Ontario native leaders slam HST
Judging by the vitriol on our messages boards, just about everyone hates Ontario’s new HST – which would combine the currently separate eight per cent provincial sales tax and the five per cent GST into one tariff that would cover previously tax-exempt items – but they’re not sure what to do about it.
Here’s one approach: Ontario native leaders say they’ll turn their reserves into tax-free shopping zones rather than let the HST strip them of tax breaks that status Indians enjoy in the other provinces.
In Ontario, First Nations are currently exempt from PST and partially exempt from the GST, but this won't be the case under the proposed HST arrangements. In the three provinces that have already put the HST in place (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador) however, First Nations are fully exempt.
Selling more goods tax free and under the table would likely build on the existing practice of selling cheap smokes to non-natives on reserve, the Globe and Mail reports, suggesting that so-called smoke shacks are already causing major headaches for police and the Canada Revenue Agency.
“It's happening now,” Blaine Commandant, the chief of Wahta Mohawk First Nation near Muskoka, told the Globe. “It could happen on a much larger scale, and why not? You want to buy a car, you come and get it from me and I'll not charge you the extra 10-15 per cent on a $50,000 vehicle. That's a nice chunk of money.”
Yep, there's nothing quite like a good old tax revolt.
Tell us: Given the opportunity, would you do more tax-free shopping on Native lands?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: GWClark | Sep 26, 2021 3:29:31 PM
Would I go to the reserve for tax free shopping? In a Heartbeat.
Posted by: BUZZY | Sep 26, 2021 3:57:58 PM
i love the idea of saving money especailly tax free on vehicles
Posted by: brad | Sep 26, 2021 4:07:00 PM
It sounds to me like the natives are becoming more about the money than they seem to let on. It used to be that they said the white man was all about the money, I'm not so sure anymore!
Posted by: jeff | Sep 26, 2021 4:11:02 PM
Equal rights... equal taxes.. Its no secret that many Natives live in poverty in Canada, as even the UN has pointed this out on numerous occasions. Canada IS helping with free education to those who want it, programs to assist those in poverty, or those with addictions. I think if they started paying their fair share of money, Ottawa would have even LESS excuses to not help. If you want an exemption based on a treaty signed 200 years ago, you better get your birth certificate out and prove you were alive back then. I've been a Canadian as long as anyone anyone else, and if someone deserve to be exempt based on what their great grandparents did, well so do I!!
Posted by: Peter Thrasher | Sep 26, 2021 4:57:17 PM
The HST is not a popular tax. All it is,is another government tax grab. When will the government ever learn that they are elected by the people,for the people and not just for themselves. Whenever they impose a new tax they always make sure there are loopholes so they don't have to pay it. I am old enough to remember WWII and the then prime minister Mackenzie King Imposed income tax,but it was only supposed to be until the end of the war. Ha,ha,ha we all know what happened to that imposition. I am afraid that if this tax goes through then it shall be the end of the Liberal government in this province for many years to come. Don't do it McGinty or you will rue the day you ever even thought about it and we shall again say hello to a Conservative majority in the Ontario Legislation.
Posted by: Steve | Sep 26, 2021 5:08:08 PM
As a native myself, I am SICK and tired of the representation that this is giving my people
This new tax affects everyone-, and the first thing we do is try to dodge it by looking into exploiting our native status. what does that say about us?
have a conscience people- only you can stop this. stop exploiting the compensation that was meant for our ancestors, not us, and move on. After all, we are all supposed to be equal now, right?
Posted by: John | Sep 26, 2021 6:19:12 PM
FYI. Saving 8 percent on purchases OFF-reserve greatly benefits the impoverished aboriginals living OFF-reserve. The stats are out there. Aboriginals are moving away from the reserve. Has anyone considered this? I'm curious about the impact the HST will have for those struggling families living WAY below the poverty line in this country who use the tax exemption to save what little money they already have.
Posted by: barnie | Sep 26, 2021 7:06:47 PM
our government just can't stand to have anybody exempt from tax it just hurts them to see natives not pay taxes, Just like our reserves, pieces of land with no value! at least the ones i've been to.
I think our government already sucks so this HST will just add to it.
Posted by: Jeff | Sep 26, 2021 7:50:41 PM
Natives get too much free from us already. I'll never understand why they think they are so much better than the rest of us that they shouldn't have to pay taxes. What have they ever contributed to this country - nothing. They are basically a massive drain on our economy.
