Don't want to brave Black Friday? Hire a shopper to do it for you
As Canadians, we look at Black Friday with a kind of removed curiosity. Like, how we follow the Penn State scandal, or the idea that anyone was ever watching Cover Me Canada.
We hear about all the deals available south of the border, and we become jealous. Then, we hear about all the chaos, and we recoil.
But at a time when a sputtering U.S. economy may preface fewer Yanks shopping on Black Friday this year, there’s still a handy way Canadian consumers can take part.
Without even stepping foot in the States.
No, we’re not talking online shopping, we’re talking hiring an American to complete your Black Friday shopping for you.
*Bing: Check out the latest Black Friday deals here
According to Daily Finance, a few enterprising (read: unemployed) Americans have offered their shopping services on sites like Craigslist, where they post their willingness to wait out the Black Friday lines and Black Friday madness if you don’t want to.
One shopper charges a flat rate of $50 to promise to line up at stores like Target, Toys R Us and Best Buy, Daily Finance notes. The woman, however, makes it clear she can’t guarantee she’ll land specific items – though she will gift-wrap your stuff and drop it off for an extra fifty bucks.
Still, the idea is opportunistic, you’ve got to admit. By some estimates, Black Friday creates about 500,000 seasonal jobs per year in the U.S., so what’s a few more, less formal gigs to add to the bunch?
For Canadians looking to take part in won’t-ship-to-Canada Black Friday deals, here’s an alternative way to get involved. Chances are, you’ll have to dole out a lot of trust (and make at least one pilgrimage south to collect you goods), but if you can find an honourable satellite shopper, here’s to your savings.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Elmo | Nov 16, 2021 1:41:33 AM
Any Canadian stupid enough to pay $50.+ to some sight unseen, fly-by-night, drive-by rental trailer park "shopper" to pick up a few "non-guaranteed" goodies from Target or Walmart on Black Friday deserves everything they DON'T get... including their money back. They'd be better off spending that $50. on "intelligence" training... not that it would matter anyway. Either way, they'd still be out the money with nothing to show for it.
Posted by: Elmo | Nov 16, 2021 1:47:35 AM
Ohhhh... and pity on them if they forget to take advantage of that "limited time only" guaranteed Shipping and Handling deal for an extra fifty. Ya can't beat that !! Just make sure ya read the fine print at the bottom of the "service contract". Imbeciles !!!
Posted by: crazydiamondd | Nov 16, 2021 2:20:46 PM
Take it easy there Elmo...all of these "imbeciles" that you are referring to "intelligence training" are only theoretical people...the article doesn't actually specify that anyone is actually using these services, only that people are offering it. Take a nice deep breath and relax before you attack.....
Posted by: trulyhideous | Nov 16, 2021 7:02:53 PM
I have tons of family in the States, and they're more than happy to ship stuff across the border for me. I just have stuff sent to them, then reimburse them for shipping costs. Been doing it for years.
Posted by: d | Nov 16, 2021 9:02:43 PM
Ya, this fool starts off by saying "As Canadians, we look at Black Friday with a kind of removed curiosity. Like, how we follow the Penn State scandal"- Hey lumpus, u make light of child abuse to be humorous? Duh, maybe we can hire diddlers to go to the states- what kind of grandiose podium do you speak from? I CANNOT believe you have the audacity to couple a shopping phenomenon with a universal issue- give your head a real hard shake- if pennies fall from heaven Im really not surprised...
Posted by: Tjetta | Nov 17, 2021 3:55:02 PM
Could not have said it better myself ''d''
Posted by: Carlos | Nov 19, 2021 7:04:22 PM
I been trying to hire someone buy no response what gives????