People without significant assets less likely to marry: study
It’s no secret that Canadians have been getting married later in life and are becoming more likely to forego marriage altogether.
Those with at least some level of post-secondary education are more likely to tie the knot, so perhaps as more people become more educated, they’re simply delaying marriage until they’re more established in their careers.
Or, according to a recent Princeton University study, maybe it really has more to do with money.
People who lack personal wealth in the form of a car or financial assets are significantly less likely to enter into a marriage, says Princeton's Daniel Schneider.
Several studies have found that having a steady job and a good income are important factors in determining whether someone gets married. But income only explains a part of these gaps, he says.
He wanted to see if accumulated wealth -- whether or not someone owns a car, has money in a savings account, or owns financial assets like stocks and bonds -- might be playing a role along with income.
After controlling for confounding factors such as income, employment, and family background, his analysis showed that owning a car increases the probability that a man will get married in a given year by 2.6 percentage points whereas owning a financial asset increases the probability by 1.5 percentage points.
Wealth also increases the likelihood that a woman would marry, though to a lesser degree than for men, he suggests.
Are you delaying or even skipping marriage altogether? Does it have much to do with money?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: JS | Oct 18, 2021 2:58:15 AM
True belief in Allah should be the only requirement. Live the life according to Allah, and you not only will be happy, you will increase your chances of finding the ideal partner.
Posted by: clear and focused | Oct 18, 2021 7:12:52 AM
@ JS
Perhaps that is true in the middle east and surrounding area. But unfortunately in this neck of the woods, women have been brainwashed by TV and magazines. Women now think that marriage is a stepping stone to divorce... which is what most women see as their best opportunity at getting assets they might otherwise not have gotten. It is a material world for most females... just like the article says. It is also a truism that most women want a wedding... not a marriage. This is compliments of the tv "programming" and the aims of our "social engineers". It is the advertising hallmark of the elite, who fear overpopulation, so they attempt to brainwash the gender who is more apt to fall for it. ie: females. Ask yourself this: how many tv shows now-a-days portray the leading rolls in a happy marriage? Or... how many articles does MSN put out that start off with a caption like: "10 ways your life ends after a baby"... or "6 top reasons to stay single". Unfortunately, there are plenty of impressionable young minds who read, and absorb, these sub-human ideologies. Thank you mainstream-media, for brainwashing young females, and turning everything that is wholesome and good - upside-down.
Posted by: the answer is yes | Oct 18, 2021 8:29:51 AM
Why should I live life according to Allah, JS? Did HE die and rise again? Will I have eternity evermore with Allah? Is there a good reason for that religion?
Now, to answer the question. Marriage has always, in one form or another been about owning. In medieval times the wife was a gift from her father, to the groom. In today's day it is the same, has just taken a different form. The groom is expected to have a good job and be able to support his family. If the groom doesn't have the dollars, maybe he shouldn't get married.
Posted by: TS | Oct 18, 2021 8:46:04 AM
Can't find any guys my age who can afford to get married and start a family. My friends are also in the same boat.
My dad said the question to be asked by single mid to late 30's women of the government is this: Has the focus on social stratification inequality and higher education for more women and less men cost us a chance at marriage and family?
How much immigration will be required to make up for the loss of children from our generation or how much worse off will the retiree's life be because of the shrinkage of the working aged portion of society as the babyboom begins to retire?
It just gets so frustrating as the guys with PH.d's only want to marry girls with Ph.d's
Posted by: joasdf | Oct 18, 2021 12:20:38 PM
they actually did a study on this?!? wow talk about a waste of $.
next they will tell us that good looking women are more likely to get attention from men.
Posted by: clear and focused | Oct 18, 2021 2:32:49 PM
@ TS
I quote you: "Can't find any guys my age who can afford to get married and start a family. My friends are also in the same boat."
Precisely! That was the plan all along. The same is true about the affordability of having children in general. These things have been priced out of reach for most regular people (who have any clue as to what it truly takes to provide for, and educate, children these days).
It seems as though you are a female who is perhaps coming to grips with the true reality behind what was euphemistically termed the "feminist movement" - which had little to do with feminism. In fact, it had everything to do with 1)doubling the tax base... before the movement only half the population was being taxed (while the other half of the population was thankfully raising the next generation). 2)Replacing the Mother as daytime guardian - to the State-run school as daytime guardian - a communist practice of fool-proof indoctrination, made all the more effective with young impressionable minds. And 3) this all culminates into the plan we have now, which has all along, been the plan for modern Eugenics... obviously now well ingrained - just as your quote alludes to.
