Thinner women earn bigger paycheques: Study
A new study suggests that employers seem to treat women exactly the way the fashion industry does – by rewarding very thin women with higher pay, while penalizing their average-size counterparts with a much smaller payday. Skinnier-than-average men, on the other hand, cash smaller paycheques than their average-weight peers, according to the study, published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
Thin women earned about $16,000 U.S. more a year on average. In contrast, thin men earned about $8,000 less than their more brawny male coworkers, a trend that tapers off only when the big guys’ weight hits the obese level, it seems.
Their report cites studies in which obese individuals were identified as "undisciplined, dishonest and less likely to do productive work."
Conversely, the researchers point out that employers and fellow employees associate values of self-discipline, thrift, hard work and positivity with thin individuals.
This isn't news, of course. Research conducted at the University of Alberta confirms that fat people are often labeled lazy simply because of their size.
Author Tanya Berry points out that stereotyping can influence the way people behave and that more awareness of these stereotypes is needed to slow down their negative effects.
What’s your experience? Man or woman, does size matter when it comes to your income level? Does the study reflect your real world experience?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Kathy Dowsett | Jan 26, 2022 8:53:32 AM
Helllllllloooooooo this is ridiculous!!! People should be paid according to their ability and the job!!!! What are living in the "dark ages"
Kathy Dowsett
Posted by: Jim | Jan 27, 2022 4:58:29 AM
Helloooo. Kathy, Welcome to life. Rule number one, it isn't fair. Case in point, power and money goes to beautiful young women and rich older men. Try to fit into one of those categories and life is much easier.
Posted by: Toby | Jan 27, 2022 4:23:36 PM
This is so unfair. Not only are the obese penalized in the workplace but the grim reaper also visits the obese at a younger age than the thin people PLUS thin people are able to climb stairs faster than obese people AND life insurance rates are more for obese people AND cars use more fuel driving around obese people AND obese people have to buy more food than thin people. It just goes on and on. I won't even go into how unfair the dating scene or pregnancy rates are because that's even worse!
60% of the population is obese so people should make sure that 60% of their dates are with obese people! It's only fair
Posted by: Will | Apr 22, 2021 3:05:40 AM
@Toby... I guess the message is to stay thin!