Men and women differ when it comes to holiday spending: report
While shoppers may decide to opening their wallets a little wider this holiday season, they’re still interested in getting a bargain.
But just what constitutes a deal seems to differ sharply when it comes to gender. The research found that men and women have varying wish list priorities, although gift cards and money top both lists.
According to Discover, Mars and Venus shoppers are ...
* setting a limit, and checking it twice: 53% of women have set a budget for the holiday season and plan to spend $885 dollars, on average. Men expect to spend about two thirds of that.
* spending more on their children: Twice as many women, 56% compared to 28%, will spend the most on their children.
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* planning on using cash more than in the past: 56% of shoppers plan to pay with cash this holiday season, compared to 27% that will pay with credit.
* looking for online bargains over Black Friday weekend: 35% of shoppers plan to do the majority of their holiday shopping on Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
* planning to stretch their dollars even farther than before: 57% of women plan to search for and use coupon codes to get the best price, compared to 41% of men.
* expecting more incentives fron online vendors: 70% of women will seek out special shopping incentives and bargains such as free shipping, compared to 53% of men.
* still surprisingly interested in Groupons: More women than men would buy a gift through a group-buying site, however, at 67% and 54%, respectively.
Does this describe your shopping regimen? Do you try to budget when it comes to holiday spending?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: SP | Nov 14, 2021 4:35:02 AM
Doesn't describe my shopping regime.
That said, describing an intended shopping regime is likely not an exact match to given behaviour.
Will there be a followup study to see if people's actual behaviour is anywhere near their plans?