Why men buy and women shop
It's probably not news to you that men and women shop very differently.
Researchers at the Wharton School found that most women browsed until they had seen most of the things in the store compared to only 33 percent of men. As a result, they frequently roll up much larger bills than planned whereas men simply head for big-ticket items to begin with.
They also found that women are much more likely going to respond to friendly sales associates, while men are more concerned with the availability of parking, whether the item is in stock or how many people are in the checkout line – known in the trade as ‘purpose-driven’ shopping.
The research team hypothesized that being in these possibility- or purpose-driven mindsets might influence how people made subsequent, unrelated decisions. And they were right.
According to Wharton marketing professor Stephen J. Hoch, this shopping behaviour mirrors gender differences throughout many aspects of life: "Women think of shopping in an interpersonal, human fashion and men treat it as more instrumental. It's a job to get done," he says.
Most men shop reluctantly, cautiously, infrequently and alone. And so it’s been since prehistoric times, maintains University of Michigan’s Daniel Kruger.Men were hunters, women were foragers, he says. As a result, women would spend hours trying to find the right outfit, present or object, because they had in the past spent ages trying to find the best quality foods.
Men, on the other hand, decided in advance what animal they wanted to kill and then went looking for it. Once it was found and killed, they returned home – to watch TV presumably.
Tell us: Are men and women really so different when it comes to shopping? What are things like around your house?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: MAN | Aug 3, 2021 10:27:40 AM
Article is right on. I shop reluctantly, cautiously, infrequently and alone.
Posted by: Anomoly | Aug 3, 2021 11:16:41 AM
I'm an anomoly - a woman who doesn't like shopping - I shop very much like the men are described here! Go Figure!
Posted by: another guy | Aug 3, 2021 12:31:19 PM
if i need something, then i buy it.
otherwise, i do not spend my time planning wondering/researching where i am going to spend money i haven't made yet.
Posted by: Joker | Aug 3, 2021 12:39:33 PM
Shopping is the necessary evil we all have to do in our daily life. I only buy what I need and don't like to spend one more minute in the shopping mall. No wonder the family argument very often starts at the shopping mall.
Posted by: Jeff | Aug 3, 2021 2:08:02 PM
I agree to a certain extent with the article at least how it relates to me. I go in to buy clothes, I buy them and am finished. A couple of my girl friends over the years could go in, spend an hour or more shopping for clothes, and leave with nothing.
That being said I also enjoy browsing for certain items and can, on occasion, spend a fair bit of time enjoying shopping, it all depends on what I am looking at.
Posted by: MuthaPlucker | Aug 3, 2021 4:12:24 PM
What a waste of my time I am now 5 minutes dumber from reading this stupid idiocotic article
Posted by: Jeff | Aug 3, 2021 4:24:27 PM
Well "MuthaPlucker"...why did you even read it and then post other than to show that the thought that went into your ID name is not unusual for you? I would say you could not be 5 minutes dumber from reading the article since it only takes a minute or so to read. It would be impossible for this article to make you dumber.....
Posted by: jack niccolls-mc donald | Aug 3, 2021 5:43:52 PM
my time off work is too valuable to spend walking all day to save pennies or in some casea a few dollars. i know what i want and am not into fashion or trends as most women have been brainwashed into since the dawn of advertising. we are not hunters and foraigers and have not been for centiries.
Posted by: yet another guy | Aug 3, 2021 8:22:45 PM
I'm not a clothes shopper; if I need a new pair of shoes or jeans I walk into a store and buy them. If the cash register lineup is too long, I spot this on the way in and move to the next store. Returns, forget it, haven't the time, just won't shop there anymore.
I'll spend hours however on the net researching a big ticket item, so when I finally do get off my lazy butt, I just walk into the selected store and buy it.
Unless of course, the lineup is too long!
Posted by: not a typical woman | Aug 3, 2021 8:48:13 PM
I'm a woman who sounds like "yet another guy."
Jeff you sound like, what I call a...high maintenance guy...which is why you seem to be getting dates with high maintenance women.
