Kate Middleton quits job, leaves public rep exposed
Like Princess Di, Michelle Obama and Justin Bieber before her, the world’s little girls may look up to princess-to-be Kate Middleton for years to come.
But outside the mind of earth’s teeny-bops, Middleton’s April 29th induction into the Royal Family will preface her having to battle a reputation, deserved or not, that she’s spoiled silly.
Sceptics have been out since Kate and Prince William announced their engagement last November (Who will pay for the wedding? How much will taxpayers be stuck with?) but news today that Middleton resigned from her day job may give them more fuel to their fire.
Yes, as you’ve all no doubt been losing sleep over, it was revealed Tuesday that Middleton stepped down from her job at her parents’ U.K. party store just before Christmas.
What’s this mean for the budget of the Royal Wedding? Well, probably nothing. Despite tradition dictating that the bride’s family usually pays for much of the nuptials, the Royals – ie. the Prince’s side – have been adamant that they’ll foot the bill. Taxpayers may have to fork over a little for enhanced security, which the much-hyped wedding will certainly require.
Yet one of the big questions surrounding the Middleton/Prince Billy gossip tale has been, How will the people take to the new princess?
The big public draw to Kate during the immediate aftermath of her Royal engagement was her commoner charm – she didn’t come from money: in fact, she still kept her middle-class job with her middle-class family. This wasn’t some silver spoon couple completely out of touch with the real world.
Now that Middleton has ditched her day job, though, it’s fit to wonder if this will change her public perception. As the Times of London pointed out, Queen Elizabeth earned bonus points for her frugality (she even collected coupons for her wedding dress back in 1947, the paper notes), a definitive connection to the U.K. people, despite the wealth at her disposal.
“If Middleton follows that example,” notes financial author Kimberly Palmer, “she’ll probably win over a few of her more hesitant subjects.”
Posted by: ukhotdeals | Jan 26, 2022 12:10:43 AM
I am always reading articles such as this and they are helpful. The current economy has caught up with the rest of the world, it kicked me to the curb about 3 years ago…literally. my husband was injured and unable to work and my daughter was struggling with a chronic emotional and physical illness. I had been dignosed with cancer 3 years before and thank goodness won that battle physically. If we had not had 2 insurances that illness would have taken us down $$wise. My daughters illness was not covered to much of an extent. After a year or so we finally qualified for assistance for her bills and her fathers whose injury was severe also. Hey the good news we are still alive, after bankruptcy, foreclosure and now divorce. What I really want to say is keep hanging on and loving each other. Find ways to keep giving your kids hope. We moved into a rental owned by a friend. I could have found something cheaper but it is a big farmhouse with open skys and my soul feels more free hear and we have a HUGE garden. It made me feel wonderful being able to give fresh vegetables to my friends and feed them to my family. Look for the good in everything and support and protect your family with thing that cost little or nothing.
Posted by: Richard | Jan 26, 2022 1:28:21 AM
ukhotdeals... What the heck does your comment have to do with this article. Maybe you should seek medical care to ward off your inane rants. And speaking of this article... what a bunch of crock. Is it any wonder the "author" isn't identified. Guess anyone can "publish" a bunch of tripe on the internet these days.
Posted by: Katie | Jan 26, 2022 10:59:48 AM
@Richard, maybe you should get your superiority complex checked out... UKhotdeals was just expressing her appreciation of things. Its better then your sour stupid comment. Go die in a ditch someone im sick of people like you taking up valuable air.
Posted by: Ron | Jan 26, 2022 11:02:25 AM
What a stupid article! Of course she had to quit her job! She will be a member of the Royal Family. Just imagine the security that would be needed at that store should she keep her job. I am sure she will follow in the footsteps of the late Diana and do much humanitarian work. I believe that William is also a little more grounded also. Like Richard posted, a bunch of tripe!
Posted by: cdnwoman | Jan 26, 2022 4:17:02 PM
I honestly dont care about the Royal Family. What do they even do that is so freakin' special, I say let them live out of Tax Payer $ until Will's kids are of working age, but move them into modest homes, sell off their insane fortune of useless objects and property and use THAT to fund the humanitarian programs. No offence to Diana or Kate, but that $ would help a lot more than one person...who may help but are also using these charities as photo ops to earn public favour.
Let the hate comments rain in...
Posted by: Jim | Jan 26, 2022 6:47:31 PM
how is anyone suppose to read this mess??????????????
Posted by: Richard | Jan 26, 2022 7:18:02 PM
Katie... speaking of trimming the herd.... feel free to to take your wellness infested diatribe and go twitter your feelgood friends about it. You and ukhotdeals could spend some time licking the syrup from yourselves while waiting for the Royal carriage to drive by. And make sure you throw flowers and practice your girlish shrieking.
Posted by: ISOPOD | Jan 27, 2022 6:34:56 AM
I just want to know why this dribble is taking up Kbs on MSN Money, instead of being posted where it belongs....in the National Enquirer or discussed on Oprah with Dr. (?) Phil...or anywhere the mentally weak and bored can find it....Who cares???????
Posted by: Trixie | Jan 27, 2022 8:09:21 AM
I"m a Canadian woman and a royal watcher. I will be taking 1/2 a day off on Apr. 29th to get up at 5:30 a.m. to watch the Royal Wedding at 6 a.m. Why? Well, I love pagentry and romance and face it, watching a family who actually isn't backbiting and backstabbing is nice too. (Yes, their family has changed.) I'm going to love to see the wedding dress and which crown was giving to the future Queen. (Kate). It's going to be alot of good fun!
To anyone who asks, the taxpayer is only paying for security. They are not paying for the wedding itself. Also, I believe the taxpayer should pay for security because it's the commoner (like myself) that keeps the paparazzi hounding the royals.
Oh, and by the way, what I believe was left out of this article, the Middletons were middle class but now they are self-made millionaires. If you actually take the time to read the story, it's quite facinating. Personally, I'd be quite proud if I was part of that family.
Cheers to Prince William and Catherine Middleton! I'm proud to serve the royal family!
Posted by: Annette | Jan 27, 2022 7:46:19 PM
What I would like to know is how many people have been found to have problems with foreign dental services in Mexico ? Since you have not provided that information,one can assume that your call is based on spectulation. Then, please stop using fear tatic to push your overpriced under serviced agenda. I live in Canada and desperately needs a dental job done but cannot afford one and do not see my self being able to aford one in the near future. Allow people to do human things by taking their chances as no Country holds the monophony on perfection.