Canada one of least corrupt nations: report
It seems that this was the year of the Ponzi scheme in North America. Nearly four times as many such scams unravelled in 2009 than 2008.
Unfortunately, it’s clear that no region of the world is immune to the perils of fraud and dishonesty, according to Transparency International’s 2009 Corruption Perceptions Index.
The vast majority of countries score below five on a zero-to-10 scale measuring perceptions of public corruption, with zero the worst and 10 the best, according to the international watchdog.
The index, which is an amalgam of expert and business surveys, shows that corruption generally spirals out of control when civic institutions are weak. Not surprisingly then, at 1.1, war-plagued Somalia, with its crumbling government infrastructure, is the world's most corrupt country, followed closely by Afghanistan at 1.3.
The highest scorers are New Zealand at 9.4, Denmark at 9.3, Singapore and Sweden tied at 9.2 and Switzerland at 9.0. These scores reflect political stability, long-established conflict of interest regulations and solid, functioning public institutions, Transparency reports.
Canada scores 8.7, placing it in eighth place among 180 countries – a bit of an optimistic ranking if National Post columnist Father Raymond J. de Souza is to be believed.
In his view, we should be way down the list – largely because our justice system is corrupt: “Not the corruption of bribing a judge, but rather the deeper corruption of a system which seeks convictions rather than the truth. It is the corruption of a system that puts innocent people in jail,” he writes.And things will only get worse, he maintains now that “a willfully obtuse federal government is determined to create more criminal offences, impose longer jail sentences and grant the prosecutorial state ever more powers.
What do you think? Are things really that bad here in Canada?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: could be worse but could be much much better | Jan 5, 2022 12:21:04 AM
Yes, it's corrupt all right when you see the ridiculous salaries of the top 100 CEO's not going down during the recession. These are the guys that mostly got us into this mess and they are taking none of the burden -- the working poor is. And don't get me going on the Alberta tar sands sham. That project defines corruption -- legal corruption where the law looks the other way and every consumer gets shafted out of $300 a month to buy inefficient fossil fuel energy. Buying off landowners along the Gateway pipeline corridor to the BC Coast, with an oil spill inevitable ... cleanup costs will be miniscule compared to the fortune they will be making. Our economic system is broken and needs fixing, the problem is our leader is one of those corrupt economists who like their salaries.
Posted by: lewis | Jan 5, 2022 12:50:07 AM
can we say bilderberg group class the new world order and you know the rest of the dtory right???????????
Posted by: huh? | Jan 5, 2022 4:16:54 AM
"Gerry McCaughey, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce $6.3 million."
Why does he (she?) get paid $6.3 million a year when he is leading a failing bank? Why does he make this much money when they raise my account fees to cover their losses resulting from poor decisions made by management to invest in US sub prime mortgages? Why is a failing management team being rewarded with million dollar salaries? I have been thinking about switching banks, now I will think about it even more.
Posted by: John Q. Public | Jan 5, 2022 4:22:37 AM
Mayor in Toronto,Boo-Hoo we have no money,but just enough to give me a raise.
OLG "pals" pulled in millions of dollars,slot machines are rigged and management is totally hidden and unaccountable.
Mulroney and his Pals,McGuinty and his pals proceed with thier nonsense day after day and get the holy worship from thier "Ass"ociates.
How about that 911,has bush and the Bin Ladens have lunch?
If obama can print billions for the CEO's I'm sure Harper can.
Take Michael Jackson Please
And Tiger,Balloon Boy,Reality TV,Local Programming,Global network,Zero network,A Channel,B Channel.
Did I mention those "friendly" priests??
At this time I would personally like to thank all the wonderful people who allowed this garbage
to invade our lives.
John Q.
Posted by: Fisher | Jan 5, 2022 5:33:58 AM
"Yes, it's corrupt all right when you see the ridiculous salaries of the top 100 CEO's not going down during the recession. These are the guys that mostly got us into this mess and they are taking none of the burden -- the working poor is."
What do you impose? That we steal their money?
