People without significant assets less likely to marry: study
It’s no secret that Canadians have been getting married later in life and are becoming more likely to forego marriage altogether.
Those with at least some level of post-secondary education are more likely to tie the knot, so perhaps as more people become more educated, they’re simply delaying marriage until they’re more established in their careers.
Or, according to a recent Princeton University study, maybe it really has more to do with money.
People who lack personal wealth in the form of a car or financial assets are significantly less likely to enter into a marriage, says Princeton's Daniel Schneider.
Several studies have found that having a steady job and a good income are important factors in determining whether someone gets married. But income only explains a part of these gaps, he says.
He wanted to see if accumulated wealth -- whether or not someone owns a car, has money in a savings account, or owns financial assets like stocks and bonds -- might be playing a role along with income.
After controlling for confounding factors such as income, employment, and family background, his analysis showed that owning a car increases the probability that a man will get married in a given year by 2.6 percentage points whereas owning a financial asset increases the probability by 1.5 percentage points.
Wealth also increases the likelihood that a woman would marry, though to a lesser degree than for men, he suggests.
Are you delaying or even skipping marriage altogether? Does it have much to do with money?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: clear and focused | Oct 19, 2021 5:46:34 PM
@ softwareDave.
You say you are a Descartes scholar… but I take it you don’t truly know who Descartes was. LOL… he was the father of logical fallacies. This is widely documented. I would say that whoever gave you such a title, is quietly mocking you behind your back.
I quote you: “although I know more than the average person about grammar, logic and rhetoric”
What is sad is that you somehow believe that wikipedia is the be-all and end-all of information. I trust that you googled the term. But I wonder why it was that you skipped the first tag that came up (, and went straight to "Wiki" as you say. (Probably because the wiki page takes less reading and you are lazy). It is frightening how you give up all your power to one single site, like wikipedia, to tell you the complete truth. You will notice how wiki leads you to believe the Trivium is "grammar, logic, and rhetoric", yet it fails to tell you that these terms meant something completely different to the ancient Greeks who coined them (especially grammar), and that the terms have been obscured in English – on purpose. Not only that, but further down the wiki page, it mixes up the order of the Trivium. This, I can tell you, was not happenstance. This was done on purpose, because the social engineers know the true power of the Trivium as an antivirus for the mind against logical fallacies; and they covet this knowledge from the uninitiated.
It is crucial that the order be kept intact. In fact, grammar to the ancient Greeks referred to the "who, what, when, & where", of any subject. Logic referred to the "why" of said subject. And rhetoric referred to the "how" of same subject.
You will notice that it is not logical to ask "why" until you have fully comprehended the "who, what, when, and where". This is known as putting your logic before your grammar… something that is commonly done in mainstream media. It is a technique - not random.
It is even less logical when you attempt to explain to others "how" something is, (the rhetoric), when you haven't even comprehended the "grammar", or "logic". This is the key to deciphering our age of propaganda. You don’t ask “why” or “how” until you do your due diligence on “grammar”.
So when you read a ridiculous wikipedia explanation, and think you are somehow enlightened - from one single source, (your quote: I know more than the average person… blah, blah), it shows that you really have no idea how deep this goes. Do you think that the person who owns wikipedia doesn't realize the power he wields as the arbiter of information? Do you think that he just works for himself? HAHAHA.
And blindly, you dance to whatever tune is fashionable. How sad that you do not use the neo-cortex you were blessed with. Instead you activate your R-complex through your limbic system... ie: you act on emotion and conditioning, not thought or reason.
I will attempt to explain this a different way… Benito Mussolini – the father of Fascism - defined Fascism as “the merger of corporation and government”. In fact, he said it was synonymous with Corporatism. (Sound familiar??) Now, type “definition of Fascism” into wikipedia and you will see how they try to obscure this. Wiki says, and I quote “Clearly, if the definition is restricted to the original “Italian Facism”, then "fascism" has little significance outside of Italian politics.”
This is an interesting thing to say since it was this ideology that spread to Nazi Germany, and the two countries fought a war TOGETHER. So, the question remains: Why does the definition have little significance outside of 1930's Itally? When else in history are we supposed to cite an example of this ideology? Why cant we use the original definition – the merger of corporation and government? Supposedly, there was only one time frame in history where this ideology reined – WWII. That was long ago, so why try to obscure the definition from its initial meaning? Perhaps it is because in current times we have allowed a synthesis of Fascism and Communism to take hold in our governments all around the world… and to keep the original definition would be like shining a big spotlight onto our hypocrisy. Better to buy wikipedia, and obfuscate history for the simpletons. Only a fool could not see this.
