Catholic high schoolers earn more than any other grads: report
When I daydream about striking it rich, winning one of those hulking, monstrous Powerball-like lotto payouts, I often take great pains to insist how normal I’d stay.
Despite my newfound riches – make that newfound fake riches – one of my favourite refrains is how I’d still avoid sending my children – er, make that fake children – to a private school.
It’s a sweeping stereotype I’ve got in my head (that private school students coming from a family of means have a higher sense of entitlement), but one I’d want to avoid at all costs.
Perhaps, though, the notion is wrong. By a new study, it isn’t private school grads that are destined to earn the most money in their careers, but rather alumni of another type of education.
St. Louis Fed researchers Michael T. Owyang and E. Katarina Vermann recently decided to compare the three chief types of education systems – public, private and Catholic – to see how the trio affects its graduates.
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The study pinned down results based on which grads were most likely to earn a bachelor’s degree (private schoolers were) and which were most likely to enrol in even higher education (Catholic schoolers were) in the U.S.
But most relevant to this space was the study’s third finding: which grads earned the most money in their careers.
In full disclosure, the research is a bit complicated, and doesn’t neatly break down into a stat like “Graduates X earn $15,000 more per year than Graduates Y.” Instead, it weighs metrics like the socioeconomic backgrounds of students and how much teachers are paid at each school, and compares them in a relative sense.
Yet what comes out is clear. Perhaps surprisingly, it is Catholic students that earn the highest salaries of all three school systems.
According to the St. Louis Fed research, Catholic high school graduates earn a 13.6 per cent wage premium, highest of the three education types.
Chalk that up to the grace of God or at least the principles with which Catholicism is taught, but at the end of the day, it appears, it’s Catholic students that are best prepared to earn in the real world.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Keith | Oct 23, 2021 3:16:49 PM
Silly !
Posted by: Walter | Oct 23, 2021 5:53:57 PM
Could it be that parents of children in Catholic schools worship the almighty dollar more than parents of students in other school systems?
Could it be that the Catholic School system in it's eternal quest for many more taxpayers dollars to keep itself and the Pope living in luxury at everyone else's expense jerryrigged a survey to generate the response they needed to justify their ongoing place of prominence at the taxpayers teat.
Would we do the same for the Muslim community? The Bhuddists? The devil worshipers?
Posted by: Ben | Oct 24, 2021 2:40:18 AM
Really Walter? come on. Although I am not a practising Catholic. My children attend a Catholic School. I chose this path for a couple reasons, and I will even break them out for you.
1. Values - Perhaps one of the most depressing things about the world today is the distinct lack of values that youth in general seem to have. Holding doors, helping people, saying please and thank you, showing respect to Everybody not just adults but peers as well. These things are very important to me, and are naturally instilled in the children of a catholic school.
2. Education - You get what you pay for, look at the average grades of a student in private school vs public school. If you didn't get what you paid for nobody in thier right mind would spend the extra money when public school is free. Almost all catholic schools are private, so your ranting on taxpayer dollars should be directed at why is the government not doing as good of a job as the religious community?
3. Community - I know almost every parent of the children in my childs class. I have worked beside them helping out at the school, I have talked to them at length regarding friend and family. I would consider most of these parents close acquaintances if not friends. I have a few friends that have children in the public school system...they can not name most of the children in the class let alone the parents. We all work as a team to create the best education possible for our children..but Catholic schools do it better.
4. Networking - Most alumni of a catholic School maintain contact with the school and regularly help out. This milti generational network helps each other out all the time and often maintain contact with old classmates for years after graduation because the school makes sure it is possible to do so.
There are many people who hate religion, but I think it is the loss of religious values that is leading to the increased crime and violence in the world. Church and State must be separate... that I do agree with. When people lose the values as well though we all lose in the long run. And to answer your question, Muslims and Buddhists do have private schools, and their success rate for those students is even higher in their own countries than the catholic schools are here. Devil Worship is not socially acceptable, so you may be hard pressed to find a school that dedicates itself to those ideals. Had those satanists been more popular we may have seen a school or two dedicated to them..but I am quite happy that is not the case.
