Should eating-and-driving be illegal, too?
Forget, for a second, what’s been argued about texting-and-driving laws, that they actually make the roads more dangerous because now we have to hide our texting down by our laps, rather than doing it up high where we can still see the road.
Why forget it? Because even the most ardent supporter of texting-and-driving freedom must surely concede of its perils; if at least one person on the road can’t text and drive safely, then the law must do its best to limit everyone from having the chance.
Texting, though, is one thing while driving.
What about eating? While there are few laws that address eating-and-driving in Canada, one South Dakota town has just passed an ordinance to make it illegal.
According to a local report, Huron, S.D., has just gotten around to banning texting-and-driving, though within the new law is important language banning all “distracted driving.”
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The mayor of Huron, home to almost 13,000, says that includes everything from texting to reading a newspaper while behind the wheel. But most importantly to today’s post, it also means eating.
Drivers caught eating-and-driving in Huron will be fined just $15 (the texting-and-driving fine is $100), but perhaps it’s a start for law enforcement.
Eating-and-driving, studies claim, is plenty dangerous on its own. According to U.K. research, driver response times slowed 44 per cent when eating behind the wheel. By contrast, driver response times slowed just 12.5 per cent when blood-alcohol content was 0.08 per cent, the legal limit across much of Canada.
Yet while texting-and-driving has already become taboo, there is something decidedly workmanlike about eating-and-driving. It’s not something that suggests a careless driver, rather what society views as a man on the go, so busy in his noble pursuits that he can’t even stop to grab a bite. (This was the same principle offered in defence of an Ottawa man, who was fined for eating chicken while driving this spring.)
Do you think eating-and-driving should be considered in the same light as texting-and-driving?
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: james | Dec 5, 2021 1:24:54 AM
If we are suppose to keep are eyes and hands on the wheel at all times then i think that there should be an imediate recall of all standards on the road, got a radio well the manufactures have to put the controls for that in the sterring wheel, what about the turn signal or wipers ect.
Lets just use some common sence here texting while driveing is dumb because its as bad as driveing drunk.
However I have been eating and drinking coffie ect while driveing sence I was 16. Never been in an accedent for that, but have hit plenty of wild life on road.
Posted by: Les | Dec 5, 2021 9:09:59 AM
Ya why not! probably should be illegal to talk to any passengers in the vehicle as well, thats a distraction too. Maybe the drivers compartment should be a sound proof enclosure so that at least the passengers could talk amongst themselves without distracting the driver. Hopefully the driver doesnt get bored and fall asleep! LOL
Posted by: Dave | Dec 5, 2021 10:07:42 AM
Another law that will serve no other purpose than to enrich the coffers of local governments and provide yet another tool for police to harass 'target' groups.
What will constitute eating? Chewing gum? Will the presence of open food in the car constitute an infraction as in the case of alcohol?
The British have a charge called "Driving without due care and control" Which is ideally suited, why name any specific behaviours? Only target the behavior which is affecting the driver in question.
Canada had enough stupid laws and enough "useful idiots" promoting them. We don't need any more.
But hey... If you think that bringing in yet another harebrained law that will only impact the responsible majority, go nuts... One more straw on the Camel's back.
Posted by: Raymeus | Dec 5, 2021 12:00:42 PM
The only reason they have laws for texting and driving , eating , drinking alcohol etc. is to protect us from ourselves. We are like children , we want to do what we want to do and to heck with everyone else. Even if it means we could cross the center line and have a head on , or hit a pedestrian , or rear end someone. Common sense is not very common. I have texted and eaten food while driving and had some close calls , not to mention the mess i left in the truck and on my shirt . So i quickley learned it was stupid and careless. Some people dont care , never will , never have , f you , and see u and anyone else i can take with me in the mortuary. Thats just my opinion
Posted by: Dennis | Dec 5, 2021 4:28:13 PM
My dear Watson's the solution is elementary. Instead of trying to regulate and control the driver's conduct, eliminate him. No driver, no problems, no laws required. With our GPS technical capabilities today 100% automated vehicle control is already a possiblity available just not mass manufactured yet.
100% computer control like on the starship "Enterprise". But wait, they had to hire an Android didn't they, because they couldn't trust the computer 100?
Oh crap we're all screwed!
Posted by: James G | Dec 7, 2021 6:46:10 PM
I've read the posts above and can only say people don't realize than driving requiers 100% attention.
Eating is a distraction even talking to people in the car is a distraction,people today believe their car will take car of them.Traction control,stability control ,cruise control etc. make driving too easy.Make all cars manual transmissions and at least then people will need two hands to drive them.
Posted by: Angela | Dec 8, 2021 6:57:04 AM
Distracted driving laws - including eating while driving have come to Canada - it is in Alberta. We all think we are better drivers than we are just because nothing "serious" has happened - yet. But in that milisecond of time it takes for something to happen we should all be treating our vehicles for their intended purposes; transportation. Our homes or restaurants for our dining pleasure and perhaps our families would benefit from the slower pace just a little.
