What can Canada learn from Rob Ford?
Aside from the humbling of many entrenched politicians, the largest consequence of Canada’s recent swell of elections has been the new directions our country’s cities now face.
And, with respect to Calgary mayor-elect Naheed Nenshi, Canada’s first Muslim mayor, the headline-stealer of every campaign may be that of Rob Ford, who earned the top job in Toronto just last night.
Now, this is a national blog, yes, but the rough-around-the-edges Ford has a few interesting campaign promises perhaps all of Canada can learn from.
To wit, a sampling of the right-wing budget master’s assurances to the city of Toronto, courtesy the Toronto Sun:
1) End the Personal Vehicle Tax – Each year, Torontonians must pay a $60 fee when they register a vehicle. Ford wants this gone by 2011.
2) End the Land Transfer Tax – Same goes for the Ontario capital’s municipal land transfer tax, which Ford wants to scrap by 2012.
3) No more garbage strikes – Last summer, Toronto quite literally stank due to a labour disagreement between the city and its garbage pickup crews. Ford wants no part of such squabbles. When current collective agreements expire, Ford plans to contract out garbage collection to the lowest bidder.
4) “Stop the gravy train” – Ford’s campaign motto is to begin at City Hall, where the ex-councillor wants to cut $525 million from the city’s budget by 2011. City councillors, as well as the mayor’s office, are also set to see budgets decrease during Ford’s term. City council could even be chopped in half, if Ford has his way, not to mention the mayor-elect’s preference to have every politician’s vote on the record for the public to see, accessible online.
These are just the fiscally-rooted platforms Ford has promised. He also wants to put more cops on Toronto’s streets and has emphasized a “No Graffiti” policy, where the mayor-elect will do his best to clean the city of all its ugly, spray painted tags.
Of course, during his campaign, many of Ford’s platforms were obscured by the man himself, who is an easy target for the left-wing. He’s not polished, his suits always seem three sizes too small and he’s a dead ringer for Chris Farley in Tommy Boy. Add to that accusations of bigotry and you’ve got what Liberals must feel is a nightmare representing Canada’s most iconic city.
Yet, look a little closer and … aren’t these the same ideals every Canadian city could benefit from following a nasty recession? Slash spending, clean up the town and hold politicians accountable for their say; cut taxes, in a sense, and you win the people.
Canadians: aside from what you may believe about the man, are Rob Ford’s policies the kind of changes you’d like to see in your city, wherever in the country that may be?
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Politicking at it's finest | Oct 26, 2021 8:05:49 PM
If I was looking at running for mayor, I would have the same promises as someone like Rob Ford or many other new Mayors that ran on the same theme. There is simply not enough accountability in these cities or government. People keep on saying they are not happy with their politicians and they need change so they elect somebody else. In most cases, a politician can have 10 great achievements during their term but should they fail on 1 topic, someone says we need change and they vote for somenone else. That 's why many of these cities have a new mayor every 4 years except for the odd Hazel McCallion. Without blowing my own horn, I would do a great job as a mayor but knowing that I will be voted out after 4 years does not entice someone like me or another terrific candidate to run. Out of do respect to these individuals, that's why you have to settle for someone like Rob Ford, Mel Lastman and Miller who are not the ideal candidates to run such very large budgets. No doubt they are doing their best but their best is not nearly enough compared to what you can get out there.
Posted by: Albertan | Oct 27, 2021 9:15:43 AM
A little fact checking is in order I think. Cut 525 BILLION from the budget? Even assuming there is 5,000,000 people in the GTA that still is $105,000 each ot about our entire federal governments debt. I think you slipped in a couple too many zeros in. You know a billion here and billion there starts adding up to really money fairly quickly.
Posted by: Politicking at it's finest | Oct 27, 2021 9:25:37 AM
Albertan - you made my point. I knew the author made a mistake by stating Billion instead of Million. I realize that is a big difference but we are always so ready to point out the mistakes and the negatives instead of identifying what good has been done. My employees are terrific individuals but they all can't do everything. Instead of trying to fix those faults, I stress on the great things they do and I make certain I utilize those skills to be successful. They become confident and happy employees. Let's start identifying the positives with our politicians and see what comes from it. You will all be surprised.
Posted by: Maria | Oct 27, 2021 9:57:22 AM
its time that politicians are responsible for what they do, that includes eliminating the deficit, which is a priority. Rob Ford will be a great mayor inspite of the negative comments about his clothes and his persona. No one is perfect but I think he will do an excellent job. Enough of spending tax payers dollars and get on with your work as efficiently as you can.