Since 9/11, I have watched them twist the definition of Fascism on the Internet, in an attempt to throw the intellectuals off track. Except you’ve fallen for it. Like I said, it is because of the simpletons, and their lack of insight, that we all suffer.
Posted by: clear and focused | Oct 19, 2021 6:16:31 PM
@ SoftwareDave
I quote you: "Can you cite an example of the "sociopaths who have been fast-tracked into positions of immense influence?"
Hahaha. This is why I brought up Gaza and Tripoli.
Examples of sociopaths as you asked for: Benjamin Netanyahu - need I say more?
Stephen Harper - who cites "unreported crime" as a reason to construct more prisons. What a joke!
John Baird - who legitimizes the terrorist group the Libyan "TNC" - comprised of some members of Al Qaeda, after we have fought a decade long war against such terrorists.
Hillary Clinton - who threatens Iran with "obliteration" when, in fact, the last people Iran invaded were 300 spartans, and that was 2500 years ago.
Barack Obama - who accepts a peace prize while decimating Pakistani wedding parties from remote controlled drones.
Robert Zoellick - leader of the World Bank, and wielder of global austerity.
Christine Lagarde - leader of the IMF, architect of resource confiscation, and fellow wielder of global austerity.
The leaders of all UN countries who do not even view the Palestinians as a worthy of having their own nation - thereby condemning them to eternal refugee status, and the degradation that follows... and all the while putting Israel up on a pedestal.
... Need I go on. I can if you like. Just let me know.
Posted by: neondon | Oct 19, 2021 10:54:03 PM
Clear and Focussed:
Don't worry. It takes a lot more than a few negative barbs from an anonymous poster to get me down. I really like how you know everything about me and how I think from a few paragraphs I typed on the internet. You don't know anything about me, or Software Dave, yet you have stated with certainty many things I must "believe". The funny thing is.... I don't believe any of those things. What does that mean to your analysis?
Insult me more if you wish. Call me more names and tell everyone how clueless I am about the world around me if it makes you feel better. Those are your opinions, but you don't know anything about me. Maybe I am a part of "The Matrix" of society and am blindly walking through life being taken advantage of by all these government sociopaths and others you refer to. According to you I am hardly the only one, so I guess I am ok with that. I am glad that we have people such as you to defend society agains all that is against us. You have definitely painted a pretty bleak picture of the world. I feel sad for you that you spend your days thinking about how all these sociopaths and governments control everything. It must be a terrible weight for you to carry around.
Again, don't worry about me. I am doing just fine in my happy life. I have no reason to insult you as you have chosen to do to me and others on this board. Good for you. If you have so much knowledge about how things really work I hope you are using your knowledge to affect positive change in the world in the hopes of saving society from the clutches of Harper, Obama, Baird, Netanyahu, Clinton, Zoellick, Lagarde, and all those others you know to be in such terrible control of our lives. I am sure your personal education / knowledge / book smarts or what ever you want to call it serves you well in your life. As does my "education". I admit, I don't have any idea what the Trivium is, and I didn't even Google it to find out. I have not read the Communist Manifesto, and at this point I don't plan to. I don't believe you are a Communist. I just asked a question of you about how Communism was doing. Interesting how you did not answer it.
Again, I wish good luck to you. I try to share positivity between people I interact with. By the tone of your posts this seems to be something you do not do. By your constant attacks you seem to be someone who spreads fear and negativity. By your comments you obviously are educated in one way or another. Just because the education I have is different from what your education is does not mean I am uneducated. It just means I know about different things than you. Nothing wrong with that. I will leave it in your capable hands to save the world from the sociopaths, while I continue with leading my life in the way I have chosen.
I expect your next scathing response will insult me further, and it will give me a good chuckle when I read it.
Posted by: clear and focused | Oct 20, 2021 10:13:04 AM
@ neondon
I quote you: "According to you I am hardly the only one, so I guess I am ok with that."
You have proven my point again. Now I know you work for the government in some aspect or another.
I live amongst a sea of sleepwalkers... sheeple, if you will. The sheeple are the majority... and majority rules. However, I will try to enlighten you, and those who read this.
You concede that perhaps you are part of "the Matrix" (my guess is government), but, essentially you say: it doesn't matter what they do or stand for, because "I am not the only one, so I guess I am ok with that".
