Would a soda tax succeed where the fat tax couldn't?
Last October, as the issue was gaining increasing steam, we discussed the fat tax – was it a good idea, a bad idea or something close to the plot line from V for Vendetta?
Indeed, the conversation quickly turned to “enough government already” almost without pause. And, perhaps, rightfully so. Such a proposal is radical, even considering the health information we have today.
Yet, still, hidden amongst the anti-totalitarianism comments was a good amount of support for the idea. Maybe the fat tax wasn’t perfect, but its ideals seemed to have the right intentions. Maybe it just needed a little … tweak.
Well, here’s a new wrinkle for everyone to mull over. The state of New York has suggested an idea that can only be classified as the younger cousin of the fat tax: the soda tax.
The soda tax, based on its proposal, would aim to implement a duty on pop and other sugary drinks that contain more than 10 calories per eight ounces. This would include most every non-diet soda, as well as sports drinks, energy drinks, sweetened coffees and teas and juices with less than 70% natural content (milk, its offshoot products, and baby formulas would be exempt, however.)
A set-in-stone levy isn’t quite mentioned, but the Alliance for a Healthier New York charges that a 10% increase in a beverage’s retail cost would lead to a decrease in consumption by about 15%, especially among children.
Of those kids, the group says, each minor’s likelihood of childhood obesity would decrease by 60%, presuming they drink one can of pop each day.
Impressive stats? Sure. Tough to argue with, too. But will they hold up against what’s at stake?
Opponents of the soda tax point that only low-income groups would be affected by the tax and, according to the Consumerist, it “does nothing to reverse the tide on the real problem.”
And that, of course, sets off a retort from those who favour the tax, arguing that additional revenue generated by the price increase could “be used for health care and health related initiatives.”
You’d think that argument would only be bolstered, too, if such a tax were proposed in Canada, a country that largely absorbs the medical costs of its inhabitants.
But if the soda tax can’t pass in the private health care world of the U.S., an initiative like this probably has no chance north of the border. And judging by the 72% of respondents in a recent poll that think a tariff on sugary drinks is just another government cash grab, the movement’s still got a long way to go before it ever reaches fruition.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Tammi, R | Mar 5, 2022 2:29:15 AM
Yes, fat tax and soda tax! I think the lower income earning families will benefit the most. My wife saw a bit on tv. recently that stated that drinking 2 cans of soft drink (pop) per week will increase your chance of getting pancreatic cancer by 85%! Is this report true and from what source?
Posted by: Mel | Mar 5, 2022 4:03:46 AM
I believe it's a great idea. Also, I believe the government should allow adults should be able to use as a deduction on their income tax the cost of fitness programs, e.g. yoga, health club membership, martial arts classes, etc. I shore the reduced health care cost would outweigh the loss tax revenue for he government. Why not include vitamins in with that. You can use other drugs are deductible, so why not vitamins, including protein powders, green drinks, etc.
Posted by: mark | Mar 5, 2022 6:30:45 AM
A tax is still a tax... it amounts to legalized thieft... did you know that the "gas guzzler" tax that was imposed on cars and suv's does NOT go toward enviromental issues, it simply goes into the governments bloated coffers. When you take into account all the "taxes" Canadians pay it amounts to just over 50% of a persons income... this is nuts and it has to stop.
Posted by: scott | Mar 5, 2022 8:47:12 AM
SURE ,Why not we are getting shaffted now!!! I am going to work untill I die because of our governments care for us, COME ON PEOPLE they tax us on everything.Do you really think that this `tax is for are own good. I am 43 years old Ive allready worked 30yrs of my life, NOW starting all over.I love this country but our government is hurting all of us real canadians.
Posted by: glenn hanna | Mar 5, 2022 9:18:41 AM
i'm all for taxes on consumption that adversely affect our health and the environment and lowering of personal income taxes. individuals should be in control as to what their tax dollars are spent on, not just politicians who benefit from high salaries and corruption opportunities, even in Canada. Taxes we must pay, but let them be of our own choosing and fair.
Posted by: Alon | Mar 5, 2022 9:21:48 AM
Obviously this is a cash grab, the U.S. and N.Y. especially is not out of the recession yet, and this seems like a "socially conscious" thing to do so why not. The problem is that you're gonna have a lot of nay sayers and it is true that it is the lower income families that will suffer the most from this. They're the ones who have to sacrifice health and nutrition for low food costs and so this will really just hit them. I don't think something like this could go through in Canada and so no reason to think that our government is hurting us anymore than they already are. But what exactly do you mean by "real Canadians?" I wasn't born here but I've been in Canada almost all my life, I have citizenship, I go to university... am I real Canadian? Probably the wrong place to start this but I like the idea that if someone lives here, works here, and contributes their share of tax then they should be able to enjoy all the benefits that "real Canadians" have.
Posted by: Don | Mar 5, 2022 12:38:35 PM
Where does this type of taxing end. Alcohol, cigarettes, fat tax, soda tax..........
what is next? There are so many things that are bad for you. Maybe taxes for people in industrialized cities should be higher as their air quality may cause health problems. Tax anyone who lives in an area where there are ...lets say 5 smog alerts per year. Maybe people in rural areas should pay more because an ambulance cant get to them for 2 hours and it may cause complications if they dont get proper care in time. How about skiers who break legs on the slopes.How about people in high stress jobs...that causes all kinds of health problems! OMG this is getting ridiculous.
These people should find something better to do. If I was a betting man I would bet the people coming up with this garbage are picking on other bad habits...not on their own.
The problem is once they feel they have "solved one" they will find another to move on to.
Posted by: Blair Mou | Mar 5, 2022 1:33:42 PM
Here's why I'm sometimes troubled about this: whenever we see a move to "tax" certain criteria, we see other shift in the product - usually to worse chemicals that haven't been tried! for example, I think that sugar, while horrible for one's body, is still better than all the chemically mixed sweteners and other "stuff" that gets put into the diet soda.
The best answer for health really is no soda, however this has the potential to move the manufacturers to add even worse ingredients that aren't listed or fully studied yet.
Posted by: ardvark | Mar 12, 2022 2:24:39 PM
what ludicrous nonsense. always the solution with politicians and morons in general is make people pay more! fight obesity!! charge the people. especially after the recent and ongoing economic crash. pure trash. only confirms who puts these politicians in power....the very same clowns trying to profit from the results of their own products. what a joke. want to fight obesity? invest more in incresing funding to good groups like the ymca or other similar groups or offer incentives for people to go to a gym, do more walking. but stop trying to make people pay for every mistake or problem that exists. i won't even start on all the nonsense with polution/ozone/recycling blah blah.
Posted by: Nursing gowns | May 3, 2021 8:53:55 PM
The most effective way to reset the challenging connotation of obesity is to ignore it. Stop worrying about size and be concerned with health. In spite of what the scales reflect, it is absolutely possible to be healthier tomorrow than you are today. Focusing on health instead of weight works with the body to correct imbalances and works with the mind to defeat negativity.
Posted by: cna certification test | Jul 16, 2021 4:59:53 AM
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Posted by: Marble Suppliers India | Aug 7, 2021 6:02:58 AM
I’m not sure about this really but I do have an open mind.
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