Should buyers of counterfeit goods face jail, fines if caught?
Everyone looks at counterfeit goods the same.
“God, ew, that’s despicable. Who would ever buy something like this? … (examining product, under breath) … Unless …”
It’s the same progression. “What am I, scum?” turns into “Actually, this isn’t so bad” which ends up as “Why did I ever pay for the real thing?” That’s how fake items suck you in, and that’s why knockoff products like shoes, purses and sunglasses form such a major market.
But while we know it’s illegal to sell counterfeit goods, what if it was against the law to buy them, too? One New York City councilwoman is trying to make that so.
Under the bill proposed this week by Councilwoman Margaret Chin, whose Chinatown district is “ground zero” for counterfeiters, according to the New York Post, shoppers caught buying knockoff goods could be jailed or handed a $1,000 fine.
“It’s a very big problem,” Chin told the paper. “We don’t want to be known as the place to come to get counterfeit goods.”
Fair point, but while Chin admits to the Post the proposal sounds “draconian,” she may have a tough time selling her bill.
Piracy and counterfeiting has long been a thorn in the side of business, so much so that the International Chamber of Commerce blasted the G20 nations during last year’s summit for failing to do much about it. Within G20 countries, the group said, $125 billion is lost each year to fake products, putting 2.5 million legitimate jobs at risk.
Yet as ripped-off companies rightfully urge law enforcement to crack down on counterfeiters, should Joe Consumer face legal action if he’s caught buying knockoff goods? I suppose there’s little surface difference to buying bogus goods than there is to, say, buying narcotics. Both are illegal to import and sell, yet only one is truly enforced when it comes to the point of purchase.
And just look: consumers rich and poor don’t care at all about buying fake products. According to a report from the group Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting, 80 per cent of consumers spend on bootlegged or pirated goods without losing any sleep.
What do you think? Should Canadians be fined or even jailed if caught buying counterfeit goods – everything from street vendor products to mom-and-pop shop items to online sale products?
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
*Follow Jason on Twitter here.
Posted by: Steve | Apr 27, 2021 6:31:20 PM
I think this would be reasonable, under ONE condition. All companies pay their fair share of taxes and don't use tax dodges, loopholes, kickbacks for preferential laws or other ways of ducking their corporate responsibilities.
When companies return to their taxation and relative pay levels of the 1950's we-the-public will return to our 1950's social values. Until that time, "I'm alright Jack" don't you dare use a nickel of MY money to protect YOUR products rights.
Posted by: John | Apr 27, 2021 11:30:32 PM
I couldn't give a rat's behind.
Posted by: Chip | Apr 28, 2021 6:05:13 AM
Considering the Chinatown district Chin councilwoman source... I say WTF. China's been producing cheap knock-off stuff for 100 years. Take your crusade back to the origin.
Posted by: vince | Apr 28, 2021 10:06:13 AM
I agree, as long as we also jail and fine all those companies who outsource their products to some cheap labour.
Posted by: ST | Apr 28, 2021 10:38:47 AM
Posted by: J | Apr 28, 2021 11:25:51 AM
The puchase of knock off goods and or pirated goods does not equate to lost sales. I wish people would get this through their skulls. If something is super cheap it's probably too good to be true, if they are selling knock of stuff at originals MSRP then and only then should they be subject to legal action.
Also I don't want to see my taxes being spent protectiong some rich foriegn based company's interests, they should be doing it on their own dime.
I'm tired of watching governments raiding peoples houses arresting children because a buisiness has asked them to, copy rights should be defended by the owners of the rights not the public services.
Posted by: haaronl | Apr 28, 2021 11:44:43 AM
The USA has some incredibly stupid ideas when it comes to law making. For all your talk about freedom and justice there is very little fairness or common sense in the laws.
Posted by: scott andrews | Apr 28, 2021 12:24:51 PM
Well..counterfeit is jsut that..."counterfeit" so if your buying form the street and the vendor is saying that it is real..then what does the consumer know?? they buy it and get busted????this is odd... perhaps the arresting individuasl should ask where did you buy these goods and bring them to the scene of the crime where the proper arrest should be made...not the consumer...
Posted by: jim | Apr 28, 2021 2:14:22 PM
All these companies complaining about counterfeiters can get F-ed! All these purses, and shoes etc that sell for thousands of dollars cost probably $5 to make in Indonesia. What lost "legitimate" jobs are they talking about?? The jobs aren't here in North America, but the tax breaks for these companies are the same. They're not really losing any sales. The people buying counterfeit were NEVER gonna spend $1000 on a pair of shoes. So the sale NEVER existed or could have anyway. I will NOT EVER spend $400 on a jersey, but if I see a good knock-off I'll probably get it. Otherwise, I will be jersey-less!
