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August 31, 2021

New tip jar design accepts credit cards, leaves you without excuse

In the good old days, back before the GOP had an official 2012 candidate and Jersey Shore  was to live forever, if you didn’t want to give out cash you hid behind one ironclad excuse.

When prompted to tip, donate or hand change to a homeless person, it was simple: “Sorry, man. No cash. I’ll get you next time.”

Done and done. On your way.

At least … in the good old days. Now technology’s getting so good that even tip jars take plastic, rendering your cashless reasoning critically endangered.

Indeed, where guilt-free anti-tipping used to reign, one new invention from a New Yorker is threatening its existence.

*Bing: What country has the world’s best tippers?

Ryder Kessler, just 26, has unveiled the DipJar (above), a new credit card scanner shaped like a tip jar that makes gratuities near unavoidable for the average patron.

The DipJar, according to Kessler, was inspired just as you’d imagine – the inventor noticed the baristas at his local coffee shop often went without tips, patrons regretfully not having change to pass into a jar.

“Everyone was paying with credit or debit, so the tips had plummeted,” Kessler told the New York Post. “Baristas take really great care of me, and I didn’t like that they were working just as hard and making less money.”

So what was born was the DipJar, which is now at two locations in New York with surely more coming soon.

The DipJar has been both a hit and drag so far. One barista said people hardly use it. Another patron said it’s great because it encourages tipping when a gratuity wouldn’t have been passed along otherwise.

Skulduggery against those that don’t want to tip? Of course. Now there is no “I’m out of cash” justification anyone can use. But then, we suppose, the writing has been on the wall: last winter, the Salvation Army began accepting credit cards for donations at their street-side kettles.

Just one final question: how will the DipJar affect patrons from Quebec?

By Jason Buckland, MSN Money



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Gordon PowersGordon Powers

A long-time fund company executive, Gordon Powers now heads up the Affinity Group, a financial services consulting firm. Gordon was a personal finance columnist for the Globe & Mail for many years, has taught retirement planning...

Jason BucklandJason Buckland

The modern-day MC Hammer of money, Jason can often be seen spending cash that isn’t his with the efficiency of a Wilt Chamberlain first date. After cutting his teeth as a reporter for the Toronto Sun, he joined the MSN Money team with...