Will you fight the latest round of property tax assessments?
What's your property worth? Well, according to the Municipal Property Assessment Corp., likely a bit more than you think.
Ontario property owners can expect to start seeing MPAC assessment notices in the mail any day now, as 2013 marks the beginning of another four-year property assessment cycle.
Properties across the province will be assessed based on what they were worth at the beginning of 2012.If your home’s value has increased since the last assessment in 2008, that jump will be phased in equally over four years. If it's dropped in value, the change will be recognized immediately, however.
You can check your assessment here, at www.aboutmyproperty.ca. and compare the value of your property to others in their neighbourhood and community.
Don't like what you see? Well, let MPAC know.
Do you plan on questioning your property assessment? Do you know anyone who has?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Bill | Oct 19, 2021 8:06:02 AM