Posted by: Peter | Oct 27, 2021 2:55:14 PM
Perhaps people should not only fact check but reality check. While it is admirable to attempt to 'rid the city of waste', if you dig under the covers, you realize that most of Ford's promises simply don't hold up under scrutiny. Get rid of graffiti - so who will pay the workers needed to do this? eliminate the transfer and registration taxes - and replace with what? No more garbage strikes - study after study has shown that subcontracting to private company will result in an increase in the cost of the service! Then let's add in that Ford has publically stated that getting killed by a car is a cyclist's own fault, that he wouldn't fund events such as Gay Pride which brings millions of dollars into the city for the few hundred thousand expense - it goes on and on. It is sad when anyone who simply plays on people's anger at 'anything' can be elected without actually having the plan, skills, or personality to do the job.
Posted by: Rob | Oct 27, 2021 3:06:26 PM
Let's have the people to put up the graffiti be the ones that take it down as part of their sentencing.Cost zero.
Posted by: Observer | Oct 27, 2021 3:24:57 PM
The city cannot improve unless changes in leadership take place. GTA roads are clogged daily and are quite bumpy and cities have no money to resurface them. The province invites people to buy lotteries to run hospitals and improve infrastructures, if any. Look at countries like China and India, how often changes takes place and new fast transit methods and improvements in road infrastructure is brought frequently. In GTA there is only one free Highway 401 running East-West and millions of man-hours are wasted in gridlock on this highway daily but no leader ever thought of other alternatives like rapid transit, fast trains and trucks out of highways in the morning and evening rush hours. What is the use of ETR-407 if people cannot afford. Only those who are reimbursed by employer or earn in six figures use ETR 407 daily. ETR should be toll free so that everyone can use and ease congestion on 401.
Posted by: K K | Oct 27, 2021 4:03:02 PM
Unless you bring a change, you can not experience it. Kudos to Toronto for choosing a grass root person like Rob Ford who, I am sure, will do lot of good to the city and the people at large.
We need to cut fat from all the places where the taxpayer money is spent. Go to the community centres in the evening and you will see five people sitting on or near the front desk. Most of the time, they are drinking Tim Horton's coffee and burgers. What a collosal waste? There needs to be only one or maximum two guys there. Lesser the people, more efficient the service will be.
Same way, in all the offices, the extra people should be cut down. It should start with pruning the no. of councillers in City Hall as Ford has been saying.
Austerity is the call of the day. There is a need to cut down on unnecessary expenditure. Rob has to identify the areas and start pruning the expenditure. Start should be made with the counciller's personal budget. There should be transparency in expenditure. They can not go to hotels, drink, eat and enjoy themselves on taxpayers money. They have to set an example and be the torch bearers of change.
We are with you Rob and will applaud all your good deeds and critisize the ones which are not in the interest of the taxpayers.
Cheerios to Toronto for showing boldness in electing Rob Ford.
Posted by: Mr. Robert Gumieniak | Oct 27, 2021 5:51:21 PM
Time, to change, for to long we have been told that nothing can be done this is a big city etc, etc, Ok. Lets agree maybe maybe not.
If this is a large corporation with the budget of a small country someone has to be fiscally responsible. If you run the company and run out of money, profits and loose all your customers what do you do ???? Seek bancrupcy protection, (chapter 11), fire a chief finnacial officer, reduce costs, liuquidate the assets, lay off people or hire someone competent that can run the company !!!!. Just ask yourself what trainning or education key personell had in Millers office - none !!!
Trust me Rob Ford know better who to hire and surround himself with the people that can manage your money. Not like tha last one that didn't have clue about real finances he was to busy painting bicycle lanes...........
Posted by: George Bushy | Oct 27, 2021 7:09:01 PM
Rob Ford was up against Smitheman. Panteloni, Thomson and others amounted to hill of beans and not eveyone liked beans (election result confirmed that)!
Smitherman's track record was put it mildly, poor. He specialized in being useless.
Smitherman's track record is going to bring down McGinty in the next provincial election (or not, if
Hudak remains there; Horowath is in No Damn Party).
Rob Ford's record is unknown until next mayoral election. So it is no brainer that Rob Ford won.
Hope GTA benefits from Ford. Otherwise voters in the next election will have to choose some Chrysler or some GM (Toyota has too many recalls). Rob Ford will most likely make some effective changes to taxpayer's advantage. He may also prove to be another good for nothing politicians. Time will tell.
Posted by: Broke | Oct 27, 2021 8:03:55 PM
Not a chance. Another Stooge to help funnel money to the rich.
Posted by: Ray Fredette | Oct 27, 2021 8:51:43 PM
Day 3 since the election - 3 "promises" hedged/redefined/obfuscated so far. I'm waiting and watching
Posted by: The_mask | Oct 27, 2021 9:52:46 PM
The problem this country is facing is that more and more employers and employees are illegally labeling themselves as self-employed contractors, thus avoiding a great % of taxes, when less and less people contribute, the government is getting lesser and lesser $. Together with government's crazy spending, and the stupid budgeting system, how could this country not run into a humongous deficit. If this stupid loophole is not corrected, it really does not matter who gets elected the mayor / premier / or the prime minster. With the stupid budgeting system, all the cities or provincial governments care is to make sure that the money they get is used up or wasted that year, otherwise, they may not be able to get the same amount or more the following year. So that's the reason why taxpayers $ are always spent stupidly, like building a stupid lake for G20 then demolish after. This country is helpless and useless, we are at least 20 years behind comparing to other developed countries, don't even talk about others' high speed bullet trains across japan and china.