Ted Rogers doesn't even make that much money considering the net income Rogers Communications Inc. In fact one could consider him very generous by CEO standards regarding how much he COULD take.
I agree with the second part of your post however, nobody should be immune to the law.
Posted by: Olive N | Jan 5, 2022 5:52:14 AM
You're either blind or twentyfour hours working immigrant too busy to see if you dont know that Canada is perhaps more currupt than most countries it berrates in the developing world . In addition to all of the currupt practices mentioned by John Q, What can we call our local goverment in the City Hall where twothird of the work force come from people who know someone from the inside ? It is called nepotism in India , Nigeria , Somalia , Afghanistan but has no name in Canada ! The E-health scam and the balooning cost of the healthcare are just few examples of a system so currupt the government would take the tax increases route than clean up the system from curent mess.
Under Mr Happer, coruption in Canada has become so common I would suggest figures and ranking by transparency international is too kind to us . The origin of reckless price increases in TTC, Public service delivery and tax increas is to push back the cost of corruption to hopeless tax payers who work far too many hours and have no moment to reflect on the cause of theses increases .
Posted by: Sheldon | Jan 5, 2022 7:09:40 AM
If you want to look for an angleic country where there is no corruption, you will not find it in this world. As for the corruption in Canada, I guess the article was not in-depth enough to tell the truth as opposed to the truth I am reading from many people who made comments on this article.
Posted by: Country Joe | Jan 5, 2022 7:35:08 AM
Ditto to all of the aforementioned! It's obvious now why the Canadian Attorney Generals ministry is not even pretending to be Min. of Justice! Just get me some convictions! Folks will do well to read "Justice Defiled" by Alan N.Young!
I just wonder, will any of the e-health billion be refunded to the treasury? We do have a deficit, don't we? Is resigning from the gravy-train sufficient punishment,just walking away with the loot?
Posted by: Rod | Jan 5, 2022 7:47:53 AM
Canada is more corrupt than people realise. Looking at the average worker. If they get hurt, seriously, the W.C.B. is one of the devastating organizations (Canadian Govt. governed) to be exposed in a time of crisis. I personally have experienced it , with people phoning me for help from Evey province. I personally was hurt on the Rigs. I received $0.00 with a head, back and neck injury. Reasons- W.C.B. states intervening cause ; picking up my 1.7 year old son caused my injuries. I took it to every level of Govt.. Provincially and Federally , all stated I should be entitled to benefits.
I am not the only one out there. From experience, I found out that in Alberta alone back in 2002 there was 250,000 people who were wrongfully denied there W.C.B. benefits. I here thru the gape vine that it was closer to 400,000 injured workers.
It is embarrassing to live in a Wealthy Country where the fibre of the Nation - average working Joe/Jane- are being treated like dirty toilet paper when they get hurt at work. Then again the top CEO'S would not have such rewarding Christmas's as with the Government Officials if they acted Justly with serious intentions to honor the injured workers.
Posted by: Steven Li | Jan 5, 2022 8:16:33 AM
Transparency international must be joking. Canada less corruption? Can we trust them? I don't think so.
Posted by: Mattie | Jan 5, 2022 8:45:20 AM
I would place Canada at about a 3 on the list, but only because our government and the people that control it (read: the people with the money) have become so good at getting the majority's approval for their corruption. It's known as manufacturing consent (read: propaganda indoctrination). Those of you who will argue that this has not been happening for years serve to prove that it has. Do some research outside of popular media, please, before you respond.
Our current socio-politico-economic situation we find ourselves in serves to makes us poorer in order to keep the rich rich. It serves to give us little time to reflect on our situation by overworking us all (yes, I DO work full time plus), and even if we wanted to educate ourselves with real information, it is made difficult for us because the easiest information to find comes on our TVs and most heavily advertised internet sites and radios, etc.
The fact is, we were all born to keep this economic vehicle going, to give our lives to the rich without question in a hazy illusion of freedom. Granted, many of us are more comfortable here than most people on this Earth but that just adds to our complacence toward the slavery we live under.
Educate yourselves, people. Don't let Big Brother tell you what's up.
