What's the best day of the week to shop online?
It’s no secret that the price of most products can vary significantly based on peak season pressures, the scrutiny of price comparison sites and one-off special events like next week’s Black Friday.
Now, it turns out that the day of the week has a significant impact on prices as well, at least when it comes to online shopping.
One of those price comparison sites, Extrabux, along with camelcamelcamel — which updates consumers when prices fall on Amazon — analyzed prices for more than 100,000 products sold online at variety of retailers.
They found that the price of televisions, computers and stacks of other consumer products can vary by anywhere from $20 to $40 from one day to the next. As a general rule, the best day to buy electronics, for instance, is Monday.
That's when many computer and electronics manufacturers apply their discounts and rebates, which are often passed along to anxious consumers who wish they were early adapters.
*Bing: Where to find the best deals online?
Same goes for cars, Extrabux says: Dealerships are more open to negotiating then in hopes of recovering from lacklustre weekend traffic.
As for clothes, the latest numbers suggest they're cheaper on Thursdays. Books are 11% lower on Saturdays, largely because people have a bit more time to read on weekends.
Similarly, online prices on major appliances are lowest on weekends when home improvement projects are top of mind.
Do you stagger your shopping over different days of the week? Positive results? Or is the Canadian experience just a bit different than these numbers suggest?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money