Is Canada's new "English or French" immigration policy on the right track?
It's no secret that Canada is steadily becoming a nation of many languages, as recent waves of immigration reshape the country’s main cities. Results from the 2011 Census found that one in five people spoke a language other than French or English in their homes.
The number of people who can conduct a conversation in both English and French jumped by nearly 350,000 to 5.8 million in recent years, but that hike is largely due to people in Quebec speaking both languages.
Overall, the bilingualism rate of the Canadian population at large is essentially unchanged.
And, it appears, that's not likely to change in the future either.
While Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has said that he wants to see more of the foreign students currently studying in Canada become permanent residents and potential citizens, he has attached certain caveats.
"We must do a better job of selecting those who can succeed quickly, who can integrate quickly, who can find and keep good employment, who can start successful businesses and add to Canada's prosperity," he told CBC News.
To make that happen, starting today, citizenship applicants will now be required to provide "up-front objective evidence of their language ability at the time of their citizenship application." And while students may not have much of a problem there, lots of other folks likely will.
Applicants will be required to submit acceptable evidence, such as:- the results of a CIC-approved third-party test; or
- the evidence of completion of secondary or post-secondary education in English or French; or
- the evidence of achieving the appropriate language level in certain government-funded language training programs.
Should proficiency in English or French be a key criteria for citizenship or should newcomers be allowed to learn on the job?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Jason | Nov 4, 2021 1:33:11 PM
We need to dramatically reduce immigration. And why let older people in? My friend's uncle came to Canada in the 90's from Manila. Then sponsered his mother (over 65 years old) to come. She's been a citizen collecting old-age pension for 15 years now! Having never paid a single cent into our county. She now spends the maximum amount of time allowed in Manila (to maintain her pension), coming back to Alberta when she needs medical attention.
Our system is sick.
Posted by: Chris Turgeon | Nov 4, 2021 3:16:02 PM
Ahamburger said it all for me as well.........we immigrated to this country , my parents with 3 siblings, we never knew welfare got a job and stayed employed to raise a family , and made this your home...the only thing we brought from our homeland were the clothes we could carry...and worked for the rest ...Just saying
Posted by: Trent Jeffries | Nov 4, 2021 3:31:13 PM
Stop immigration completely for at least 5 years!!! financially Canada will end up like Greece if we don't. We can't continue to provide education and health care for the 4 th generation Canadians who paid for it !!!
Posted by: zavi | Nov 4, 2021 3:37:08 PM
i love all of you mes amies canadienns but you're allways discussing on speaking french or english so what's the matter?, chill out my friends ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡je vous saluez adios¡¡¡¡¡¡
Posted by: leftmostcarrot | Nov 4, 2021 4:11:24 PM
If you don't know the language here, learn it or leave. Immigration laws are a little to easy. Alot of immigrants expect Canadians to do things their way. We were here first and you will follow our rules. All immigrants should feel lucky to just be here. We give them jobs and they tell us how much they should be paid, where they will work in Canada and what they are willing to do. You are all here for our quality of life, so respect it and don't abuse your rights or ours.
Posted by: Tam O'Ranter | Nov 4, 2021 7:00:00 PM
My family were immigrants to Canada in 1957. We had to speak English and had a sponsor who signed a guarantee that we would not be a burden to the Canadian taxpayer. I'm proud to say my family never were. This type of immigration worked well, but nowadays we allow too many people into our country who have no intention of blending into our society and many others who don't believe in working for a living. These people are social vampires and should be gone. Welcome all immigrants who want to make Canada a better place to live and a pox on them who bleed us dry.
Posted by: franca Luciani | Nov 4, 2021 7:47:01 PM
its illegal anywhere too do this , but ; they have been taught the loop holes in their countries how too steal from our system ..too get in , qualify and start a business -- the sort of chance we canadians ( born and raised will NEVER get) so what , they pay threw the nose .. too bad . we have too shovel in the bs of the propaganda involved..and i am not afraid too asy this publiclly-- i have already lost enough, so there! then they wonder why Canadians sre being known as the welfareCanada.. well -- when our jobs and food taken off our plates get stolen..what eles is left..Then they have the nerve too cry hoo. im starving because of head is spinning now , i better stop ..later ....