What is really unfortunate, is that even though the system purposely breeds jaded, single people, the prices of homes are out of reach for these same people now, because homes have been priced for the typical "two income household" - a symptom of the euphemistic "feminist movement". And round and round we go, on the wheel of forgotten history... rolling right into oblivion.
Posted by: binder dundat | Oct 18, 2021 3:57:50 PM
JS are you saying that you love allah long time?
if guys your age cant get married than have your dad pay for it all, he can than pray for allah to provide the money he needs..problem solved.
Posted by: Ernesto | Oct 18, 2021 5:24:38 PM
My wife left with an other guy but still have her share of the familly house. Our relationship is as friendly as it was in the latter years of our marriage...
I did not care to know if she would come back and she did not care to deceide either...
The state needed to know her intention for tax prupose... so we explained our situation and they decided that we are 'separated'.
In case she died, she wanted me to enjoy part her retirement package, as if we had been married but we were informed that this will not be possible.
It is a stateman lawyer who got my wife ... with benefits...
I had involved the RCMP against corrupted public workers. They made 2 reports, falsified... SQ did not take charge of the criminal allegation so I went with private criminal complain in front of Judge Fortin who laught at me for wanting his Quebec's court to look at that... Public sector corruption made it a stressfull marriage... no problem between her and me... but there was no point for her to be in a relationship with me so beaten by the justice...
They got my wife, and my money - the true justice...
Posted by: Ray Larder | Oct 18, 2021 8:37:49 PM
If you want to marry, you have to work for the Govenment, (Public Sector, the private sector is being wiped out).
Pay-check every week, no-sweat, hell or high-water.
Do you hear that Sucking-sound Mr. Mcguinty ?
Posted by: R A Finley | Oct 18, 2021 9:16:07 PM
The biggest problem with kids and I do mean kids today is first they think with the brain between their hips. They don't look for a lifelong partner it is usually can|I get her in the sack and wow lets get married. That should be secondary if you choose the right partner, one who is a friend and pal first the rest will come naturally. It really has nothing to do with can he support my lifestyle, if this is your outlook stay single. It takes two to make a life together and is only what the two of you make together.It takes two to make a marriage . Unless you are priviledged and born with the so called golden spoon in your mouth then you buy want you want, and usually ends in divorce which you also buy and on to the next. Again all I can say is look for someone you want as a lifelong pal and partner and work together to make the life you want together without outside interference. Yes there may be times when you need a loan from parents but pay it off as soon as possible and make your own way in life as most of them had to.
Posted by: Larry | Oct 18, 2021 10:35:43 PM
Delaying ? Nope, Skipping marriage altogether? Yep. Does it have much to do with money?
Of course, only a fool would get married nowadays. Better to stay single, give unidentifiable details and let the taxpayer pick up the bill if there are any kids. If a guy is stupid enough to let a woman know he's got enough to get married the courts and Judges will take everything he's got or ever will have. If my dad didn't teach me that, my friends divorces would quickly have. It is said that if productivity increases are accurate then the average man would only have to work 11 hours per week to have the same standards of living as a man in 1950. That's certainly not the case for me or my friends so it must mean that the government is skimming it off for all their friends. A better question might be, why ever would someone get married or try to accumulate assets under the present systems?
Posted by: neondon | Oct 18, 2021 11:26:44 PM
WOW!! What a bunch of conspiracy theorists posting on this article!! The government's modern eugenics plan? Doubling the tax base? Judges will take everything? Communist indoctriniation plans????? WOW AGAIN!!!! Maybe the problems with your marraiges or inability to get married have something to do with your jaded thoughts on life!! I have been with my wife 11 years, and married for 8. There is nothing wrong with my marraige at all. Sure, we have our ups and downs, but we are committed to each other and to raising our daughter. I have a uni education and so does she. It is not a coicidence that we both have high education. Due to our studies we attained knowledge and critical thinking abilities that you conspiracy theorists don't have. The only people I have ever met that complained about conspiracy type theories like you guys are: 1) small town people who have no education (I grew up in a small town, so know all about them), and 2) big city types who have no education (I have lived in 2 large metropolitan cities, so have met plenty of them too). See the link there???? Get some education on the subject and some education overall in life about more than cars, sports, guns, and beer and perhaps you will be able to attact a wife with more than just money.
