Ontario native leaders slam HST
Judging by the vitriol on our messages boards, just about everyone hates Ontario’s new HST – which would combine the currently separate eight per cent provincial sales tax and the five per cent GST into one tariff that would cover previously tax-exempt items – but they’re not sure what to do about it.
Here’s one approach: Ontario native leaders say they’ll turn their reserves into tax-free shopping zones rather than let the HST strip them of tax breaks that status Indians enjoy in the other provinces.
In Ontario, First Nations are currently exempt from PST and partially exempt from the GST, but this won't be the case under the proposed HST arrangements. In the three provinces that have already put the HST in place (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador) however, First Nations are fully exempt.
Selling more goods tax free and under the table would likely build on the existing practice of selling cheap smokes to non-natives on reserve, the Globe and Mail reports, suggesting that so-called smoke shacks are already causing major headaches for police and the Canada Revenue Agency.
“It's happening now,” Blaine Commandant, the chief of Wahta Mohawk First Nation near Muskoka, told the Globe. “It could happen on a much larger scale, and why not? You want to buy a car, you come and get it from me and I'll not charge you the extra 10-15 per cent on a $50,000 vehicle. That's a nice chunk of money.”
Yep, there's nothing quite like a good old tax revolt.
Tell us: Given the opportunity, would you do more tax-free shopping on Native lands?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Tylicia | Sep 26, 2021 11:12:18 PM
I agree with Tom! I being a born Canadian white woman have been appalled at how the native people of Canada are treated within our society once they do leave the reservations!
I have seen people assume them to be drunks, addicts, & non educated! Yet many native people I've met are qualified professionals!
Yet people in general view most or all of them, as different & unequal to us! This is the problem & that is why some do eventually drown out their miseries as I've seen it first hand in Toronto. Once people were stepping over a man bleeding on the street assuming he had drank too much, & I saw some firemen nearby & pointed him out. Apparently he had a epileptic seizure & the fire dept chief stated to me he was actually shocked that I cared enough as he implied most people don't give a damn about the native people, as the assumption continues by many that they are drunks etc! So they are treated horribly & should be exempted from our taxes until we treat them equally within our society, just as we want to be treated!
Posted by: JD | Sep 26, 2021 11:33:02 PM
Tylicia, Do you not think that treating them differently causes resentment. You cannot on one hand say we should treat them equally and then say that they should be treated differently. To be part of a society we should all be treated the same. By treating natives differently we are holding back them all.
Posted by: Robert | Sep 27, 2021 12:07:55 AM
Don't miss the boat people. First Nations are not Canadians! Why should they pay Canadian taxes? They have paid their taxes through treaties and are exempt because they are separate Nations recognized by United Nations and the Federal Government. The land you walk on was given to the First Nations by our Creator. It rightfully belongs to our children and grandchildren. It is a great honour to have some many visitors come to our land and if no one has welcomed you, well I welcome you now. Always remember who you are and be proud of your ancestry. Do not pass judgement on one another, for that is Creator's role. All my relations!
Posted by: Barnie | Sep 27, 2021 12:54:14 AM
I'm a native of Canada and from all the history books I've read they all say the same thing you came here and populated like a plague set our leaders drunk and made them sign agreements/treaties that that have no expiry date [ like previously posted ] and not in our language but I'm sure these agreements /treaties were translated to your advantage and you now expect us to pay this HST and help out the country, when is Canada going to do there part of the bargain??
when our ancestors protested these treaties they were shot down like dogs with rabies and there families pushed onto little reserves that have no land value at all,
you owe us so pay up!!!
Posted by: shawn michael | Sep 27, 2021 11:19:57 AM
This is for those who dont know a lot about the situation of being a native. 1st I would like to say to Jeff, to me, you sound like a redneck, a racist.
Now about natives getting everything for free, it is a myth. yes there are SOME things that are free. Someone working and living from their "reserve" pays taxes.
Someone buying a vehicle from a so called "car dealer" on the "reserve" thinks they will save the taxes think again, they have to register that vehicle, at which point they will have to pay the taxes.
Just like purchasing a used car from someone. You dont pay the taxes till you register.
Those who think that the treaty's of yesteryear should be discarded should think again, it is a legal binding agreement. Between two nations. Not only that, if i have a contract with my bank and after a few years i feel that i have paid enough and stop do you think the bank is going to let it go, i dont think so. They will go after me till i either give up the purchase or pay it off.
Sorry to the non natives but you are in an agreement that requires you to uphold your end of the bargain, we have been doing such, and yet the government continues to steal yes steal away our rights. And we have people who are basically selling our rights away because of their own greed.
If those who have a problem of how the "natives" are exerting their rights have a problem with it, maybe they should return to their mother land, we dont have a choice we are already here.
Think of it this way, this is our land, you are renting, as rentor and rentee there are obligations, you pay rent, we collect. Now you dont want to pay, so return to your mother land.
Easy as that. WHy dont you go? Because your country isnt the greatest? You have it made here?