Posted by: asa | Nov 4, 2021 8:32:53 PM
I am an emmigrant who moved to canada years ago.I worked hard, pay taxes, did jobs you would not consider....obtained citizenship, but some canadians think exactly like IDIOTS....because you don't have accent, you are more than me?.....perhaps your granparents are native indians...this only will make you real of it, came from somewhere else than canada.....
Candians wake up and think more like americans...they are more open to immigrants.
If you critisize us how we speak, well .....first learn how to pronouce our names properly.....and than hard is to learn other language.....
Posted by: Observer | Nov 4, 2021 8:53:53 PM
Some of the comments point to a very blind, negative, and racist attitude towards immigrants even though some of the writers themselves are immigrants (their ancestors did not speak English, learned everything here; their new generation is living on the merits of them) .Others may be the aboriginals- a minority. Many have misunderstood the very purpose of immigration. If Canada doesn’t allow migrants, one day it will become a part of the arctic ice, with some fossils underneath. The refugees are allowed here as part of populating this country/ due to some political reasons. Business migrants come here with millions of dollars to invest (they sweated it out at their origin). The other migrants are called skilled workers. They have university education, know many languages ( sometimes even 5), have many years of professional experience, qualified through the point system(how many of you know about that?), and above all ,spent about 1-2 million of their currency by the time they land here ( they made it through hard work, sold their land, buildings and other possessions) . When thinking of making 1-2 million here, we can imagine how difficult it would have been many years back (migration process took about six years till a year back). Most of them have very good written English than the original English speaking lot!). The only problem is they don't have the Canadian accent, and take some time to free from the cultural shock. This is just natural for anybody who tries to learn and speak another language in a new country (try to step into their shoes). The old aged parents of the migrants may not speak, or may not say thank you. Sometimes the words thank you, awesome, how you are etc become very artificial and evoke a sense of cheating to the people of other culture. In short, there is no free ticket for the immigrants to arrive in Canada. Those who dare will win. From time immemorial, Canada has been a nation of immigrants and is an ever evolving multicultural nation- and there is no going back. Illegal immigrants are exempted- who reach here through the holes in the system.
Posted by: Rachel | Nov 4, 2021 9:11:42 PM
I just want Canada to be Canada. I have been across the country and now residing in Vancouver. Never in my life have I felt so alienated in my own country. I don't have a problem with people immigrating to Canada. But I do have a problem when our own culture is disappearing because we are so afraid to offend other cultures. Screw that. If I wanted to visit or move to another country, then I would have to adopt to their cultures which I would do and with respect. But not here in Canada......we change our ways, our culture, our existence so we don't look bad. I really wish the Government of Canada would look after us Canadians, the ones who built this country, the ones who work hard to achieve a decent life, the ones who pay into the system to look after us Canadians. It scares me to think what it will be like in 10 years, 20 years.....and that is not too far in the future. I miss my Canada. I think if immigration is to work in this country, the Government needs to listen to it's citizens and understand that things do need to change. But like everything in the world, it is all driven by money....and this will not happen, not in my lifetime. Oh Canada, our home and native land........slowly disappearing. Just an opinion from a Canadian who loves her country.
Posted by: Paul Winkler | Nov 4, 2021 9:46:35 PM
Yes, all immigrants should be able to speak one or both of the official languages. (The only reasonable exceptions I can imagine should be family members of native language backgrounds such as Inuit language variants; they were here first.)
Posted by: Cris | Nov 6, 2021 12:28:19 AM
Congratulations for a very wise and articulate message. To all Canadian idiots posting here or thinking like them, wake up. You are all immigrants, sons of daughters of immigrants and so on. Most of you, as we can clearly see on this website (Franca Luciani, you need to go back to school and I mean it, because you are Italian, you are not Canadian, even though you are born here and you are insulting your parents). For the carrot guy or girl, you are not giving us jobs. I am a freelancer and my wife is self-employed. How are you giving all of us jobs? Most of the immigrants are overqualified for the jobs they do and the self-entitled Canadians don't want to do and underpaid. If we dissapear and I mean the skilled people, not the slaves willing to put up with your crap, you will not exist. Do you want to bet on that? Canadians don't make children, let's see the real statistics. Many Canadians are not educated and even the educated ones are incompetents. You are mentioning a Canadian culture? What culture? Please, those who are pointing this out, be specific. I don't see any culture, but a mixture of cultures. Do you know what Folklorama is? Do you see any Canadian pavilion at Folklorama? Do you enjoy seeing other cultures' dances or eating other cultures' food? I bet you do, but you don't want immigrants in this precious country of yours. You say we should be thankful that we are here. We are not. We have been promised a better life and respect. We got none of the above, but humiliation, insults. We paid a lot of money, meaning the immigration fees are a rip-off that pay into your pockets. We are treated like second class and you want us to be thankful. Our schools are not good enough for you, unless they are from a predatory country that occupied others, see colonies, Commonwealth. We competed to go to Universities back home. Meaning had tough exams, not the ones you have here and you are saying we are not good enough for you.
