Roadrunner politics
by Deirdre McMurdy, Sympatico / MSN Finance
If Prime Minister Harper had only spent enough time watching Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner, he probably wouldn't be in such a political pickle. He would have learned far less painfully that there's a huge difference between scheming, plotting and conniving and intelligence. And he might not be facing the sound of an improbable coalition - and a gleeful media - simultaneously going Beep Beep.
Just as avid cartoon viewers have asked themselves for decades, now Conservatives, pundits and voters alike are asking," Did he really think they wouldn't notice the Acme dynamite strapped to the boulder he's trying to roll down the hill and crush him with?"
Apparently not.
But here's the thing: it makes great headlines at a dreary time of year when the only nourishment for the 24/7 media is a global economic crisis. But we've got to stop gloating as soon as possible over the fact the dynamite has been detonated and the boulder has just rolled over the Prime Minister.
Political instability and infighting are precisely what we don't need right now: It's the worst possible outcome for our fragile economy at a critical juncture. We need leadership, vision, and a plan. Merely moving the budget date up to January 27 isn't enough.
If it's true that people get the government they deserve, surely we deserve better than this?