The costs of being a gay couple
For years, gay activists have lamented the fact that same-sex couples shoulder health, legal and other living costs that heterosexual couples don’t have to worry about. In Canada at least, some of this disparity has disappeared now that same-sex couples generally have the same social and tax benefits as heterosexuals in common-law relationships.
But, with all the election talk centring around a host of “family” tax credits, it’s only a matter of time before someone starts revisiting just what constitutes a family unit and what that means in financial terms.
Their conclusion: In the worst case, close to half a million U.S. dollars. And, while the number in Canadian terms doesn’t come close to that, it’s certainly not zero. It’s also likely to jump on a relative basis if some of the Conservative proposals on family income splitting come to pass.
To come up with its figure, the Times created a same-sex couple whose real life situation might mirror that of a straight couple, concentrating on the three states with the largest LGBT populations – New York, California and Florida – to track typical incomes and expenses.
The study assumed the couples were together until one partner died, were college-educated and raised children.
As the article points out, where any particular couple ends up financially varies widely depending on particular circumstances. In fact, some gay couples might actually better off financially by staying unmarried – just like many heterosexual couples in the U.S.
Do you see any parallels here? Or do you think Canada’s existing same-sex legislation has created a level playing field?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
* Follow Gordon on Twitter here.
Posted by: Jdpraise | Apr 6, 2021 11:27:25 PM
While I would hope that persons in either of the relationships you outlined would have the same taxation and benefits. I however think there should be no tax breaks for families or children at all. As a single adult I find it appalling that I am asked to subsidize someone elses choice to have a child or get married. I would hope that people marry out of love and not tax breaks and as for children yes, they are expensive however if you can't afford a child don't have one.
Posted by: Chip | Apr 7, 2021 10:28:43 PM
Ya'd think they could save a few $$$ by wearing each other's clothes. Or in the case of gays... imaqine the savings by not having to put out for that wedding gown and 5K diamond ring. Any divorces should also be cheaper... unless someone is being a beeatch !!