Posted by: Jeff | Apr 28, 2021 2:36:08 PM
The comments on here show why counterfeit goods, and the sweat shop workplaces they are made in, will continue to be made. Face it, you may complain about the high costs of the originals and the profit margin involved in them but you have to realize that the counterfeits are also making money for the people selling them. If they are so much cheaper you can imagine that the costs to produce them are a lot may say originals are produced at a cheap price (evidence?) but the counterfeits are definetely produced at a cheap price using very cheap, almost bonded (i.e. slave) labour.
So I guess that if the people posting here were to have a vote, slavery or sweat shop conditions would be the norm?
Posted by: Anonymous | Apr 28, 2021 2:47:36 PM
I have the right to buy whatever I want, counterfeit or not. It's a question of free will.
Instead of trying to protect the interests of global corporations who use sweat shops in Asia and export jobs out of the US, perhaps this council woman should vote against the "Patriot Act" and look to protect our constitutional Rights and Freedoms. Or perhaps she should worry about the police-state / surveillance society / TSA molestations we must endure.
Since when does the Constitution allow for the federal government to be the police of the international corporations??? That's why there are Laws and courts. It is for the corporations who hold the trademarks and copyrights to go after the counterfeiters, not the government.
What she is doing is unconstitutional and thus unlawful.
Also, what Obama is doing in Lybia is also unconstitutional and unlawful. He should be impeached and tried for TREASON. Maybe that's another "cause' this councillor should espouse?
"Yes we can! Change you can believe in!". What a crock of shite.
For real news go to:
Posted by: Frank | Apr 28, 2021 5:02:24 PM
Developed Nations should use appropriate punishment for a crime. It is is some charter i am sure, probably the UN. It is easy for a lawmaker to get carried away with a "pet peeve" and decide to eliminate all shoplifting by cutting off hands (somewhere in Asia it exists I am sure). But is that civilized? Does any amount of money justify that? And speaking of money, please, use your judgment. The brands have decided to charge a lot more and that may even be part of their appeal. It may even cost them slightly more for the quality and moderately more for their marketing efforts. But these grey products will also keep them honest. A little balance is no bad thing. As for the buyer being persecuted, NO.
Posted by: ben dover | Apr 28, 2021 7:04:22 PM
when you look at the prices for products in canada, for example, the can am 1000x four wheeler and the troy bilt tillers are 45 percent more in canada then they are in the states not counting the 15 percent HST we pay in nova scotia, thank you NDPs, yet the can am is made in canada. lets not even talk about gas, that subject boils my blood. lets look at drontal plus for dogs, that product is about ten times more expensive in canada than it is in the states, they get it from canada, but the suppliers won't even sell to canadians, i know, i tried to order some, two dollars per pill versus almost 20 dollars per pill, advantage flea treatment, well bend over.
why, when you see prices like that would we not want to get better prices on counterfeit products, we canadians are being fu(ked and gouged everytime we open our wallets.
i have almost stopped buying american products, and decided to buy chinese when i can, yes chinese, many of their products are as good, if not better than canadian or american made products, just avoid their toys and their food.
the americans don't want to ship certain rifles and pistols to canada, well, i got mine from china at a fraction of the price the americans want, and what a surprise, the quality was as good, if not better than the american products. thank you for opening my eyes
as for who should be charged, the gov't of canada should be charged for letting the corporations fleese and fu(k us as much as they do. the gas prices in canada are so high that they are even stealing gas from full sizes trucks, well my truck is exactly 15 yards from my window, and my chinese gun may be used if i catch someone under the tank of my truck with a drill and a can of gas.
i have had enough of this bull shit.
Posted by: SP | Apr 28, 2021 8:26:54 PM
People who sell such items should face charges. I was in a store just the other day & I saw designer clothing that was labelled as having been made by people in impoverished countries. I saw electronics that were made in conditions that would be illegal in North America or Europe shipped here on polluting cargo ships, clearly they must be counterfeit. After all if it's a Japanese product it should come from Japan or US from the US or European from Europe? All of this stuff had legit looking logo's on it but was slapped with a Made in China/Honduras/Cuba/Bangladesh Logo and was selling at full price!!!! You don't think that these company CEO's are counterfeiting their own products to give themselves big bonus's and dodging taxes do you?
Posted by: giuliano | Apr 28, 2021 9:40:39 PM
Posted by: Chazztbay | Apr 29, 2021 1:26:38 AM
I have to laugh at the idiots who say that it is their right to buy fake products and then go on to complain about sweatshop labour.
It is just as much the right of the company then to fire your stupid ass and set up shop elsewhere and I do NOT feel sorry for even 1 millionth of a second for unions, or labour and manufacturing employees in North America.
Your greed, coupled with your disdain for the companies that provided you with employment in the first place is now being rewarded.
