here (heck, I even did it for less than $16.000) SO Adjust the income threshold to $20.000 (currently about $68,000) at which OAS payments are clawed back, and hit the rich not the poor, honestly working, never got a break in his life, folks.
Posted by: Don | Feb 3, 2022 1:16:29 PM
This government and the rest of Parliment need to start thinking about Canadians!!!Cut aid to Africa immediately,let them start to work instead of rely on handouts.Cut aid for Haiti immediately for the same reasons.Cut aid for World Mothers Health, we have enough mothers in this country to worry about. Cut support for Aids in Africa,they are not learning from others experience but simply carrying on with the same stupid actions as before and we foot the bill. Cut handouts to native bands who are driving brand new $45,000. cars and paying their chiefs $270,000. and band councillors exhorbitant wages,leaving the band members with poverty incomes.Start moving unemployed Canadians to jobs in Canada instead of bringing in uneducated immigrants and phony refugees drug dealers that taxpayers have to educate and support.Cut MP pensions in half,reduce the number of MPs by half and eliminate the house of sober second thought,The Senate,which are a bunch of political appointees that do nothing!!
Posted by: Ed | Feb 3, 2022 1:22:18 PM
As a fairly long time conservative, who has paid "more than his fair share" of taxes, never collected EI, worked hard for 30 plus years, and is now contemplating retiring, I am truly thinking of switching my support to anyone who has the common sense to quit whipping the team of work horses who keep this country strong.
My expectation in life was always to do my fair share, work hard, and set my sights on a comfortable retirement as early as possible to spend the time left with family and friends, time that was sacrificed as a choice while i was out supporting those who are probably in retirement right now.
My opinion on this subject is that it is truly unfair to take away any portion of anyones planned and paid for retirement income, CPP, OAS, etc or to push it out. I consider it a breach of agreement and reprehensible.
Let's be honest, there are many other ways and means of cutting the debt, starting with wasted programs and their obscene costs, we all know what they are. Its time the politicians and their financial wizards get on with what we are currently paying them to do with our taxes, fix it in fair and equitable terms, or get out of the way and let someone with common sense and creative thinking take the reins.