Posted by: M Campanelli. | Oct 27, 2021 10:04:55 PM
Finally , someone who doesn't have to bow to anyone , nor does he owe any favours because he ran a straight up campaign for the citizens . Wow , what an earth shattering thought for a politician , "PUT THE PEOPLE FIRST ". I know he is not your typical idea of what a politician "looks like " , but what all you career politicians failed to realize is THAT IS WHAT WE WANTED , someone we all could take at face value . A man that spoke to the citizens , NOT DOWN TO THEM . Way to go Rob and I just would like to say that a whole pile of my 40 something friends (years ) always remembered the kind of person you are , and we are all behind you so give them hell , bravo .
Posted by: Theo | Oct 27, 2021 10:07:25 PM
To get back to the question "What can Canada learn from Rob Ford", the answer would have to be that he obviously was saying the things that people liked to hear. Some of his suggestions or promises make sense while others are obvious pipe dreams.His problem is going to be that on his own he does not have the power to implement any of his promises. In order for him to be able to be successful he needs the cooperation of a majority of members of council, who ultimately will either vote for or against any proposal. Let's not forget that we live in a democracy, and that the man will be the mayor of Toronto, not its dictator. He will have but one voice on council and his strength is going to have to be his ability to effectively lead council and have it operate as a team. For his sake and that of Toronto's citizens I hope he has that ability.
Posted by: Sir Realist | Oct 28, 2021 2:54:00 AM
OK he says a few dumb things (like Mel Lastman) but from what I hear of this guy he will help Toronto quite a bit...I hope the rest of Ontario follows suit.
This article asks, "What can Canada learn from Rob Ford"? The answer depends on what part of the country you live in. I don't think we out West have anything to learn from him...we've been electing that kind of politician and implementing those kind of policies for 40 years. (Although back then Torontonians called us red-necks until they started moving here).
We're Canada's leaders (but definitely not perfect) in accountability and efficiency. And that's part of the reason the three westernmost provinces are the country's economic engine in the new world economy. (Even SK took ON's place as a "have" province.)
I'm just relieved to hear that Toronto learned that what we've been doing for decades makes sense. What took you so long? You've got some catching up to do but we're glad you jumped on board!! Good luck (although you won't need it anymore).
Posted by: Mommy dearest | Oct 28, 2021 3:16:14 AM
Whaddya mean what can Canada learn from Rob Ford? Alberta's already been doing that kind of stuff for years. You Easterners should feel free to learn form us and take our ideas...then you wouldn't need to take so much of our resources and money.
Posted by: Guy Smiley | Oct 28, 2021 7:39:24 AM
Theo and Sir Realist - great blog. You are correct. But in terms of West compared to East it's just not that simple. Too many factors like Infrastructure up-keep, Immigration (50%+) Social Housing..... is borned by Ontario as the so-called centre Hub of Canada. I have nothing against any of these expenditures but there is a strain on capital to maintain all of this. Too many examples to discuss in a blog.
In the end, the good politicians will evaluate all spending, hopefully discuss it with those in the know, and then try to persuade the rest of the council/caucus/committee to find ways to cut back spending so that we can run the cities/provinces/country within our means. It baffles me when we budget our spending based on a "2-3% economic growth" and then if it's less, we run a deficit. Most provinces are all in debt, yes including Alberta. Here is the solution - cut spending to where it should be with no budget shortfall or even a little surplus. Any future surplus should go directly to cut back our debt until paid for. No new programs for 8-10 years to get re-elected. Yes of course, salaries will go up at 2% or so, but budget this from your initial base. Tax payers will likely be OK to pay 2% more in taxes every year (no more) if they see we are becoming fiscally responsible at government levels.
Posted by: Leo | Oct 28, 2021 10:39:19 AM
Hehe ,good for Rob Ford.Now if we can only project some of that common sense at the provincial level, ontario will be better in 4 years.
Posted by: Anon | Oct 28, 2021 11:42:01 AM
Oh how ironic. I coudnt help b ut laugh in my cereal. For years the Toronto based media called Albertans red-neck for electing conservative common sense people like Ralph Kline. And then now that you've gone and elected somone like that you think the rest of the country has something to learn (judging by the writer's headline) from this new guy. Does this website employ writers with any kind of sense of history or political knowledge? It's just a new generation of ignorant journalist.
Maybe if Ontario had better journalists it wouldn't have taken you so long to figure out what we already know. :-)