Sometimes the customer is actually wrong
Successful businesses understand that the word ‘right’ in “The customer is always right” doesn’t mean that the person with the beef would win in court, or even come out on top of a debate. It means: “If you want that guy to come back, you need to let him believe he’s right.”
Unhappy customers are bad news for any company, and it only takes one of them to shatter a perfectly good day at work for everyone, says consumer advocate Christopher Elliott whose “Travel Troubleshooter” column appears in several U.S. newspapers.
In recent years, Elliott has expanded beyond mediating grievances of airline passengers, hotel guests and car renters to helping settle a host of general customer-service disputes. As a result, he's heard it all.
His major gripe: The customers themselves.
“I field complaints from angry customers every day. And while many of these grievances are completely legitimate, some aren’t. And the ones that don’t pass muster are usually maddening not for what they say, but what they don’t say,” Elliott maintains.
His six worst omissions when it comes to customers who are either disingenuous or jump plain rude ...
1. I didn’t do my research.
2. I made assumptions I shouldn’t have.
3. I didn’t read the fine print.
4. I knew I was going to return this, anyway.
5. The company tried to fix this, but I didn’t let it.
6. I’m not telling you the whole story.
So what’s the takeaway here? When you have a grievance, put down all of your cards and let the system work, he advises. You’re far likelier to be rewarded for your honesty with a fair resolution than for your dishonesty.
Are you up front when you lodge a complaint? Or is the whole idea to get a leg up on the retailer no matter what?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
* Follow Gordon on Twitter here.
Posted by: SP | May 9, 2021 5:15:23 AM
Usually it's too much of a hassle to complain, often I chalk it up to experience and just never shop there again. With Airlines, Hotels or Rental Cars it's easy to call the Credit card company, and stop payment till the issue is resolved (but like the author mentioned, if you don't have a legitimate point that clearly won't work).
Posted by: Jane | May 9, 2021 8:17:36 PM
For the most part I find the majority of stores will back their product and their customers but sometimes they screw you around.
I have 2 examples, first a friend bought a $3000 tv with a $600 extended warranty and 6 months after the regular warranty expired the sound blew on his set. I helped him bring it back and they checked out the tv and handed him back the $600 for hit waranty and said if the repair costs more then the warranty they can return the money for the warranty and not fix the tv.
He argued with the managed for about 15 minutes at which point the manager leaned against the tv and accidentially knocked it off the counter.
My friend got a new tv.
Second example I needed to return a microwave 32 days past the purchase date due to funny noises and they said I could not reutrn it so I said in a loud voice pinch my nipples (yes I am a woman) at which point they called a manager and he told me the same thing at which point I again said in a louder voice PINCH MY NIPPLES. The manager asked why I kept saying that and I answered because I like someone to pinch my nipples when I'm getting screwed!
I got my new microwave.
Sometimes you just need top be a little creative to get someone to do what you want.
Posted by: bob | May 10, 2021 2:48:22 AM
you are crazy Jane, if you want it to return youre microwave, you should of follow the return policy and get up your sofa within the return policy if you were to lazy its youre issue and you should consult a doctor for that, youre just a simple bitch
Posted by: Cyrus | May 10, 2021 8:50:27 PM
Jane, aside from Bob's illiteracy, he is absolutely right. You are a complete bitch. You must live in a trailer park, or your parents and grandparents were siblings. If I were the store manager, I would have shoved that microwave down your throat, which I imagine could easily accommodate an object of that size and shape.
Posted by: Trixie | May 12, 2021 1:51:57 PM
Jane actually had a legitimate complaint. (Even if it did sound ridiculous.) However, store managers are taught to "screw" customers over. (I know because I have a friend who is taught to "screw" the customer over, with a smile on his face.) I like how Jane took her manipulating to the "next level". That's funny. The store manager probably wasn't ready for that at all! It looks good on him! Good for you Jane! I'm going ot try to remember that line!
Posted by: Retired | May 13, 2021 9:17:05 AM
I am not much of a complainer. I resolve the issue by not using their service or product and passing my complaint on to my friends and neighbors. It works for me but not so much for them.