I am sick and tired of your mentality, so racist, so mediocre, so pathetic. Next month, farewell Canada and the morons thinking like most on this forum. We owe the world to the countries we were born in, to our parents, who did not come here, to our land. We will make it better than yours!
Posted by: Bill | Nov 6, 2021 8:05:46 AM
Are you still here Cris? Didn't you say you were leaving a few months ago?
Posted by: Misanthrope | Nov 6, 2021 12:53:25 PM
Hey Cris, did you ever hear the saying "if its to good to be true, it probably is"? Its not our fault you were suckered and paid alot of money to immigrate here. You might have very good engilsh skills which anyone can learn by the way, but you have no common sense which is not taught in school.
Posted by: TSD | Nov 7, 2021 2:00:22 AM
I was born in Canada, but married a foreigner, and moved to their country where I lived for 18 years. Far from being made to feel welcome there, I was always referred to as "that Canadian!". I experienced much prejudice as an English-speaking person in an English-speaking country. Years later it was time for my spouse to come to Canada - again experiencing intolerance of the cultural differences despite the fact that we all speak the same language. In fact, at one point I received a letter from a neighbour actually saying "you people have no business moving into MY neighbourhood". Now if we suffered that amount of discrimination and abuse as English-speaking (and non-minorities), just IMAGINE for one moment what it is like for people who come here with an unpolished grasp of the language?!? Is it any wonder that immigrants withdraw into the safety of their own communities?!?! It is you people who criticize immigrants for not assimilating who have caused them to keep to themselves in the first place! Trust me, the immigration laws in this country are beyond stupid to begin with. My English-speaking spouse, who held a job in our "other country" paying more than the Prime Minister of Canada earns, was a "low priority" for intake because they were considered unemployable because they didn't possess Canadian professional qualifications or even a University degree. Guess what? In other countries employers hire people for their skills, attributes and experience, not the token pieces of paper that they accumulate! Had my spouse not been married to me for 18 years and the parent of our children, they would have been refused outright! The immigration laws need to be changed alright, but to make them follow COMMON-SENSE!
Posted by: Catch 22 | Nov 7, 2021 2:22:59 AM
This law might help a bit for new comers, but a reality check that I do know which I would really LOVE TO SEE being improved and tightened is for any existing foreign students who comes here, "pretending to want to move to Canada to work in the future". After a few years, they are too allowed to apply for citizenship which some of them do, but wont really stay to help Canada's economy, but instead take advantage of our system. Once they receive their citizenship, some of them, they are gone (keeping an existing address in Canada at a friend's house for example). They either go back home or travel elsewhere with their Cdn passport b/c it looks better for them than if they used their origin passport for example. But at the same time, it's a catch 22...some of them do want to stay, have all the potential to succeed but as they are from other countries, some of them have a hard time to find a really good job, as employers don't give them a chance.