Posted by: raymond | Aug 3, 2021 10:24:54 PM
when i was a teenager i really enjoyed shopping for clothes. Then my 20s to 40s i enjoyed a bit. But iam 51 now and last 10 years i hate shopping for food or clothes. I hate the crowds and the people who block the aisle . Finding parking is the most painful, then lineups. Trying on clothes i have no patience for anymore , so i just see my size and buy it. I like shopping from Cabelas , just see and order and comes to your door.
Posted by: yes indeed | Aug 4, 2021 12:10:38 AM
ladies and gentlemen, actor from countless films, Raymond Burr
Posted by: Alan | Aug 4, 2021 12:14:36 AM
For me, I distinguish between buying, shopping, and researching, all are separate to me. I buy my underwear, shop for groceries (I want the healthiest food), and research purchases that will cost more than $300 endlessly. Constantly analyzing my needs, looking for the best price (online or instore) checking the latest reviews on the manufacturer, everything. I spent 6 months researching the components I wanted for a custom computer I built a year ago. The research is easy though, just pull out the laptop and google, google, google. I do all that research so that I get the best item at the best price and if I'm buying it at a store, all I do is find the item, then a salesperson, and say "I want that one". If they try a sales pitch I tell them straight-up that if they don't stop, I'll go to their supervisor and tell them exactly why I didn't spend my money in their store. Makes shopping very easy, and quick.
Posted by: Aret TORONTO | Aug 4, 2021 1:24:52 AM
I COULDNT AGREE WITH YOU MORE JEFF! MuthaPlucker IS AN IDIOT GOOFBALL TO SAY THE LEAST! He reads the article, decides to abosrb it, spend few minutes reading it, than spend another few minutes commenting on it only to say how stupid the article is! DUHHHHHHHHHHH
Posted by: what is wrong | Aug 4, 2021 8:33:05 AM
Aret Toronto: you sound like you're just like jeff. Of course you're not going to like a negative comment about Jeff. Who is the real goofball? Duhhhhh!
Posted by: jay | Sep 16, 2021 12:51:47 PM
This article is mostly right but there are some exceptions.
I have another way of summing up sales and yea I know alot will disagree but some will agree
Men will pay $2.00 for a $1.00 item they need, Women will pay $1.00 for a $2.00 item they don't need because it's on sale.
Posted by: I Agree | Oct 29, 2021 1:45:14 PM
Alan....wow you are my twin man! Everything you said was exactly the same.
Jay....I have noticed the same thing.
It's puzzling sometimes how that works. I don't know how many times she came home with an item she'd bought on sale, but didn't even know what it was! Just thought it looked like something I would use was the reasoning. OMG!
Of course you can't really get upset for the clear waste of money that it is because there's the 'thoughtfulness' behind it. But really?! That thinking will get you to the poor house quickly.
I suppose there is a reason the men tend to be the money managers....I said TEND TO BE not always. My mom was the money manager in the house and very good at it, so some women kick ass at it. It just usually is the men and it is very clear why that is. I knew a classmate who told me she'd go a whole week without eating just so she could go on a single shoe shopping trip. OMG, that must be why!
Luckily I am with a woman who is very direct and purposeful. Check.....yes my sanity is preserved
Posted by: Kt | Oct 29, 2021 9:29:40 PM
I'm only 16, but I don't fit into either of these categories yet. I'm not a browser, I don't just shop to shop. I go for winter, summer, and back to school, and I never get a whole lot. I know what my big items are, and I go right for them... in about 4 different stores, before I buy. So I'll go straight for the winter boots once, and then again and again, and then go back to the best. I'm a money saver, I don't know how some people my age who work WAY more than me can go through their entire pay before the next one comes. So, hunter or gatherer?
Posted by: theone | Nov 1, 2021 12:41:46 AM
its simple, yes, guys go for the "big ticket" things, because guys minds tend to lean towards the "anaylitical" side, and will weigh up getting something "cheap and nasty" that'll probably break after a little while, or something that'll be a bit more expensive, last longer and/or do a better job. Guys might get something "cheap and nasty", but only if it saves them bucks, and does what they want exactly!.