Posted by: slappy | Sep 26, 2021 8:01:19 PM
we furnish natives with a tax exempt lifestyle, why woudnt i shop on the reserve to beat that asschin mcgunity out of my hard earned money? i make every effort possible to deny the gov ment my money, why not take it up a notch?
Posted by: tired of BS | Sep 26, 2021 8:23:35 PM
HST is WRONG on every lvl imho. There are already to many Canadians living below the poverty line! Having to pay even more tax is going to cause to much hardship! Mcguinty needs to grab a brain!
I live very close to a reservation and they are a whole lot better off then many Canadians without so called "Native" status it's only fair that they should be paying tax like the rest of us ... they get to much for nothing (granted there are a few reserves who do need help) ... just to say my piece on that ...
Posted by: Lila | Sep 26, 2021 8:31:19 PM
I agree with Jeff. The government signed a treaty with the natives 200 years ago with their ancestors. Now they wanted to be treated just like their ancestors. Most of us were born in this country, to we should be treated the same way. The natives say that we stole their land. The way I see it if they live on the reserves, then they should get a cheque each month, not a big one, but if you don't live there, then you have to work and pay taxes just like everyone else. They shouldn't get no tax exempt. If they do should we. We work for our money. I'm tired of support them.
Posted by: eaglebudd | Sep 26, 2021 9:07:30 PM
HST should not be a tax grab; in fac t most people in Ontario will pay the same taxes as when you paid GST and PST separately.
The natives do have Treaties that exempted them from taxes but that was before extensive public educations and other benefits such as health care, pensions, disability payments etc. It should be shameful for a group of people to demand more and more from the taxpayers of Canada while contributing nothing or very little. However, any individual in Canda who is poor generally pays almost no tax, generally gets income tax credits and a GST rebate in the form of a check from the government.
Shame on Canadians who demand more and more from the Govt. but don't want to make their contribution to Government revenue by shopping on Native Reserves.
Posted by: Tom | Sep 26, 2021 9:10:47 PM
Now lets see, We take away the natives land for a few beads and an old Hockey puck and give them a treaty with no expiry date and now complain about it. We say we were born here so we have the same rights. Well if your Mother had dropped you out on my livingroom floor would that mean you would own part of my house. The Native People of Canada should not only not pay taxes but should be charging us tax to live here. HST = Libs out cons in.
Posted by: Tom | Sep 26, 2021 9:12:28 PM
Now lets see, We take away the natives land for a few beads and an old Hockey puck and give them a treaty with no expiry date and now complain about it. We say we were born here so we have the same rights. Well if your Mother had dropped you out on my livingroom floor would that mean you would own part of my house. The Native People of Canada should not only not pay taxes but should be charging us tax to live here. HST = Libs out cons in.
Posted by: Tom | Sep 26, 2021 9:13:40 PM
Now lets see, We take away the natives land for a few beads and an old Hockey puck and give them a treaty with no expiry date and now complain about it. We say we were born here so we have the same rights. Well if your Mother had dropped you out on my livingroom floor would that mean you would own part of my house. The Native People of Canada should not only not pay taxes but should be charging us tax to live here. HST = Libs out cons in.
Posted by: Tom | Sep 26, 2021 9:15:33 PM
Now lets see, We take away the natives land for a few beads and an old Hockey puck and give them a treaty with no expiry date and now complain about it. We say we were born here so we have the same rights. Well if your Mother had dropped you out on my livingroom floor would that mean you would own part of my house. The Native People of Canada should not only not pay taxes but should be charging us tax to live here. HST = Libs out cons in.
Posted by: Spy | Sep 26, 2021 9:30:21 PM
jeff your ancestors were the ones who took land away from the natives you moron! We as a nation are still recovering from the recession this could be the straw that would break the camels back all because our government is too greedy! This isnt the time for this new tax!
Posted by: William Philip | Sep 26, 2021 9:45:15 PM
I live close to one of most populated reserves and will go there in a minute for savings. These Liberals can get into my pocket in more ways then anyone ever has before. We need to get rid of McGuinty and his bunch.
Posted by: Mac | Sep 26, 2021 10:06:47 PM
I'm a Canadian of Scottish and French ancestry. When am I going to get a tax break because of the Scottish Clearances and the Acadian Expulsion?
Natives give it a rest and start contributing like the rest of us for a change!!