LOL @ the Anonymous idiot who posted about the police state ect. Firstly, yes you rights. You have the right to take a car, or a boat, or walk or even swim. Air travel is a PRIVILIGE not a right you reactionist dumbass. If you don't like the TSA don't fly. Nobody is forcing you to do so. As for the government policing corporations...that is an assinine argument. If I murder your family member, do you have to get your own lawyer to charge me with the crime and pay court costs ect ? No.
If any rights are being infringed on here, it is my right not to have to listen to the rants of an uneducated moron. Oh wait, sadly I know that isn't a real right. Too bad.
Posted by: Pierre | Apr 29, 2021 1:56:30 AM
So, now, whenever I go shopping, I am not only supposed to try get some value for my hard-earned almost worthless dollar, but I am also a customs inspector/border guard/business inspector?
Are not these businesses licensed? Do they not also hire people here, and pay taxes here? Do they not generate much needed economic activity here?
If not, then where are the boys from the Customs, IRS. CRA, City Licensing Dept., and so on?
This insane woman also wants me to be able to judge who made what product where, and when, and how? And all to protect some billionaire multi-national, that is probably based in Europe, to begin with? Just how am I to be educated and trained in this aspect? I presume it is on the job training? I mena, I'm going to have to acquire some experience somewhere! How's the pay?
A "store", might be a street-side guy selling off stuff from his very own "gone with the economy" bankrupt business. (And the stuff could be legit!)
Or: It could be a place in a ritzy mall, or a strip mall. (and the stuff might or might not be legit!)
Or: It could be someone having a yard sale or "distress sale". (Again, could be legit, or not - could even be stolen merchandise!)
Or: A bankruptcy vendor. There are some pretty big legitimate firms doing this sort of stuff now-a-days. And no way to know if it is legit!
Just HOW, exactly, am I to know how to verify whether the stuff is real or not?
Really, now, this woman city councillor has obviously never lived in the real world. Perhaps SHE has bought some fake stuff unknowingly? Perhaps... SHE... has bought... some... fake stuff... KNOWINGLY?
Hum. Only one solution here. It is very simple. Obviously, she is just talking, and not thinking. So, she is not using her head. Well, then, let us simply behead her, and be done with it.
Problem solved. Next, problem, please?
Posted by: Steve | Apr 29, 2021 1:36:41 PM
It would appear that the consensus here is that buyers should not face sanction for purchases of goods in their home country and that it is our governments responsibility to ensure that all products coming into our country are of acceptable standards.
As for poor Chazztby... The rants of an uneducated moron are inescapable for you because you are both the source and the receiver, pity really. And should anyone actually have read his comment assuming it to be true, please be advised that neither car nor boat travel is a 'right' walking and swimming are sadly also locationally specific privileges (if in Doubt try walking into a military base or swimming across the top of Niagara falls into the USA from Canada ). Keep on trying to troll though, in time you may get lucky.
Posted by: Chazztbay | Apr 29, 2021 5:11:52 PM
Steve, you can take any passenger vehicle (boat or car) you want and while it is NOT a right it is also NOT a public source of transportation so if you want to let terrorists ect on it you go right ahead. You can walk anywhere and you can swim anywhere there is water, but you might not like the length of time it takes (too damn bad). Your analogy is just stupid as you cannot take a plane into military space either, nor would anyone try to swim across Niagara Falls however you can swim further up or down from it, and you can also walk around it. This isn't location specific. Just because you live in Toronto doesn't mean you cannot walk, or swim. Common sense would dictate where you can go no matter what mode you use. You do not own the airplane and as such, you have NO say in the security required to get on it. The point is that if you don't like using a PRIVATE transport used by the PUBLIC then find another way or STFU.
If you are going to comment and call me a moron you should at least use logical arguments not written by your 5 year old son.
Posted by: Steve | Apr 30, 2021 8:50:59 PM
Sorry Chazztbay that was a very pathetic attemp to troll.
I'll play along though, "Private" cars travel on "Public" roadways, equally, "Private" airlines do not own the airspace they travel through and like it or not, all activity in the world is sanctioned or restricted by the public at large. So if the whole public wishes to purchase counterfeit goods that is what will happen. Sometimes silly people forget that humanity works as a team but sooner or later those people learn or are referred to as "The late...."
If Chazztbay ever gets the chance to travel outside of his hick town he might discover that one cannot legally "walk anywhere" they like as is often evidenced by people being arrested trying to walk on the 400 series highways. Every 'private' mode of transportation travels through public space and every business & private 'right' is at the discretion of the public at large.
One deluded councilwoman cannot stop counterfeiting any more than the US government can stop it's own citizens from using drugs or Afghans from letting recent captures out of jail.
Have you thought of running for council Chazztbay? I think you might fit in.