Posted by: concerned canadian( born and raised here) | Nov 7, 2021 4:05:20 AM
I don't understand the reasoning behind GIVING these people so much so that they can move here..WHY doesn't the Government stop and look around this country and help out the individuals who need it? I don't know about most of you readers,but I am ashamed that Canada( especially Winnipeg) is known as the murder capitol,BUT also,all you have to do is look around and you should be able to see how many homeless people there are out there.I did some research and did anyone else know that even though prices for everything ( including food) have increased dramatically,yet minimum wage here is among the LOWEST in Canada..On the news the other day,they reported that the useage of the food bank had increased by something like 45 % since last year, and they want to know why...Well, how about the fact there are so many immigrants here,that they are getting FREE education,New( cheaper) Housing,AND they get FIRST PICK for ANY and ALL jobs that come available...Also,I have seen with my own eyes,and if I hadn't seen it,I would have thought someone was lying to me, A 2 bedroom apartment ( supposed to be anyway), With 15 people (immigrants of course) living in it...They had ripped apart the walls to make extra bedrooms,and were using hammocks for extra beds,They managed to get around the system by having their son and daughter in law on the lease,then the rest of the family came to Canada and moved in with them.They avoided the landlord by sneaking around at night and only going out the side doors so they would not be seen....On top of all that,The adults that were not on the lease( 7 adults-including the proper tenants-)5 were collecting welfare for the kids they had with them AND were ALL getting money from WELFARE to pay rent!! SO can ANYONE tell me how ALLOWING ANY immigrant to move here and give them all the opportunities that SHOULD RIGHTFULLY BELONG TO CANADIANS FIRST AND FOREMOST IS FAIR? AND I am NOT talking about welfare,BUT the rights to a decent HOME,EDUCATION,and FOOD!! PROVIDE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO BELONG IN CANADA FIRST,WORRY ABOUT OUR OWN PEOPLE FIRST,IF NOT FOR THOSE OF US WHO ARE OLDER,THEN WHAT ABOUT THE NEXT GENERATION OF RIGHTFUL BORN AND BRED CANADIAN CITIZENS? WHAT WILL THEY BE LIVING ON? OR WILL SOMEONE WHO IMMIGRATED HERE,TELL THEM IN THE FUTURE, " SO SORRY,YOU NEED TO SPEAK-CHINESE,HINDU,PORTUGUESE,KOREAN,SPANISH,CUBAN,(OR WHATEVER),TO QUALIFY FOR THIS JOB... SERIOUSLY,THINK,PEOPLE,THINK.
Posted by: fanpyre | Nov 7, 2021 6:06:33 AM
Canada is a great country except CON-servatives who is relying on immigrant vote bank. Immigrants are not responsible for the embracing the culture of this country.
Posted by: LisaToronto | Nov 7, 2021 10:42:14 AM
Wow! As I read all the comments I should say that I am not surprised that Jason Kenny achieved his objectives, through his normal strategy of causing anti-immigrant sentiments to support his initiatives!
I am ashamed to say, this is the Minister's strategy every time he wants to make major changes, without going through parliament. Yes, without going through parliament, because he and other Cons got the power to make life and death decisions, through MINISTERIAL INSTRUCTIONS!!! It's like a communist regime, no one has any say, no consultations and no public comments will change his mind. He has the power to wake up today and just say, I feel this change or that change is good. The public needs to know this!!!!
As for the mandatory language rules, I don't believe that the Minister really makes sense!
1. First, if the foregin students can come here and complete four years of university, obviously they are more than fluent in English!!! So, can someone tell me what is the point of making it mandatory for language testing?
2. Why create another layer of red tape?
3. Why create another backlog in the immigration system?
4. Why charge foreign students $16,000 a year for post secondary education and then create an unnecessary barrier for them to apply for residence?
5. Why would foreign students not be intergrated and able to support themselves in Canada when they have had work permits and working for the 3 to 4 years of university education here?
6. Why they not be able to speak English or French after a rigorous 4 years of university?
7.Rather, why is the Minister making this issue look like a bit of ethnic cleansing, especially when he flies to Ireland and claims these are the highly speaking, educated immigrants that Canada needs?
8. If a foreign student can come to Canada and pay $16,000 a year tuition and support themselves with an additional $13,000 per year which is mandatory before they get a visa, why in the world would they need welfare?
I believe that the Minister's statements above are speaking to applications for Canadian citizenship. In that regard, is it really necessary to create more red tape, more layers, more delays and backlogs in the system.
The old citizenship application process required a "knowledge of Canada" test. If applicants did not pass this, they could not get Citizenship. If they can't speak either language, then they obviously could not pass the test and get citizenship. In this case, it is just unnecessary! An application takes about a year and a half, this will cause another year delay!!!
As for all the welfare comments, every immigrant to this country did not come here as a refugee or needing welfare. Most of them come here as skilled workers, with mandatory financial requirements for settlement and must be qualified. Many are professionals, so why would they all need welfare?
There are just so much misconceptions, it's disappointing how we are quick to judge without enough knowledge or information.
Posted by: mrGrande | Nov 7, 2021 10:43:00 AM
I agree 100%. If you don't like it, then don't come here. We are Canadians first and everyone must adhere to Canadian policies, not from the country the immigrants come from.