YOUR government continues to rape mother earth, which includes the air, the water, the land. The signs are in front of us that we are headed for distinction, (when?) it will depend on how destructive the country can do to itself. which means the people living here. What ever happened to life? what is the meaning of life? We are working for the big business who control the government who control the people. Towns, Cities, Municipalities, Provinces, etc are all like cancer. They cannot live within their means. So, they have to expand their boundaries because they have to continue to grow to keep bringing in the tax dollar. They give themselves raises, they spend lavishly, then they have to go to the tax payer and say, you have to pay more. Well, the tax payer isnt getting raises as fast as them, and they are expected to pay up. If they dont, then their homes get seized. Is that right? I dont think so, and thats your governments for you.
They are so greedy, where are they when they are not in office? they are regular joes.
I think the people should revolt, when the hst comes into play, stop buying things, make the whole god damn province pay. Just buy the basics. Food.
Make the whole place come to a stand still. See how they like that.
Oh so much more to say, but i have to get going.
have a great day, and consider what i have said.
Also there are more "reserves" out there that are in 3rd world conditions then there are that are prospering.
The reason for those leaving a "reserve" is because of that. The conditions on a "reserve" are tough.
No jobs, and if there is, it isnt a lot of jobs. mainly administration for the band.
So many things that the uneducated dont understand about the natives. Did you know, that when they were trading beaver pelts etc to the traders, the traders where handing out infected blankets as trade, these were infected with small pox or TB. Nice eh. Or, that the government forced the children into residential schools, only to be messed up for future generations, because now, when they return home, because of all the brainwashing imposed onto them that they dont know if it is ok to speak their language when they are being spoken to. That the parents/grandparents could not teach them life on their own terms. So this continued on for generations, and then the foreigners dont understand this and think they are all drunks or drug addicts. ITS BECAUSE of the garbage being instilled into them. We had a way of life, what was wrong with it???? It wasnt what the thieves wanted, they wanted us to be like them. Deep inside we are not ever going to be like them. It is just like taking a tiger as a kitten and trying to domesticate it, deep down it is still a meat eater, man mauler. When it gets older it will have these feelings and attack its owner or someone. Just ask that guy in vegas who had his tiger attack him.
I could go on and on, will it get through? I hope it does.
there is so much propaganda out there that people get from the media and government that those who are uneducated about the situation tend to believe everything they read/hear. Get the facts before you believe it.
Posted by: Alex | Sep 27, 2021 6:09:08 PM
ummm....just exactly where do the natives think all the money comes from that they get to pay for health care, schooling, housing, treaty money, hydro, etc. These things we all have to pay for plus our taxes that pay for them and they're upset about contributing towards our economy.
So chief Blaine Commandment I know that we all look for ways to save money, but I for one would definately not support buying any products off the natives, I think you should be ashamed of making a statement like that, it's like biting the hand that feeds you.
Posted by: sharon | Sep 28, 2021 10:21:50 AM
All ur comments if ur not happy with what was given to the natives move off the land u were so called born in canada then its the government who will make all these laws even though whatever you say or cry or blame the natives about..take a stand and be big boys and do something about it haha good luck unlike the rest of us who just try to make it cause you'll never break it cause native or not I think were all paying for someones war....Back off the natives and blame the real people here !!!!
Posted by: Don | Sep 29, 2021 3:37:01 PM
No one likes taxes. However, maybe if everyone paid their fair share there would be no reason to increase taxes. This applies not only to individuals , but corporations as well. If you have a method
to change your income into wealth, you pay no taxes. I have seen many decide what to purchase, not based on what they can afford over they next 5 years for payments,or what they need, but on the basis that if they dont spend what they have right now, they will have to pay taxes. Things slow down and then they cant make thier payments and cry poverty.
By falling into this senerio you have become part of the problem. The more of pur population that make their decisions based on avoiding taxes, the more the rest of us pay.
What would happen if the underground ecomony paid taxes? Think about it.
If you make your decisions only to avoid taxes, You may save short term, probably not long term ....I and every person trying to support our schools, roads, hospitals, our way of life, pay more...thanks
Posted by: savage | Sep 30, 2021 10:21:04 AM
to jeff!, If Natives are a drain on our economy, than don't you think it would be in the governments interest to provide work or school programs to get them into the work force. Being on a reserve limits all those options, unlike your spoonfed life, you are an immigrant, don't think you're better than the true Canadians. Have you heard the National anthem, it's NATIVE land.!!! I have been off reserve for 17 years, pay taxes like everyone else, and think ppl like you, and your ignorance, hold back the rest of the native communities from getting anywhere!. Most companies are hiring immigrants from asia, philipines, or europe, when they can help get the natives out of the situation they are in. If they did so, taxation wouldn't be an issue...Like I said I pay my taxes, and can be just as ignorant to immigrants as you are to Canindians!!!!1
Posted by: Ray | Oct 1, 2021 7:33:36 AM
Why blame the natives..... in canadian statistics...their living standards are known that they live in third world standards within their own country..canadian government set aside small lands called native reserves across the country for segregating natives so they could be taxed free and while other canadians enjoyed the vast wealth and resources of canada and they get taxed by the government ... know your canadian history and these are canada tax legislations and laws under the canada government....look at who is deducting taxes and lets start MAKING efforts to stand up and protect our rights and tell the government that we'll not be paying the HST TAX with your hard earn dollars.The small native minority have spoken opposing the tax and we should be doing the same think. We voted and trusted people to run goverment offices and where are they when we need them?
