Governments waste half of every dollar spent, public poll says
Cynicism can be a useful tool.
For instance, it can help us sift through the constant spin of today; a common sense device, of sorts. Like, Hey, maybe we should listen to geologists about what to do with the Alberta oilsands, not James Cameron. That kind of thing.
But pessimism may find no more important use than with regard to our world’s governments. It’s important for them to know we don’t totally trust what they do. It keeps them on their toes. Yet … are we really this sceptical of our elected officials?
The latest in we’re-exhausted-by-government news has come out of the U.K. this morning. A BBC survey of 22 countries found that people believe their governments waste more than half of the money it receives in taxes.
According to the poll, which garnered 22,000-plus participants from various rich and developing countries, people think 52 per cent of tax-collected money isn’t spent “in the public interest.”
In fact, in no country was that figure less than one-third; Spain was the lowest at 34 per cent (Canadians fit in right about with the average findings, believing 51 per cent of money spent by our governments is wasted.) Corruption-rich Colombia and Pakistan were the highest countries polled, with about two-thirds of its citizens suggesting their governments throw tax money away.
Now, the key words of the previous paragraphs are “believing” and “suggesting.” These are not scientific figures, and are based merely on public perception, not actual government performance.
Still, the figures are sky-high – even Kevin O'Leary, he of CBC’s Dragon’s Den, The Lang & O’Leary Exchange and a notorious opponent to government, suggests only about one-third of every government dollar is wasted – and appear even more bizarre when paired with another finding of the survey.
The BBC poll also found that, with the world’s finances continuing to stink, most people want more government intervention when it comes to the economy – up to 76 per cent of respondents, in some cases.
So, if you’re scoring at home, people want governments to spend less, but do more. Surprise, surprise.
What do you think? How much of your taxpayer cash would you say is spent wisely?
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Mike H | Oct 1, 2021 4:06:34 PM
You didn't get Kevin's name right, either! But wait! maybe there's an Amanda O'Leary?
Posted by: Jennifer Phillips | Oct 4, 2021 4:39:16 AM
Since the Bank of Canada is a PRIVATE bank run by a cabal of European bankers--just like the Federal Reserve Bank in the US--they steal most of the tax dollars from Canadians every year. Your birth certificate allows them to do so. Google "freeman on the land" and you will see how we have been duped by this cabal for over a century into thinking that we owe them a piece of our earnings. Under Common Law we do not owe them a cent! Become a Sovereign and you will never have to pay income tax again.
Posted by: Quarmby | Oct 4, 2021 7:25:36 AM
51%..!!....Canadians are once again being too kind and generous. Our inept politicians and unelected minions are undoubtably wasting closer to 65% of your tax dollar, if one considers all the bloated pensions, bonuses and make work projects. Another useless poll is a good example of said waste. Did we really need a pollsters' opinion to tell us that we think that our governments are pissing away our hard earned money? ...or that we generally don't trust them? Brilliant waste of further funds....the mere exsistance of this BS poll says it all.
Posted by: Andrey | Oct 4, 2021 6:10:50 PM
This is one case where the general perception is correct. %30 percent of tax dollars go to pay interest on debt. Large projects such as eHealth and the long gun registry where general incompetence results in massive contractor fees and a complete waste of billions of dollars only to have the whole project scrapped or to start over. Lastly add-in outright corruption where those in charge receive kickbacks and give special deals to their friends/supporters. It is easy to see that more than %50 of tax dollars are wasted.