Do you understand what you are saying? If you have problems in life – which we all do – I can surmise that these are probably do to this internal opposition you have created for yourself. You see, on a subconscious (or even conscious) level you know that what government does is mostly immoral and unethical. Yet you chose to overlook that and work for them anyway. Like a banker who knows his employer is committing fraud, and in turn, harming people; but looks the other way, because, well, who cares, as long as he/she gets paid, right?
This, I can tell you for certain, means that you are activating your R-complex (actions), through your limbic system (emotion, conditioning), rather than your neo-cortex (higher thought functions).
To put it another way… you have grown an EMOTIONAL attachment to your government paycheck; your wife most likely has as well. To align yourself with what you most likely know is right, means to activate your neo-cortex where such discernment actually takes place. However, this is tantamount to tearing your emotional world apart. You need that paycheck from the criminals to maintain your lifestyle. This is because you have stopped using your higher-thought functions. In fact, I would guess that this form of reactionism is so ingrained in you now, that your “blinders” are a symptom of your bodies’ defense system – ie: you cannot use your neo-cortex because it could possibly mean a total breakdown from recognizing your complicity in immorality (that is, if you are moral, and not a sociopath, to begin with). So you have closed off that thought pathway. You are, in fact, a robot of the state.
Are you getting an idea of what I mean when I say we are doomed?
This goes for all you police and military as well… if you are acting through conditioning, rather than stopping to think if what you are doing is actually right, than you are denying that which makes you human – ie: higher-thought functions which evolved for you to employ.
You can be positive about that all you want, but know that you have willingly enslaved your children’s children. Thanks again neondon.
Posted by: SoftwareDave | Oct 20, 2021 10:24:01 AM
Clear and Focused:
I think you need to revisit the definition of a sociopath. Your examples hardly fit the bill. But clearly, it seems you define sociopath to mean a political leader whose politics you do not like. Steven Harper is a sociopath?? Obama? Clinton? You have revealed yourself to be pretty much what I thought you would be.
I don't know whether to laugh at you, or just shake my head in disgust. I will not waste another moment of my time in dialog with you.
Posted by: Dana | Oct 20, 2021 2:46:28 PM back to the topic of the post.
I think that people are losing faith in the instition of marriage for many reasons. 1) Historically, it was a way for a man to own a woman. Times are changing and most women as well as men aren't buying into that injustice. 2) Many young people have watched their parents go through failed marriages and don't want to trek on that same route. 3) Raising a family is becoming more and more expensive. If you don't want to have a children, why get married? Even if you do want children, why do the parents have to be married?
I would like to get married myself for two reasons. My belief, is that a marriage consecrates your love for someone. Whether that is what marriage was intended for is another story, but that is the way I view it. The other reason is that my fiance is from outside of Canada and the only way he can legally live and work here is if we get married.
Posted by: neondon | Oct 20, 2021 8:55:39 PM
Clear and Focused:
I laugh at your supposed higher knowledge. Good for you that you believe you know all about how the brain works. I don't work for the government and neither does my wife. I don't have any problems in my life. You obviously don't understand sarcasm when you read it. You can believe what you want and you are welcome to it. The difference between us is that I am open to other ways of thinking about life, where you live only within your own belief that you are the only one who knows what is right in the world. I am not a slave, and neither is my wife, family, or future family. You go on believing whatever it is you want. I am with Software Dave on this one. I am not wasting any more of my time with you.
Posted by: The 'Mediator' | Oct 22, 2021 4:15:45 AM
"Clear and Focused" I have my BBA if that means anything. Whether it does or doesn't I don't care. You have argued way outside of the article and targeted Neondon for maybe his/(her).. communist comment? which you never really answered. Reading your comments is mostly BS although you do have some.. some. Truthful points as does Neondon, Software Dave and Dana for that matter. In future articles try to articulate and remain on the article topic.
Yes it is easy for all of else to argue outside these articles but there are other forums to go to for this. Keep on topic if your posting on these articles otherwise post on a forum that supports outside arguments.
Posted by: Star gazer | Oct 22, 2021 5:53:29 AM
@ clear and focused....most likely to fall for it(tv ads etc) are women???? Go read back back original sin all originates with MEN and from where I sit...most WOMEN are foregoing marriage because we are finally realizing we DON"T need a man
Posted by: joannie | Oct 22, 2021 6:07:24 AM
I feel the reason people chose not to marry is selfishness. Who wants to "share" everything-money, time, thoughts, living space, etc. And, besides, it can be boring. Its an out-moded lifestyle. It's probably more advantageous for males to marry anyhow. They get (usually) a nice home, daily meals, sex, someone else to make decisions for them-what more could a guy want?