Posted by: Nary | Oct 24, 2021 9:10:15 AM
I can't entirely agree with either of you. Clearly this is an American article (as here in Ontario, Catholic schools are publicly funded by tax-payers, indeed) so perhaps all Catholic schools are private there.
I think there are two advantages to being one of the hive:
One, values, but not as Ben said... I think that the values instilled in the Catholic kids is that the world, all of the animals, plants, etc. were put there to serve people, or more specifically each of them. They don't concern themselves with caring about the world in general because people are more important to them. They are never weighed down by the urge to go out and save the planet to to fear that nothing beautiful will be left for their grandkids if they don't do something productive to make it happen. They don't look at the AIDS-ridden starving populace of Africa and think that somebody should do something to give them a chance at a future. Catholics live for themselves, narrow-minded and selfish, and take what they want. That is how they get ahead financially, by not caring about anything or anyone that does not fit their narrow view.
Two, Community and Networking are one & the same for this. All people hold some bigotry. I happen to dislike any group that preaches hatred about any other group. In the case of Catholics, just because their narrow world-view does not grant caring or consideration for the world or most of the people in it, their bigotry allows them the need and want to cooperate with like-minded bigots. KKK don't sit for beers with Muslims. Al Qaida don't volunteer at the local soup kitchen with Jews. Westboro Baptists don't help care for at AIDS wards. All bigots feel safest and most comfortable amongst those of the same mindset. Contacts are established through school and church and maintained through life. This broad sense of community is what allowed that church to not be upset that Nazi soldiers' belt buckles read "Gott Mit Urs" (God with us) or that Hitler was a Catholic and was not excommunicated until well after death. The Pope was comfortable with Hitler's mindset because the targets were Jews, Communists and eventually Protestants in England and after all of the mess was over, a Nazi victory would unite Catholics throughout Europe. This common core value was something that the Pope could get behind, just as Catholics today can shrug off all of the starving and diseased Africans, so long as the ones not dead yet don't wear condoms as that would be contrary to Catholic views even though it would prevent the spread of AIDS and put more food on everyone's plates by controlling births for those incapable of feeding another mouth.
Yep, Catholicism is great so long as you're a-okay with not giving a damn.
Posted by: Don | Oct 24, 2021 10:10:29 AM
Nary, you are making some strong generalizations here. I am a Catholic and every Catholic I know will maybe not agree with other religions or ways of life, but will definitely not hate them. Personally I am optimistic and try to see the good in all. We may not have the cleanest history but Catholicism is not just the leaders, it is the people too. As Catholics we should care about the world, others and ourselves. Christians have values based on Jesus' teaching and those are to sacrifice and serve others. We are all human and make mistakes but as Christians we should strive to do more.
Posted by: Don | Oct 24, 2021 10:13:01 AM
* by ourselves I meant our health/spiritual well-being
Posted by: catholic (french) versus--and they always win | Oct 24, 2021 10:18:10 AM
I'm in mid-life. Catholic schools here in Ontario have always been better. I don't know why although I have heard that catholic schools in Quebec are the best also. I think it has to do with history and the french vs. english again. (This french vs. english debate will rage in this country until the end of time.) Anyway,
Catholic schools are funded by the taxpayer (which I disagree with) but all the children on my block go to the catholic school, except my children. (I chose not to because my family is not of the catholic faith and thinks all the retoric is a little ridiculous.) However, I have seen the work done by the children in these schools and the work is harder and the children do have a better chance at succeeding.
