Is cross border shopping getting easier?
The wave of virtual shoppers doing regular business with sites south of the Canadian border continues to rise. Buying from U.S.-based merchants is easier than it once was and, given the current strength of the loonie, more affordable than ever.
Yet unspoken costs, from tariffs to shipping fees, can change that equation in a hurry. On top of this, credit card companies charge heavily for currency conversion.
Canadians commonly encounter two potential roadblocks that prevent them from ordering online or by phone from U.S. retailers, warns the Crossbodershopping site:
Some U.S. companies aren’t interested in shipping to Canada and those that do often have prohibitively expensive shipping fees. Many shipping tables don't include Canadian addresses, so you won't know the total cost of each order until checkout.
Fortunately, getting your goods to Canada from the U.S. is getting easier and less expensive all the time. A number of U.S. companies have established pick-up offices conveniently located near border crossings all along the Canada – U.S. border.
Some Canadians near U.S. border cities are also setting up post office boxes on the American side and having their items shipped there.
For a small fee (usually between $10 and $50, depending on the size of the package), these pick-up offices allow you to have items you order from U.S. retailers shipped directly to them.
When you place an order with a U.S. retailer, simply provide the retailer with the delivery address of the U.S. pick-up office closest to you. When your item arrives, the pick-up office will notify you, and you can drive across the border to collect your items.
Keep in mind that you may still have to pay tax and duty on these items when you drive back across the border.But at least you'll avoid the brokerage fees from international carriers.
Have you made a cross-border pickup recently? Any problems or suggestions to report?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
* Follow Gordon on Twitter here.
Posted by: John Kenney | May 3, 2021 10:30:40 AM
I've been cross border shopping for some time now. My largest purchase was an almost new SUV in 07 which was at a considerable saving over purchasing in Canada. Our most recent day excursion was to pick-up a bicycle carrier purchased through E Bay and at the same time other purchases while in the USA. When entering Canada we claimed a total purchase of $200 (with receipts) and there was no added expense at the border, i.e. taxes/duty.
In fact I have had no problems what so ever (except the wait). The key is to always tell the truth.
Posted by: cj | May 3, 2021 11:59:09 AM
If it weren't for the ease of cross border shopping,gas and dairy,I cuoldn't afford to live where I am now.Question though-isn't Petro Canada supposed to ease our standard of living in Canada?
Posted by: Mariusz M. | May 3, 2021 12:35:28 PM
No taxes for groccery!!!!You can declare pack 0f 12 beer without any european style and quality and average 30 procent cheaper...of course gas average up to 30 procent chepaer..maybe bigeest market???I,m this level of middle class with both income of 90.000 dollars with two kids on the university...i grew in East Europe..but i see much worst propagands in Canada!!!
Posted by: bill | May 4, 2021 1:35:01 AM
i do order on line for some items that are cheaper purchased from the states than canada,I check shipping costs to know what my total will be, as for driving down to the states, forget it,the last time I went down to the states I had nothing but bs from the yanks at the boarder,the nazis could have learned from these idots , my wife stoped me from punching out one really rude and stupid boarder protector,( I was leaving the usa) you would think they would be happy to have shoppers come to country,spend-spend and more shown up in person,I will keep my money in canada ,order on line if the price is right
Posted by: DocTerry | May 4, 2021 8:19:51 AM
I cross border shop a lot. There is an issue which was not mentioned here. Many (and I really do mean MANY) US companies and Ebay sellers will ship only to the address registered on your credit card. is one of the exceptions, but they have a very limited selection of goods they will ship to Canada,
It is possible to add a second address to your credit card, i.e. the border crossing warehouse agent, and this often works quite well--but American sellers are probably the worst in the world. Many are terrified of shipping outside of the US; many charge far too much for shipping--either they are gouging, or they don;t know how to negotiate contract rates with the shipping companies.
Unfortunately, many Canadian distributors are still assuming we have a 75 cen dollar, and upcharge accordingly--bottom line is, it's worth the hastle to buy in the US for those of us who enjoy a bargain.
Posted by: Dr. J. L. | May 4, 2021 4:31:57 PM
Even though I live in Canada and work in the US, I shop only in Canada, unless I can't find what I want.
Posted by: Breeze | May 4, 2021 6:11:29 PM
Bill: my wife stoped me from punching out one really rude and stupid boarder protector,( I was leaving the usa)
If you were leaving the USA you were talking to a Canadian Border Guard about entering Canada, not a US border guard.
Posted by: William | May 5, 2021 5:22:48 PM
Breeze, I don't think Bill is that bright.
Posted by: Mel | May 7, 2021 3:26:47 PM
I am totally pived with the difference in prices between Canada and the USA. I bought a grill/bush guard for my SUV in Seattle. I paid $485 Canadian, that's what my visa showed. The exact same item was in Victoria for $890 plus tax. THe excuse by the company was the shipping costs. If I want items from the USA I can get the item shipped to the Washington State ferry office and they'll bring it over for a fee depending on the weight. I order all my SUV parts and accessories from the USA.
Posted by: Al | May 7, 2021 8:17:05 PM
I have been shopping in the US for a couple of years now - I have saved a ton of $$$ by doing so, primarily on automotive parts through Ebay, Summit, etc... An example is the radiator for my pickup was $350 in Ontario and Summit was $139. Many more deals and lots of variety as well. I used to use the UPS Store just over the border - they charge $5 per package, now I found a place called Kinek (they are all along the US / Canada border) can be found at and they also charge $5 per package and are much closer. Many US suppliers will ship free in the continental US but charge huge $$$ to ship to Canada.