Posted by: Aspi Maneckje | Oct 22, 2021 10:28:37 AM
The Canadian Family law is extremely biased to righeous an hard working men, and awards spousal support and alimony FOR LIFETIME even to women who have cheated their husbands and abandoned them. This happened to me and has preveted me to re-marry and have a normal life. Very unfair and this prctice should be abolished. Please read my story on my web-site: or read my book "LEGAL SLAVERY". Thank you.
Posted by: joshua | Oct 22, 2021 3:55:09 PM
i don't even get how they use the term delaying here
Posted by: Mary | Oct 22, 2021 5:26:05 PM
**** READ THIS *****
Getting married and raising a family is not as disastrous as some make it seem, as long as you get married for the right reason (not because you wanna divorce and make money, or because the clock it ticking, etc.):
- A wedding doesn't need to be an extravaganza. A cozy, intimate reception is often enough to mark the beginning of a couple's life. No one remembers the details for that long. Stop making a big deal of it! (my ex-husband's family forced us to have a big reception and I still regret it).
- If you have assets from before your marriage, protect yourself with a pre-nup to exclude those. Go see a notary, costs less than $500. It's only NORMAL to share what you make during your marriage with the person who shares your life, man or woman. Problem solved!
My ex-husband and I were together for 12 years, 4 of which we were married. I supported him in everything: studies, career, investments, you name it, while he never supported me and even stopped me from achieving my own goals. The separation agreement we signed upon marriage protected me from being further taken advantage of by him.
In the end, we divorced because he had really married me to make me do all his work (starting from house chores to research for his investments to finding him better jobs and writing his cover letters, for free!) while he got rich on making his investment AND his money was protected through the separation agreement. That's not a right reason for getting married. He's not in very good shape ever since the divorce because he doesn't have the skills to do what he had me do for him. Oh, well, too bad!
Posted by: J Steeper | Oct 22, 2021 6:59:05 PM
Hey all you camel jockeys!!! Stay out of North America... You're all TERRORISTS AND CAR BOMBERS.... You only want a wife and kids to turn them into martyrs..... You make them wear burkas and won't let them drive.. You try and pull your honor killing bullshit in our country and it don't work... You still go to jail Mohammed!!!! Why don't you go back to the deserts of the middle east and wait your turn until we bomb your sorry ass with a drone.......
Yippee Kay Yay Muhammed Fucker!!!!!!
Posted by: CH, too many unhappy people out there | Oct 22, 2021 8:05:06 PM
our wedding cost us under $2000, that includes the rings, dress and all fees! we had a private ceremony with only about 20 of our closest family and friends. it made a lot of people angry that we didn't have a BIG wedding but that's not what we wanted, We wanted a marriage, not a wedding. A marriage should not be started with a huge debt that will takes years to pay off. it adds too much stress. we instead bought a house to raise our family in. that's how it should be and thankfully my husband and i agreed with what we wanted. we are in our mid-late 20's so i don't think we waited too long and we actually knew what we were doing.
the only way to get married and have a happy marriaage is to actually meet someone like minded and doesn't have fanciful dreams, know your goals and achieve them together.
Posted by: just thinkin.... | Oct 23, 2021 1:28:14 AM
glad i read the article because it led me to this great conversation, reminded me of coffee house days. I guess that i am more of a middle grounder, educated, 2 kids, some life experience but my experience has taught me that playing by the rules doesnt mean you inevitably win the game of life. I think it's some what naive to think that race, gender or economics don't have anything to do with the outcome. Check out stats can for more info regarding income by age, race and gender. Coincidence? not a conspiracy theorist either but have to wonder why the guys who make the rules all look the same. I don't think that the present system is designed for our well being, if you happen to make out ok good for you but more than likely someone else has as much to benefit from the work you do and the money you spend as you do. and if you were to stop they would have as much to lose. It is in someone elses best interest if you don't question the system and just keep on paying taxes. The government does'nt care about you, the system does'nt care about you, you are just the tax base. With some luck and love you will have family & freinds who do, and since the original article was about marraige and it's benefits or lack of, maybe marraige should'nt be looked at like a business arrangement in the first place. Had one that worked and one that didn't, lost everything and was real bitter for awhile. had to accept that i picked that person, my bad. happy now, would'nt trade it, right now we are kind of poor, might be rich agasin, don't know. All I know is that this life would suck real bad without my people. moneys great, it buys you choices but love is the best, hope you find it.