CANADA! Love it or Leave it.
Posted by: LisaToronto | Nov 7, 2021 11:01:30 AM
At mrGrande, if we had another Minister of Immigration, I would agree 100% with you! I can't agree when we have strayed so far from our humanitarian traditions!
Posted by: ben | Nov 7, 2021 11:14:49 AM
there is nothing funnier than watching the p.m talking in the house with a member sitting behind him with a blue turban on his head so i figure to make it funnier anglos should wear newsboy hats and the french wear tams ps im french 78 years old and discusted with the situation involving migrants.
Posted by: gc | Nov 7, 2021 11:15:49 AM
finally, something that makes sense. how can someone function properly in a country where they do not even have the basic language skills
Posted by: SS | Nov 7, 2021 12:27:24 PM
The kind of hatred that is being spewd here is extremely frightening.....I am frightened for myself & my children....
Posted by: s.m. | Nov 7, 2021 2:04:00 PM
We are lossing our tradiions and they are being replaced by other countries beliefs. We build "prayer rooms" for Muslims, in our schools, however no Christian Bible or prayer is allowed in case we offend! Well, sorry but I'm offended that our country cannot display a Christmas tree, Santa or even wish someone a Merry Christmas, without being labelled "politically incorrect". If we were to live in a non-christian country, would they build us "prayer rooms"? I don't think so! We let in extremists who bring the violence and hate with them. We give them welfare when our own people don't have access to the same welfare programs. Their families are burdened with helping them.
After the war, many immigrants came to our country and worked hard to become part of a community and contribute to the workforce. That is not the case to-day, it's take, take, take and push their beliefs and traditions down our throats! By all means let them have their own places of worship and their own traditions in their homes, but let us have ours too without being made to feel like bigots or racists.
Posted by: iwb99 | Nov 7, 2021 3:03:55 PM
absolutely Canada is on the right track. Any immigrant who comes to this country should come expecting to be a contributing member of society, how can this happen if you can't speak either language? Will police, doctors etc. be expected to be able to have every translation service available to them? People come here and can't function and then the tax payer is left picking up the tab to give them language training. No one is paying for me to learn other languages, why should they be any different.
Posted by: Daytriker | Nov 7, 2021 4:22:42 PM
Uh KT that should be.... (you have no right to judge...) You don't have any right to judge.....
Just a backward Canadian, thought would help.
Posted by: Daytriker | Nov 7, 2021 4:35:18 PM
In my opinion it is a non-issue. If an immigrant cannot speak the local language it is certainly going to be a tough grind for him/her to be self supporting & get a career. Even high educational qualifications from their own country won't get them a better job here because most qualifications aren't recognized. Having the ability to speak the local language will certainly be of benefit but should it be mandated? I don't think so - there are other more pressing matters to be dealt with like MP Freaking Salaries, Benefits & Pensions. Talk about bleeding the system! Lets start there at the top!
Posted by: ral | Nov 7, 2021 5:21:58 PM
We should never close the doors or make it impossible for new immigrants. Canada is a great Country. I see why people want to immigrate here. Most, the majority of new canadain are honest and hard working. Not everybody wants to fail. There are always some folks going to take advantage. Who cares. Let them have. Not only do new Canadian flourish here so do the Canadain born here.
I sell cars for a living. And alot of new Canadains buy them. I think we would be out of buisness with out there contribution. For everyone who lives here needs transportion. That helps the economy. They needs homes, food, cloths. etc, point is. They fuel our very ecomomy.
I immigrated here 30 years ago. Thanks for having me. I've worked hard paid my taxes. Saved for my own pension. I'd like to think I contributed. But, I don't speak french.
As far as the ethnic differance, I'm colour blind.
Any investment on immgration and we need Millions more is the best thing for this Great Country.
Posted by: ringostone | Nov 7, 2021 7:21:57 PM
Personally, i am sick of seeing signs all over the place that i can't read, tired of listening to people babble in languages i can't understand. Tired of "Our" culture fading.
I'm sick of trying to do normal everyday business with people who can't or pretend not to understand English. Yeah, lets gid rid of every square inch of fields and farm lands so we jam in another Mosque or T&T Supermarket. Great Idea.
You ever researched what China has done to their country???
Yeah, they're really in to saving the environment and cleaning up pollution over there!