Now.... regarding women only looking for money in potential husbands, I absolutely see that every day. Men should be on the lookout for this as well. This is often why educated men look for educated wives. An uneducated person with limited skills looking for a high income earning partner should set off WARNING BELLS to the max!! If you are the high income earner and fall for this trap, then it is your own dumb fault. The reason for you falling for this is usually because the woman is beautiful (and you are not), she is willing to give you amazing sex that you never thought you could get, and you are batting way above your level (translation: the girl is way too attractive for you). Get your head out of your pants and use the head on your shoulders. What else would she want from you? An educated woman will hopefully have similar values as the educated guy, and want similar things in life. I have friends who have not gone to school and they only things they do are drink beer and watch sports. It is the reason we have grown apart. I have other interests in life than that (although I still like to drink beer and watch sports, it is not the driving force in my life like it is in theirs). They are still basically high school guys who are now just a bit older. They treated their women they way they treated their girlfriends in high school (i.e. they had no game and treated their wives terribly), and the result was divorce.
I don't know why I am wasting my time posting this...... Those who don't get it will never get it!!!!
Posted by: OMK | Oct 18, 2021 11:42:28 PM
Some one told me today that if you want something in life e.g. money, job, car, husband/wife... what ever in the context may be. Instead of pointing out that I don't have this or that, may be stop for a minute and ask yourself what are YOU doing to make that happen.
lets start on an individual basis: are you planning to get married, have children, and raise a family? what are you doing to make that happen? AND most importantly When are you planning to make that happen?
let me answer these questions from my opinion and real comment from colleagues
age 20-30; I am career focused, I am too young, I want to enjoy my life with no commitment; I would rather spend money on booze and personal satisfaction as compared to giving it away to anyone else. I have potential in life and why would I want to get married to one person when I can NOT get married and have it with who ever i want. I can't take care of myself how would I take care of someone else. I am not looking to long term investment. I have put more value in things I probably don't need 10 years from now.
age 30-40; I am in my prime, good job, have a car and a decent place. My parents got divorced/ did not work out/ separated/ live like strangers under one roof/ they never put values in good relationship and are prime examples for me to not get married. I will not follow in my parents footsteps. I would rather enjoy my income all by myself and get that promotion. (women) who needs men when I am my own boss and most of my friends are a failure in relationships. (even though Canada has one of the worlds most generous benefit programs for children and schooling is almost free). I'll just delay that relationship for another few years. (women) I'll wait till I am 35 to think about children, for now I have to complete my designation and get that promotion, besides my "boy friend" wants to go to that vacation, with children it wouldn't be possible.
age 40-50; i'll try online website to find some one who is serious about family and children. (SAD)
Myself: I am married with 2 children, married at 24; I put more value in my partner and invested in my children; It wasn't easy and it is still not easy; BUT we have less value for money. When I come home from work I know that my family will be there and they were waiting for me (as compared to booze and that tv show no one cares about). In hard times, my partner supported me became my money manager. My friends and family support me and tell not to give up. My parents provide emotional support and tell me that If we did it, you could do it all, (career, car, house...) its not easy but at least I answered to the questions of when I am going to do it and what I am doing to achieve that.
Moral; It is too late, when there is not point in doing it. the most you could do with that job is just wait for your replacement. with all that retirement savings buy prescription drugs, live in your quiet suburban house and over time just become overly self-centered and think about what you coulda and woulda...... Good Luck
Posted by: clear and focused | Oct 19, 2021 6:42:06 AM
@ neondon
I don't know why you are wasting your time posting on here either. You obviously are not educated. You obviously cannot spell. And you obviously have never studied history. All you say is "wow", but you cannot refute anything. I wonder if you have any idea what a logical fallacy is? Most likely not, because that is all you have cited in your weird post. You basically say: wow - it can't be like you said, cause, umm... wow, it just can't".
And that is the extent of your argument. Other people cite facts. But you cite logical fallacies. In this instance your logical fallacy is: "an appeal to ridicule" as well as what is called a "begging-the-question-fallacy". Yet you have no counter evidence. And you call yourself educated? LOL. Open a history book. Try learning something about the real world, before you waste educated people's time. Also I like how you say you have a "uni-education" (without stating your field - must be arts - hahaha) and then you proceed to say you have critical thinking skills - LOL. If you truly went to university, than you would know that it has nothing to do with critical thinking. If you truly did have critical thinking skills than you would be researching the facts I stated rather than dismissing them outright... the very antithesis of critical thinking.
LOL - you trust your government blindly! What a sad state of affairs. No wonder I walk amidst a sea of sleepwalkers. I'm surrounded by fools, who don't want to wake up.
