Environmentalists more inclined to act dishonest: study
If you’re in, say, an SUV at the gas pump these days, you almost have to hang your head.
It’s not because you can’t afford to fill its tank, it’s because of that snooty look people give your choice of vehicle. The car itself may be comfortable and awesome, but where public perception is concerned, some can make it feel like you’ve painted swastikas across your own windshield or something.
But for that condescending group – the hoity-toity environmentalists who take themselves a little too seriously – eat this!
A new study from the University of Toronto has found a link between green consumers and dishonesty.
According to The Star, which published the findings, eco-minded people prove to be more likely to “lie, cheat (and) steal” – presumably justifying it because their consumer behaviour, seen as morally good, gives them a licence to act deceitful.
The study, Do Green Products Make Us Better People?, used U of T students as guinea pigs and is based on results from three separate experiments.
Read here for a much better summary of the study than I could give (starting seven paragraphs down), but the most telling of the exercises involved participants “stealing” money after completing pro-green consumer behaviour.
After “shopping” in either a conventional or green-themed store, those from the latter group “lied and cheated” much more than those from the former, according to The Star.
Nina Mazar, one of study’s lead researchers, said the findings were “nothing bad … it’s just how it is,” yet there might be an underlying importance here no one’s talking about.
Thinking of the planet is great, but if we can finally pin something against the kind of uppity environmentalist who turns their nose at the rest of us, that might be this study’s crowning achievement after all.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Ron Joseph | Dec 1, 2021 11:03:54 AM
LOl, I guess thisreally does confirm what i've been saying all along. Global Warming/green house gas theory is the new religion. Instead of going to confession people can just use their percieved 'greenness' as their absolution! LOl, if it wasn't leading to a global social catastrophe.
Posted by: blossom | Dec 1, 2021 12:03:07 PM
What a ridiculous study, it is not like we don't have anything more important to spend our money on. To all those skeptics out there....global warming IS real....look around. Mother Earth then is making up all the symptoms, lying and creating a "new religion"?
Posted by: Keaven | Dec 1, 2021 12:15:47 PM
oh yes, it IS real, it also is quite likely part of a natural cycle, and the impact of mankind on the world is greatly over-estimated. being green is important. thinking it makes you the almighty savior of the world, or even better than your peers, is something way more problematic than ice moving away and oranges growing on the north pole.
Posted by: blossom | Dec 1, 2021 2:57:32 PM
It's no wonder this world is going to hell. Look at our attitudes! We don't have to be saviours, just join together and do what is right to protect the only home we have for our children and grandchildren. Do people not think about or care for the world we are passing onto them?
Gaia needs to heal herself from this virus that is killing her (humans) and we who are dramatically increasing this natural cycle. We will all feel the effects. It is what needs to happen...money is the devil, and funny thing is, we can't take it to the grave with us, when there is no more world we can live in, money won't matter.
Posted by: blossom | Dec 1, 2021 3:04:25 PM
It is no wonder with this kind of attitude in our world, we are all going to hell. All people care about are things and money. We don't need to be saviours, just join together and do what is right to protect the only home we have to pass on to our children and grandchildren. We are a virus on this planet and once Gaia has cleansed herself, money surely won't matter anymore.
Posted by: Croos While You Can | Dec 1, 2021 3:48:46 PM
Our "Superstore" has long been green. Its premier policy is to feature bag your own friggin grocieries in your own friggin bag or buy one from us that we used to provide N/C. Go green means less employess (no bag boys)and a profit on bags. I,m sure that will save the earth.
Fortunatley our Wal-Mart gladly bags my groceries N/C and sells the food for less.
Posted by: Mike | Dec 1, 2021 4:40:12 PM
Anyone who thinks the debate on global warming is over, should read about how data for the most important database used to predict global warming (the one the USEPA completely based everything they've done with CO2 on) was manipulated and outright fabricated by some of climate change researches most prominent proponents. There are also several emails between them discussing how best to alter the data to fit their theories better (ie lie) and discredit or blackball anyone who disagrees with them. How this can't be front page news in every paper in the country while Harper and Obama are in Copenhagen I'll never understand. Certainly gives more proof "greenies" can be full of it.
Posted by: shara | Dec 1, 2021 4:45:34 PM
Global warming cannot be stopped. It is a part of the evolution of our environment. I have a SUV and I do not hang my head because I use it on an as need basis. We cannot act as "good" and save anything but we can always act responsibly in all things!
Posted by: Chris | Dec 1, 2021 7:24:05 PM
This doesn't surprise me at all considering the high priests of global warming fabricated their data and lied and cheated the public. One of those high priests has even stepped down from his position at the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit, pending an independent investigation (by other environmentalists no doubt, who will lie and cheat there as well).
Check out wattsupwiththat.com and climateaudit.org for the full story.
This story needs to be told to everyone, especially the countries with the most to lose at Copenhagen - Canada, USA, India, Britain, China and the other world leaders. Environmentalism and the idea of Anthropogenic Global Warming are malevolent farces, and must be shut down.
Posted by: Imran | Dec 1, 2021 8:31:45 PM
Dear All
I have been in environmental and eco freindly designing for a long time. People do not understand the basic concept and follow a few who claim to be earth's best friend.
Small example is the concept of carbon foot print and green house gas reduction many commercial companies fail to calculate the carbon footprint and green house impact which is caused during the creation of the eco friendly product or technology.
It is useless, trying to change this as we are still landfilling and dumping toxic waste.