Posted by: Paulina | Oct 24, 2021 11:53:03 AM
My children attend a Catholic school. I have lots of friends who's children are attending public schools. I myself attended Catholic elementary school and high school. I honestly don't see where children from either schools make more than the other. To be perfectly honest Education is not a right,it is more like a privilege. It doesn't matter what school you attended, to get a good paying job or career for that matter nowadays, you need post-secondary education which is not cheap by any means. Even then, some may not qualify because of lack of experience. So this nonsense about the Catholics "worshipping a dollar" is rather insulting. I don't know what the life of the Pope is, or what the inside of the Vatican looks like. But my conscience is clear and those priests or whomever "Walter" is referring to, they have to speak for themselves. Unfortunately religion is clearly a factor for many and will always be an issue.
This is why when speaking in general, one should not sum up all people under the same heading. This statement goes in respect to all stereotypes, whether speaking about race, gender or religion.
I do not think that I am any better than the person who has less education or more education than me. There are many individuals who have no education and make a solid living. Life is all about choices, it's up to each individual whether or not they make the right ones.
Posted by: Knowsitall | Oct 24, 2021 11:58:29 AM
My 4 kids went to Jesuit Catholic schools and didd just great.They not only have fine careers but fine families so we are happy.
Posted by: Debbie | Oct 24, 2021 12:20:45 PM
I was raised Protestant, but my kids attend Catholic French Immersion School. My son in Kindergarten is learning a lot more than his friends in public school. I chose Catholic school because in the public system, (at least here in Calgary) you are not allowed to mention anything that would constitute religion. So Christmas is the winter break, Easter is the spring break, etc. The public schools have had to bow down to immigrants trying to change our ways.
Posted by: MumWhoChose | Oct 24, 2021 1:00:56 PM
When attending University (as a mature student and mother of 3), I overheard two councellors in the administration discussing 2 students and one placement. They agreed that given the harder/heavier workload and decreased teacher involvement, that the student from the Separate school system was likely to be more of a benefit to that University's later honour rolls.
The mantra was trotted out by the more senior of the two: When you have two otherwise equal candidates, your choice should be weighted by the Separate school system. They haven't just taught the students "what" to learn, but how to go out and find the way TO learn.
They have a higher expectation from the student as an individual. Children don't just sit back and wait for the teacher to come around and ask them if they need help. They actively draw attention to the problem they're having, ask for help, and are prepared to list what they've done (so far) on their own before turning to a teacher.
All in all, they come out of school more prepared to actively participate in their own educational career (on average.)
Posted by: SalvationThroughGraceByFaithInJesusChrist | Oct 24, 2021 1:54:32 PM
How to receive God's Gift Of Eternal Life (Salvation through GRACE by FAITH, NOT WORKS):
If it's a GIFT, then you RECEIVE it, not EARN it. If you EARN it then it's called COMPENSATION, and SALVATION is NOT COMPENSATION.
The Word Of God Gives us a clear picture of how to receive His Gift!
John 3:3-21
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.
8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be?
10 Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?
11 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our witness.
12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
Posted by: Cris | Oct 24, 2021 2:23:57 PM
You are an immigrant too. Besides, very, very ignorant.
Posted by: Think About It | Oct 24, 2021 2:43:08 PM
@Cris... what makes you think Debbie is an immigrant ? ANY person BORN in this country is NOT an immigrant... they are Canadians... and they do NOT need to apply for citizenship. Their parents or grandparents may have immigrated to Canada. If anyone follows your line of racict thought, then ALL non-aboriginal people are immigrants. That's plain idiocy !!! Just 'cause some people got here first doesn't make them "native" to the land. It's not like they fell into Canada from the skies or grew out of a cabbage patch.
Posted by: Tessa | Oct 24, 2021 7:25:22 PM
I am Catholic went to Catholic schools myself; I am also an immigrant and sent my children to Catholic schools. When my children's friends got in grade 12 they transferred to the public school just because grade 12 and 13 were easy there. The Catholic schools my children attended were great lots of home work and lots of parent’s participation. I love the idea of the uniform my five year cost of each of my three kids were less that 10% of what my non catholic friends paid, for the trendy clothes their children, just had to have. My children are all adults but they often visit their elementary and high school when they are in town, if it were an unfriendly place I am sure they would not return. They are doing really well, and yes everything starts at home but the Catholic system helped.
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