Research "The Trivium" and all which it encompasses before you assume that you know what you are talking about. Logical fallacies only make you look foolish... especially when you call yourself educated - LOL!! (Also, if this is the first time you have ever heard of The Trivium - and you truly did go to university - then ask yourself why they don't teach it in ANY university. Ask yourself why it has been abolished from all curriculums). Good luck with that "education" of yours. - LOL! How Sad!
Posted by: clear and focused | Oct 19, 2021 7:12:00 AM
... Also, I take it you have never read the communist manifesto either (or the axioms it puts forth). If you had, you wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the truth about our system. So the question remains: what are you basing your views on? Our government propaganda? HAHA
Keep drinking your fluoridated water, and keep feeding it to your daughter too... LOL... the government is only here to help you... HAHAHAHAHA. That is why you can always trust that they are telling you the truth - LOL. What a joke. I can't believe there are still this many fools out there...
Good luck - maybe your arts degree will get you out of this... cause now you have "critical thinking skills" - HAHAHAHA
Posted by: Trixie | Oct 19, 2021 8:28:34 AM
To Clear and Focused:
"Neondon" is right on the money. It is too bad he put so much time into putting such an excellent post on here because of dummies like you.
As I was reading his post, I was realizing I know exactly what he's talking about. He put it into great detail. However, I agree, all my educated friends have it much more together than my uneducated friends.
Neondon, well said!
Posted by: neondon | Oct 19, 2021 10:31:24 AM
@ Clear and Focussed:
You gave me a good laugh with your reply. I read your post again. I didn't see you state your degree or designations. I didn't realize it was a requirement to post my resume prior to adding any comments on an opinion board. I didn't see any "facts" in your posts either. Just your own opinion and a bunch of books you are telling everyone to read. You sound like the guy from Good Will Hunting - reading all these books, restating everything, and pretending it is your own idea. Thanks for telling me about all those amazing books to read. How has communism been working out by the way??? I don't have an arts degree, but it seems that you must - probably in history. You are entitled to your opinions on life, as am I. I just see angry people like you every day in my life. Typically, they are trying to blame everyone else for all the poor choices they have made in life that have created their failings and difficulties. They are totally unhappy because of their conspiracy theories about how the world works. I try not to buy in to conspiracies. I try to have belief in myself and in those I surround myself with that if we work hard, and do the right thing for ourselves and others, then all will work out in the end. To me that has created a happy life for myself and my family. My wife and I have successful careers, earn good incomes, and have a happy life together. Not sure what you think life is about, but having a happy and comfortable life is a goal I want to achieve. I prefer to be happy than angry for my whole life. If it makes you feel better to call me names, then go ahead. I am sure you will be angry for the rest of your life. Good luck to you.
Posted by: clear and focused | Oct 19, 2021 2:34:27 PM
@ neondon
I didn’t mean to hit a nerve there, big fella. I was trying to shine a light on the strange logic people use, and then proselytize on these boards. Example: the fact that you think the Trivium is a book! Haha.
Example: the fact you think a degree = education. Haha.
Example: the fact you think that because I have read the communist manifesto, that I must be a communist. LOL.
You have proven my point about the modern day education system. This is, in fact, the reason I come on these boards… it has nothing to do with marriage. I am not angry. I have made, mostly, correct choices in life. And I am not posting this for you. I know that there are many more people who have already read my posts, and are now off doing their own research as a result. This is what I do in my spare time, because I was somewhat blessed with an ugly time in my past, which brought me very close to the true workings of certain legislative elements of this country. So you see, dear neondon, it has nothing to do with you… you are a lost cause – when you equate truth with opinion. I am merely using you as a springboard to illuminate those who are beginning to align their thoughts, emotions, and actions – to the truth.
I quote you: “I try to have belief in myself and in those I surround myself with that if we work hard, and do the right thing for ourselves and others, then all will work out in the end.”
This is why we are doomed. Do you by any chance work for the government? It would explain your obliviousness to reality. Would you give this advice to civilians in Gaza? Or Tripoli?
You believe that if you never study the scams that have been perpetrated on societies in the past, that somehow, they will remain only in the history books. You believe that obliviousness and IGNORance leads to awareness and order. You believe that history never repeats itself. You believe that if your head remains in the sand, and if you just remain positive, that all will be groovy. And this is why we are doomed.
You cannot fathom the efficiency with which sociopaths are fast-tracked into positions of immense influence – because you think on a small scale. You think it cannot be true, because, well… it just cant. You read the best propaganda money can buy, and you continue sleepwalking… and dismissing reality. The social engineers have somehow, literally, changed the definition of terms, and in a fascinating, Pavlovian response, the simpletons equate the term “conspiracy theory” with “erroneous belief”… (and amazingly, I never even used the term, so why are you citing it?? It is completely Pavlovian on your part! Absolutely fascinating!)
