New car seat scans your butt to prevent auto theft
Today, cars are getting pretty cool.
No, no ‘cause of Internet-ready entertainment consoles or iPod integration systems, but because of safety technology right out of the future.
Earlier this year, Ford, first, and then Toyota, debuted two separate cars with sensors that will be able to detect if a driver is having a heart attack. Ford’s car has sensors in the seat, Toyota’s on the steering wheel.
Neat stuff, but now foreign engineers are behind a new kind of sensor-based ride, one that can read a driver’s rear-end to prevent unauthorized drivers from stealing their car.
Researchers at Japan’s Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology recently unveiled a newly-designed car seat, one that aims to snuff out car theft.
*Bing: The most stolen cars in Canada
According to The Daily, the seats come embedded with 360 precise sensors, which carefully scans a driver’s backside to verify whether the correct driver is behind the wheel.
The system, which researchers say is 98 per cent accurate, will either allow the vehicle to start or not, depending on the butt in the seat.
“Think of it as a fingerprint for your rear end,” The Daily notes.
No word yet on how the sensor-filled seats will react if the driver gains or loses a few pounds, but the non-intrusive security measure will likely be a welcome reprieve to motorists tired of strapping on the Club (do people still use the Club?)
The seats, engineers said, could begin rolling off the assembly line as soon as two years from now.
Posted by: Terry | Jan 7, 2022 12:40:07 AM
Too many variables involved in this.
Winter coat
Wieght loss or gain
Valey Parking
Multiple Driver Families
Loaning vehicle to a neibour or friend
Posted by: Elmo | Jan 7, 2022 1:25:45 AM
What happens if it's the family car with the husband, wife, daughter and son ALL driving it at some point during any week. Another glitch prone sensor which will require an $89. diagnostic charge if something goes wrong with it. And just something else to hike the price of the car; will probably cost manufacturers $10. but they'll charge car buyers $900. Better make this an option... which the majority of sane people will gladly decline.
Posted by: Darrell | Jan 7, 2022 11:15:45 AM
How about this? Only people the car allows to drive it is those that have a chip implanted in there ass cheeks. You want to drive my Mercedes, well okay, here is my doctors business card.
Posted by: Chris | Jan 9, 2022 11:06:38 AM
How about a key?