Is your company among the "Best Employers" in Canada?
While employees certainly care about salaries and benefits, it's the total package that matters more, according to a recent study from Aon Hewitt entitled Best Employers In Canada.
Organizations are selected as top employers based primarily on survey responses from more than 134,000 Canadian employees at 251 Canadian companies.
According to Aon Hewitt's definition, employees are engaged when they "say, stay and strive": they speak positively about the organization to others, are committed to a long-term career, and are motivated by their organizations' culture and values to go "above and beyond" to get the job done.
While the list contains many of the same names that have led the way in previous years past, a few companies have climbed the ladder, and almost 20 new employers have climbed on board.
Here's the top 10 among larger firms:
*Cisco Canada
*EllisDon Corporation
*PCL Constructors
*CIMA+ Partner in Excellence
*McDonald's Restaurants of Canada
*OpenRoad Auto Group
*Marriott Hotels of Canada
*Bennett Jones LLP
*Wellington West Holdings
*Farm Credit Canada
Lots of talk about empowerment and life-long learning here … but what about those perks?
To answer that question, Maclean’s recently asked all 50 organizations just what it is specifically that earned them such high marks from their staff.
At Amex Canada, for instance, standard benefits include retirement savings, travel discounts and a stock-option plan for employees – as well as an on-site gym, chiropractor, massage therapist, and emergency child-care facility.
Do you work for any of the companies on this list? Are things really that great? Or are employees responding with a gun to their head?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Joke | Nov 1, 2021 4:10:35 PM
These best employers lists are a joke.
I once worked with a company who was ranked best medium size business in Canada, then a few months later they let go 1/3 of their employees and yet still ranked in the top five the very next year.
Basically, you just get the employees to fill out surveys saying how great they are. Really has no credibility at all.
Posted by: John | Nov 1, 2021 4:14:30 PM
Were you talking about Protegra?
They seem to be ranked number one for smaller companies this year. Would have been different if they had the laid off employees fill out the surveys. :-)
Posted by: Joke | Nov 1, 2021 4:18:54 PM
Yeah, it was Protegra. Wow. Well, whatever makes them feel good.
Posted by: Jack | Nov 2, 2021 7:41:51 PM
I work for a major oil company. It made the list for the top companies internationally. I work out of my home, set my own hours, get to travel all over the world, and get a huge salary and unbelievable benefits. My company, however, expects me to deliver results, and their expectations are very high. I certainly can't complain.
Posted by: Bryan Vogler | Nov 2, 2021 8:29:04 PM
I have worked for both C.N. and Via Rail for years until i retired. I have noticed C.N. as being a private company on the New York Stock Exchange, but Via Rail is not there. Both Crown Corporations that had offices across Canada were never picked as top employers. In fact i have never seen a Crown Corporation listed as they claim they are seperate from the Government of Canada. Of both are owned by the taxpayer, be it on the exchange or not. Both use the same tracks, one a passenger service unlike Amtrack, the other a frieght service the taxpayers have never recieved any share divends on despite the profit. It shows this page is anti-government ignoring tens of thousand Canadians or the Government of Canada is not a good employer.