I only post on these articles, which mention “marriage” or “divorce” in the headline… because I know why they write these articles. It is about money. In fact, most articles are written to polarize people one way or another. It doesn’t matter what your views are. They just put out a provocative headline because they want the traffic on their site. This in turn leads to a certain percentage of fools who will notice the ad in the upper right of their webpage. However, another percentage of people who possess insight, will stumble upon my words and recognize them as the truth.
This is my way of using the matrix, to reveal the matrix. Thank you neondon for your naïveté.
Posted by: SoftwareDave | Oct 19, 2021 3:11:08 PM
I agree with you completely. Had to chuckle at 'clear and focused' response to you. Not sure what he/she is smoking, all that talk about the communist manifesto and the Trivium. I admit I did not know what the Trivium is either, never heard of it. I am 57 years old, own two successful software businesses. Have a B.Math from University of Waterloo, Honours, Descartes Scholar. But I never heard of the Trivium. Googled it, didn't mean much to me after I read the Wiki - maybe I read the wrong one, it spoke of medeivil universities teaching grammar, logic and rhetoric . Guess I must be a failure in life and uneducated for not knowing about 'The Trivium', although I know more than the average person about grammar, logic and rhetoric. And forgive any typos I may make, but really, typing errors due not imply a lack of spelling knowledge, anyone who suggests othewise doesn't understand logical thinking very well, hasn't thought through the possible causes of spelling errors in a post, or is simply not all that bright.
Also, I do not feel that using the expletive "WOW", implies you are somehow unintelligent. But people love to criticize others, don't they? For example, I think John Lennon was a very creative and intelligent man. Here is a Lennon quote:
"It was like being in the eye of a hurricane. You'd wake up in a concert and think, Wow, how did I get here? " - John Lennon
I suppose "Clear and Focused" also thinks poorly of Lennon too, since he used the word "wow".
I am married man, for 37 years to the same woman, have two wonderful daughters and two terrific grandchildren.
My daughters are both married, to nice guys with jobs. Both couples work, and one has their own home at 25 years old. I helped them a little, but they make their own way. The article is sad we are posting these comments on is sad, and speaks to a lot of under-achievers out there. Life is what you make of it, and in Canada I have seen that hard work, intelligence, commitment, initiative, and education are the keys to success. Of course there are no guarantees. You must make intelligent choices, and when you are wrong at times, take corrective action.
Those for whom things don't work out love to blame the unfair system, or the government. Anyone but themselves. I'm surprised 'clear and focused' didn't bring up The Illuminata as the source of their problems! I'm guessing he is educated, probably a political science degree if I had to guess. I imagine he/she took time out from the Occupy Wall Street (or Bay st?) protest to post here - good for you, 'clear and focused'. I'm sure you are a leader and major contriutor in our society. Whatever you are and do, it appears you are well read, that's a good thing. Surely there is room for everyone's opinions though, no? Without the ridicule, the name calling, the HAHAHA's and so forth? Or do you really think you are that much better than everyone else, and can afford to be so condescending?
Anyway, I ramble. Well said NeonDon!! Don't let the sneering political science intellectuals get you down. I believe the quiet majority think like you do.
Posted by: SoftwareDave | Oct 19, 2021 3:39:46 PM
Clear and Focused,
i just read your next post. I have to admit, you write eloquently, for the most part. The quantity of 'haha' interjections however are as un-eloquent as the rest of your writing is eloquent. Sounds more like a 12 year old, which of course clearly you are not.
While you accuse NeonDon of many beliefs, that you cannot possibly know he believes, you are only guessing, it seems you have many beliefs too, that are unproven.
I can't agree with much of what you say. Let me pick out one item. Can you cite an example of the "sociopaths who have been fast-tracked into positions of immense influence?" Which sociopaths are those? I trust you are using the word 'sociopaths' for its definition, as opposed to just meaning 'people you disagree with'.
Are you not, yourself, proselytizing on this board, no more nor less than NeonDon?
Why must you call everyone fools? A person who reads an article and clicks on a link for an advertisement is a fool? Really? Such gross generalizations. Where do you get such silly ideas? Must you put down everyone who does not think what you think? Perhaps you should consider a little respect for others.
And why do you bring up Gaza and Tripoli? Do you have, perhaps, some other purpose on these boards? OOOOhhh the big bad government is out to get us all. Seriously? I suppose your rhetoric will resonate with somepeople, though, sadly.