Retirement will help you sleep at night: study
People often judge their attitudes towards investing and risk by how well they sleep at night. And they might be on to something.
Researchers have found people who get less than the recommended six to eight hours sleep each night are 12% more likely to die prematurely. Long-term sleep deprivation is thought to lead to diabetes, heart problems or obesity.
There's good news, however. Turns out that retiring goes a long way towards resolving sleep disorders, according to the Journal SLEEP.
Which is interesting when you consider that the odds of having disturbed sleep actually increase with age.
Those who slept best in retirement were those with depression or mental fatigue prior to retirement, the study suggests. In particular, men who reported high psychological job demands were much more likely to get a good night’s rest after hanging things up.
But before you rush to see the HR folks, consider this: The study’s participants weren’t Canadians. They were French.
That means they enjoyed employment benefits most people here rarely see, including guaranteed job stability, a statutory retirement age between 55 and 60 years, and a company-paid pension that was 80% of their salary.
Does retirement actually take the edge off? Do you (or perhaps your parents) sleep better at night than you once did?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Will | May 6, 2021 11:33:22 AM
Recent or soon to be retirees have to worry about sleep deprivation in their retirement when they have to look after aging parents which already suffering from sleep deprivation.
Posted by: wishful thinking | May 7, 2021 12:57:17 PM
It is hard to sleep, when our pensions are threatened...
Posted by: johncando | May 8, 2021 3:10:04 PM
Oh give it up, Mother is 94 < I am 70 and We both sleep great 8 hours is good The government sleeps as it robs us, and You let it happen you will all be street people? The Government took the Money from GM and is not bailing any of the whyners that cried when GM received the loan (LOAN) Christ forgot about that . Legislation is now needed to get the Contract back to the GM employees after the Government made the contract Void with clauses to freeze cost of living until 1012 but the Government puts the HST in to decrease the cost for the retirees.