Posted by: G.K | Dec 1, 2021 8:39:46 PM
I find this article incredibly narrow minded and more likened to the kind of journalism that belongs in a supermarket tabloid than a media website like MSN. The study mentioned is also an appalling waste of university funding and time. Calling someone a "green" consumer is a whole different aspect than actually being one. These days the green movement has become a bandwagon, which is a double edged sword. Those who truely care about the environment are often lumped in with the hip, upper middle class who are more concerned that the color green matches their bank accounts and expensive yoga mats. Sadly this group is the one most commonly reflected in society. Wake up people! This is'nt about materialism, it's about the opposite. Buying local, becoming self sustaining and adopting healthy practices for both yourselves and the environment. If you want to truely make a difference, you must first be selfless and willing to give up the way of life we've grown accustomed to. It's not easy but it's best to start early before it all becomes shockingly commonplace.
Posted by: guest | Dec 1, 2021 9:44:45 PM
personally, I think it's just "green" canadians who are more likely to lie/cheat/steal etc. Canadians are so very cheap to begin with. I bet if the same study was done in another country, the results would be different.
Posted by: young woman 2009 | Dec 8, 2021 12:32:39 AM
I think we need to care about the green planet, but we cannot stop evolution of the earth. The global warming is just the product made by our government. I think if the government care about the global warming they would start making electric cars instead gas cars to decrease pollution, they would build houses with solar electric own system so we would not need hydro bills, they would open recycling companies and recycle aluminum cans, paper, glass etc. instead dumping everything in one big dump , they would bring water to every house so wells will not be needed and same with the septic system, they would filter it instead letting it go to the river or the ocean. But fact is that those are thing that do not make product so they do not make big money , and as somebody said before me, I have e feeling that nowadays everything is about money and profit. Sad, maybe one day we change .........
Posted by: Why are People so Ignorant? | Dec 8, 2021 1:47:34 AM
personally, I think it's just "green" canadians who are more likely to lie/cheat/steal etc. Canadians are so very cheap to begin with. I bet if the same study was done in another country, the results would be different.
>> GOOD JOB! This is the exact type of analysis you need to consider!
The majority of people in our world regard all information face-value. It is important to be critical of everything in order to determine the most intelligent findings. (I don't know how old you are, but this is the fundamental skill that you learn in university: critical/analytical thinking.)
It is important to realize that although the findings from this study support their hypothesis, it is only representative of the population they studied: university students in Toronto. It is in no way representative of people all over the world. The same study needs to be performed in different areas, using different methodologies.
Good for you! You're one of the few people that don't ignorantly accept whatever research MSN picks and chooses to show on their website!
Posted by: What a lame study | Dec 8, 2021 4:44:16 AM
After reading the article I can't help but comment. "Green" products are so much more expensive than conventional products. Of course the green consumer will have less money to share. It's quite easy to understand. And being green is not about buying convention or green products. It's about buying fewer, buying used or not buying products at all. If fewer people buy, fewer things get made and energy is saved.
Forget CO2 emission. It's the over consumption that's killing ourselves and our natural resources. If things were made without CO2 being created, we'd still have the same problems with resource depletion, other forms of pollution, landfill being used up.
Some green products are not as green as you think (biofuel, electric car) and come with a such a high price tag that it's not paying to "better" the environment.
"On average, the green buyers left with an extra 83 cents in their pockets." Stealing is stealing. Will it matter to you if a robber mugged you of $10 vs. $1000? Of course not. The guy robbed you and that's the point.
"Those who had bought from the conventional store lied and cheated significantly less than the green store shoppers, who were more likely to pick the high-paying side, regardless of where the dots were."
It's a game! Why the hell not. You'd be a fool to not to. May this shows that green consumers are smarter.
So I guess wall street banks and the people who created this financial mess are all greens right because you cannot get more greedy and dishonest than these bastards!
And it's funny that this study comes from a business school where future banksters will emerge to rob us taxpayers of more money. May be U of T should do a study of how honest business students are compared to the other faculties.
Posted by: Singh | Dec 8, 2021 8:26:14 AM
Man made global warming is a complete lie, the fact they have convinced many of the masses to thinking that CO2 is a poisonous gas is beyond me... it is a life gas... its as if to say oxygen or nitrogen in the atmospehere is a poison... Al gore is a constant lair, he claims to have invented the internet, he has deindustrialized the United States by lying to the american people of NAFTA and GATT... and now he is trying to sell his biggest lie yet, global warming... with it trying to bring in global government and global taxes... worship of the earth is going to be the new religion for these people... pretty sure many of the atheists and agonistics are going to fall for it... but people of good cognitive ablities and good conscious who understand the scam will stop this scam before it ends up killing millions if not billions worldwide with its global implementation of carbon laws... they will starve 3rd world nations to death with carbon taxes... we the people wont let that happen...
Posted by: bob | Dec 8, 2021 9:03:18 AM
i'll make this short and right to the real point, not some pretty comment. YES, They are dishonest. Haven't you read the emails, Do you lie to your freinds when you right an email ?, or do you right what's on your mind. WAKE UP AMERICA, AL Gore you are a fraud.
Posted by: bob | Dec 8, 2021 9:06:18 AM
how come you didn't post my comment. is it to right to the point, and also i guess the truth hurts. what a crock.
Posted by: LeonardLi | Dec 8, 2021 10:42:55 AM
Please click on this link and do some of your OWN research!
Posted by: Jesse | Dec 8, 2021 11:05:57 AM
Amazing how people with little to no chemistry backgrounds can make claims to deny that a good portion of the climate change we are seeing is not due to the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses we humans have put into the atmoshpere at ever increasing rates since the start of the industrial revolution. I mean do you even understand the process!? Maybe you skeptics should get an education before you spout off.
The emails, well I think that's a result of frustration from constantly being bombarded by deniers who are truely ignorant of the facts. Get some chemistry and climatology under your belt before you lie to yourselves and others about something you obviously know very little about.
BTW a truely stupid article aimed simply at getting reactions on a "hot" topic.