Posted by: Nick | Oct 2, 2021 2:22:08 PM
Wow how ignorant alot of commenters are here. Especially Jeff, if you did alittle research you would know that Natives living and working off-reserve have to pay the same taxes as anyone else in Canada! Most Natives do live off-reserve because quite simply there is almost no chance for a better life there, unless you're on the Band administration payroll. I'm not quite sure how it works in Ontario but how is it possible for non-natives to get tax exemption on reserves? In Alberta only natives get the tax exemption on items purchased on reserves and only if they remember to bring their Status card and AITE tobacco and fuel exempt card.
Posted by: red man | Oct 2, 2021 6:25:17 PM
what is it going to take to make people in this country to say hey wait tax you mean the members of this so called lib,s need to get more cash to run the ontario machine well let me tell you i live up north and they are building new schools unemployment offices hosptils and every one of them are frenchg only no english at all and the people here are just looking at this and they can,t believe it. plus we are taxed to death on everything and the cost of living here is bad way more than down south and there aren,t good paying jobs here like down south so why are we being riped off by the province for more cash this ontario makes me sick i am thinking of just moving out of here and soon
Posted by: Sue Ingersoll | Oct 10, 2021 9:15:57 AM
Canadians please educate yourself on Native issues in this country! The more I learn, the more I am horrified. The genocide in the early days, the Treaties that they were co-erced, starved, bullied and just plain tricked into signing. Do you think those Chiefs could read and write English? There are on going court battles because of land that was to be sold to the government (their children were starving) that was taken and never paid for. They took their children away from them to "de-indianize" them. Where they were abused and beaten for speaking their own language. When you make children ashamed of who and what they are, what kind of adulthood would most have? As far as the education benefit, just because your Native you're not immediately given a free post-secondary education. There are many who have been turned away. Medical benefits, just ask a doctor who has spent time in some poor northern reserve. Some dont have clean water.....
Posted by: Bee | Nov 17, 2021 9:50:59 AM
Lets put everyone that is against natives not paying the tax on a reserve for just a week. where were our parents and grandparents you decided to lock up when they were only children. How where we paid back for that? They were not taught family values and abused sexually, physically and mentally. How about clean drinking water, respect when met on a street or store. Even our rights as hunters have been effected and interfered by the gov. We work and raise our children in hopes that we can teach them to love and respect our Mother Earth. There is no rest in that.
Posted by: D | Nov 17, 2021 9:57:35 AM
àll about the money, well reality says that this world is about money, survival now since we have been forced to assimilate and be `white`, has no doubt dissabled us in living in our world, our mother earth the way we did. Canada calls this progress I call it regress, the world promotes going green, Yah, money is green right. So, before you jump and lash out at our rights as real Kanata people, twist your tongue several times, think, then maybe you will say something intelligent. Our rights are valid and Canadians need to accept that. End of story.
Posted by: Dave | Nov 29, 2021 1:32:51 PM
Indian Reservation ten miles away, closer than most stores in the cities for me. This is a no brainer. How long would it take, if the reserves became tax free zones for some stores (Wally Mart, The big box stores) to be be found on the reserves? I agree, as an Ontario resident, Get rid rid of these Corrupt Liberal losers. If I had to vote in an Ontario election 3 times a year because of minority governments, so be it. McGuinty is doing everything he can to make sure this HST cannot be canceled if the liberals loose the next fixed election date. Get rid of the liberals Ontario.
Posted by: Jerrylee | Dec 9, 2021 5:58:41 PM
How will the HST effect natives in Ontario?
Posted by: |H. Robinson | Dec 9, 2021 5:59:40 PM
People are always bitching when it's mentioned that Native people don't pay taxes. Well that's not entirely true. You are only exempt if you are registered with the Government as a "Status Indian" and have a Status Card and you live on a reserve. If your are off reserve than you pay taxes even when your have Status.
Anyone been to a reserve lately. I bet not many of you would trade places witn them, taxes or no taxes. And no one seems to mind the fact that non-natives are recipients of all the treaties that basicly stripped Native People of all their posessions and left them with almost nothing. So unless you're prepared to give them back what was taken by the Governments in the treaties in exchange for taxes then maybe you will have something to complain about.
Posted by: Jerrylee | Dec 9, 2021 6:00:23 PM
Question. How will the HST effect Natives in Ontario?
Posted by: Jerrylee | Dec 9, 2021 6:07:37 PM
Question. How will the new tax effect most Natives in Ontario?