Pets-only airline coming this summer
By Jason Buckland, Sympatico / MSN Finance
Imagine I told you I had something legitimate for you to read today but it included the term “pawsengers.” You’d tell me I was an idiot, right?
It turns out there’s a new pets-only airline starting in the U.S. this summer, offering cats and dogs “safe and comfortable transportation” in the plane’s main cabin, free from its frightening and ominous cargo hold.
Pet Airways is to begin the pets-only flights this July and will connect between five cities (New York, Washington, Chicago, Denver and L.A.) to start. While there’s no word on Canadian stops yet, the company says it hopes to expand to 25 continental destinations within the next few years.
The airline’s website says introductory fares are $149, one-way, for each pawsenger – mmmhmm, pawsenger – you choose to board. But, my, you’re more misguided than Adventureland’s near 8/10 rating on IMDB if you think that’s a rip-off. Check out the value!
Here’s how the process works: You drop off your cat or dog at “pet lounges” in the airport two hours before take-off, whereupon they hang out until they’re loaded onto the plane.
In the cabin, pets are locked into crates (up to 50 per flight) and looked after by “pet attendants,” who monitor their bathroom breaks and keep tabs on everyone each 15 minutes.
It’s not quite clear how, but the site advertises it can give pets potty breaks while the plane is in flight. However it’s done, I’m guessing the pawsengers don’t exactly care where they have to squat. It can’t possibly be worse than a regular airline washroom.
Once the plane lands, the pets are taken to the airport’s pet lounge where they can be picked up. If you can’t get your pet right away, they can board it overnight at what is called the PAWS Lodge – why not Fleabag Hotel? – for an unlisted charge.
Oh, and I almost forgot. Every move of the flight, from the boarding, offloading and status of your pet’s bathroom breaks, is tracked into a system owners can follow online. Just imagine. Hey, honey, can I see your BlackBerry for a second? I want to see if they found my wedding band in Rex’s airborne feces or not.
So it seems Pet Airways has got things pretty well figured out. There are still a bunch of details to come out, and The Star’s Jim Byers wonders if there will even be in-flight entertainment, suggesting Must Love Dogs and 101 Dalmatians as possible flicks.
Call this whatever you want, but it’s probably not that far off. In fact, I probably have at least two or three friends that would be willing to fly in a locked dog crate in exchange for a discounted fare, vet-assisted bathroom breaks and the chance to watch Homeward Bound twice in a row. Who knows if such luxuries could actually be reality?
And I guess all this begs the question: What’s more ridiculous, the idea of a pets-only airline in the first place, or the fact it’ll probably be pretty successful in the next couple of years?
Posted by: Me | Apr 23, 2021 10:18:55 AM
Finaly they think!!!
Who would have thought that airbags corporates would have such a great idea? I'm pretty sure they stole it from one of their slaves (employees).
It's a first step in qualifying for the title of Human Race. There is a very long way to go to deserve that description: human.
At least for once they showed some humanity. Congratulations! You're on your way to becoming a human being! Go, airbags, go!
Posted by: come on | Apr 23, 2021 11:27:29 AM
you have got to be kidding. This is the one of the most ignorant things I have ever seen. As for the comment about us moving closer to deserving the description human, we should probably help the humans living in terrible conditions before we start spending money on flying peoples stupid pets around in their own plane. Maybe not a bad idea if we loaded it with goats and other animals for the same price and sent it to countries that need the food, then again maybe these "rich dogs" could also make a good meal for someone.
Posted by: Dog Training Review | Apr 23, 2021 11:27:31 AM
$149, one-way, for each pawsenger?
That's not much... considering the added accommodations and all that.
It's almost a luxury deal if this is for human
Great post
Posted by: wow.. | Apr 23, 2021 1:27:32 PM
only 50 pawsengers per flight??? If I get a crate big enough can I take it too?? geez.. it would be worth it just in not having to deal with the rude people and employees that seem to be everywhere in the airline industry.
Posted by: Sam | Apr 23, 2021 2:08:22 PM
Stupid you say the rich have nothing better to spend there money on Rude people?.What ever happen to company's treating people with respect.I think company's need a reality check once in a while.To many snobs out there in the work force. $149.00 isn't much ya right did you forget where the pet came from it has to return where it came from that makes it $336.00 including tax and everything else on top of that like a bigger crate only cost an extra 45 bucks and over night stay and extra 100 bucks and extra bathroom brakes that's going to cost ya and to monitor your pet and extra$$
Posted by: lynn | Apr 23, 2021 2:10:22 PM
i'll use it in a blink just the thought of loosing my pet enroute is scary, just knowing how they treat the cargo hold makes me not take puppy with. to think that someone will take care of her while flying, which to a dog must be terrefing (sp) , will give me some peace of mind, will they have inflight doggie treats too? finally getting it right! what's a couple of extra bucks when your spending a fortune to travel anyway.
Posted by: Lilly | Apr 23, 2021 4:06:12 PM
What a great idea! I'd love some of these naysayers to spend hours in a cage in cargo, and see how they would feel. I can't wait until they offer this on Canadian flights.
Posted by: Nio | Apr 23, 2021 5:53:25 PM
Oh yes, I'm sure this is going to last long. Maybe they make a group claim for bankruptcy with Air Canada?
Posted by: a fayette | Jun 18, 2021 9:34:51 AM
It is just about time! A great idea!!!!
Posted by: DDiane | Jun 18, 2021 11:37:25 PM
Perhaps some of these miserable people should get themselves a pet!
It's a great idea. How many, I for one, will not travel because I won't leave
my babies behind. And, oh yes I am poor I am not rich!!! Some will actually deprive themselves of travel, yes, all for man's best friend! Seems to me that some are envious of those who have a little more. Get yourself a pet, you'll become a better human being!
And by the way, wake up we don't live in a third world country where they eat anything!!!! And besides
what the h_ll does this have anything to do with people who are starving. Please.....................
There is a great need for type of service and I am sure this airline will become very successful.
Posted by: Q | Jun 21, 2021 11:27:18 AM
It is a great idea, but whoever is operating it, is either incompetent or knows nothing of airline economics. At $7,500 maximum per flight, after paying for the "pet lounges", attendants, pilot(s), insurance and various airport might have enough left to taxi a cessna 150 back to the hanger...!!