One thing that would have to happen is the shut down of drive-thru access across the country if this ever is nation wide; otherwise it is only perpetuating a bad situation.
Posted by: D.R. Dafoe | Dec 8, 2021 7:13:58 AM
people who have narcoleptic tendancies rely on nibbling to stay focus and prevent drifting off while driving. in this case food is more of a lifesaver than a distraction. if you carry thinngs far enough even smoking while driving serves as a dristraction that if your talking tobacco, when you start talking pot (Washington State) it is no longer a distraction but an impairment.
Posted by: ed | Dec 8, 2021 11:24:00 AM
If you have time to stop to pickup something to eat( fast food), you have time to eat it before you go driving. Drinking coffee is not a big deal because most people dirve with one hand anyways. Texting is another story. I seen a man slam into a stopped semi in rush hour because he was texting. Went by me at about 45 miles per hour into stopped traffic.
Posted by: cindy pennell | Dec 8, 2021 9:02:37 PM
Les' comment above cracked me up.LOL I have been eating and driving since I was 16 and now 45. The difference between eating and texting is you are not really concentrating on getting that Wendy's burger in your mouth. You know where it is, the fries are right beside it, and the drink is stuck in the little drink compartment which was provided by the vehicle manufacturer. A piece of cake!
I am one of those who does get distracted by texting. My eyes are only on the road 1/2 time. I totally agree with the pulling over thing, but eating? Give me a break! Make it a double, double and maybe with a Timbit, too? LOL
Posted by: Johnbo | Dec 8, 2021 10:07:30 PM
Of course it should be illegal you numbskulls, if a 'face filling' fool's response time is 3x that of a drunk. Idiots.
Posted by: Brian | Dec 10, 2021 5:55:29 PM
Put down the phone! Parents - install a text blocker in your child's car. Available in Canada at
Posted by: Michael Car | Dec 18, 2021 12:22:54 AM
I agree that eating and driving should be allowed. If we make that illegal what's next, talking to the person next you?
I definitely agree that texting and driving should be illegal. If you still think it shouldn't be illegal I can only assume that you don't do a lot of driving because nearly every time I am on the highway I see some car floating from one side of the lane to the other. When I drive up next to them to investigate, 9 out of 10 times they are looking at their phone. It's a no-brainer that people should not be texting and driving, it requires way to much attention to look type and process what is happening on your phone and thus not looking at the road. See the following graphic showing the dangers of texting and driving:
Posted by: rickshaw | Dec 21, 2021 8:22:28 AM
There are already, I suspect, provisions in most provincial legislation, traffic or vehicle related acts, that reference failing to drive with due care and attention. It seems that rather than make use of the legislation for what it is, perhaps because members of the general public driving and other arenèt aware its there want new legislation specifically targetting whatever errant behaviour is resulting in dangerous occurences or potentially dangerous or injurious driving behaviour. Distracted driving, by whatever means, is distracted driving. Your a driver is to focus your attention..all of it..on the processs of operating the motor vehicle, and, that not only accounts for how you are operating your vehicle but also beiing able to watch for or be aware of what is happening with what other vehicles are doing near you. Other than the obvious impaired driving we now have ipods, gps, smartphones, bluetooth devicess connected to same, earbuds connected to same, stereo sytems in vehicles that have sound jacked to the sky, on board video screens, have I missed any. When you get in the car and turn the key, or press the start button, your job is now...driving...thatès it. Kids fighting..pull over and deal with it...arguing with wife or girlfriend..pull over ...whatever it is that takes your attention ..and...concentration off the road and your operation of that motor distraction. The driver is the person who is responsible for the operation of the motor vehicle...some forget that when they get in...they think its their living room or part of the restaurant or the hair and makeup salon...just be a driver.
Posted by: redman | Dec 21, 2021 3:25:19 PM
why are people being so dum i eat when i want to i drink when i want to also if the people are using phones or texting yes hang them high but if things keep on going soon you will have to have your papers before you can go any where the laws are taking away more and more and giving nothing so just think about the free and the brave who gave it there all for you and i so we could be free to eat and drink and not have to worry about breaking the law to do it don,t be a sheep be free
Posted by: Wayne | Dec 21, 2021 4:22:35 PM
Already is,who writes this shit???
Posted by: Phl | Dec 21, 2021 5:52:37 PM
I suppose sex while driving is going to become illegal too gees
Posted by: J | Dec 21, 2021 11:31:28 PM
It's illegal to drive in the state of Georgia without a steering wheel. Apparently it was an issue. Think a guy hooked up a wrench to his steering column after the steering wheel was sawed off in a car theft prior. Then he was in accident. Hence another useless law on the books. The problem is there's too many stupid laws on the book. Many of which just pile up with no sense what so ever. Laws are supposed to prevent problems, not add more problems, which is the case. Nobody wants to go through the books and weed out and eliminate the crap laws that shouldn't exist. If you want a really interesting law, how about African Americans and the promise of 40 acres and a mule? Or if you're in Canada, the repeal of Section 33 of the Charter of Rights. That's a crime against all humanity in itself.