Posted by: B. | Jan 5, 2022 8:59:08 AM
To Olive N. - Mr. Harper has had nothing to do with adding to the corruption within Canada. You can thank all the socialist liberals for that. Personally, I very much desire to see Harper in a majority government for a full term, to see some real change in this country.
This article brings to the table a very good point: our justice system is seriously flawed. Having recently gone through an ordeal concerning the justice system, I must agree that the corruption runs deep. Those within the system are free to do what they want, without regard for consequence because there will not be any. I, as a witness, was lied to over and over again. I was forced to do things which were against the law, all in the name of trying to convict an innocent man. Why do they go to such lengths to create such an injustice? I asked the Crown Attorney, who looked me in the eyes and said, "We need to make an example for the community."
On the other end of the spectrum, there are people who go in to a courthouse to face sentencing for very serious crimes, and walk out with less than a slap on their hand. Take for instance a case in which a young man had been charged with first-degree murder and one count of rape. The courts threw out the rape charge in order to focus fully on the murder charge. How must the innocent victim of that situation feel?
Truly, Canada is not the utopia people paint it to be. However, our corruption is not flaunted like most countries. Rather, it is hidden deep within our political and judicial systems under such tight guard that when situations of the corruption do arise, they are easily covered up and nearly impossible to address and change.
Posted by: PETER LOCKHART | Jan 5, 2022 9:00:34 AM
corruption is one side of the nature of man,itis alive and well in every country in the world. It is particularily alive and flourishing in countries with a social order praising the rights of the rich few above the welfare of the vast majority if its citizenes. By this measurement ,amongst the develped nations of the world, the USA and Canada must score 1 & 2 in the world. The USA under the Bush administration years in power sunk to an all time low in corruption measurement. Canada under the rule of Stephen Harper is setting a new low for Canada.
Posted by: L | Jan 5, 2022 10:03:35 AM
We are no longer seeking the truth. THAT is the key. The guy with the better lawyer wins the case.
It IS sad...but Canada is VERY corrupt. ARE we a democractic nation?? I don't think so.
Posted by: G | Jan 5, 2022 10:37:23 AM
Saying that Canada is one of the least corrupt nations does not speak well for the rest of the world, as we are certainly corrupt. All you have to do is listen or be exposed to our political environment and so-called justice system to realize that. Many of the hypocritical individuals that are prominent in Canada's political, justice and business environment consistently put their own personal self-serving interests and agendas well ahead of the interest of the communities, citizens and organizations that they represent. While many summarize this as a JOKE, there is nothing funny about it.
Posted by: Mom | Jan 7, 2022 2:11:46 AM
I'm not sure who said Canada was a democracy. If it was, we could talk to our MPs and get results. The only time we have a say is when they want their cushie job back every four years. Or maybe we have forgotten how to fight for democracy and fairness in this country. There are far to many injustices that we see every day. So, instead of complaining about it, maybe we should figure out what we can do about it. I mean, let's face it, who else is going to read these comments expect those of us that can see the corruption and really care. Our politicians certainly won't.
As for the oilsands, and refineries, if Klien hadn't gotten rid of public pollution monitoring we would have less pollution. There is no honor when it comes to big business and the honor system is a failure.
Posted by: Sue | Jan 7, 2022 9:08:41 AM
Corrupt try our Auto Insurance system that is another big joke pray you are never seriously injured in a MVA. The word DENIED is up front and center when it comes to the insurance companies and I am speaking from almost 7 years experience od dealing and still dealing with the Insurance System. At the age of 35 my husband was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident and has not been able to work since. It doesn't matter if a form of treatment is requested by his treating doctor to help aid him in chronic pain it is denied try and fight it the legal costs are outrages. Request help from the Government that's a joke you have to go through mediation more legal costs that doesn't resolve anything try arbitration which is extremely expensive so the insurance company wins the adjuster gets a bonus because they just saved money. Canada Pension Disability "DENIED" tried the appeal route stopped when the legal fees hit $10,000 plus and we weren't even close to the appeal date. As for our Government always taking the easy fix is so true numerous jobs were lost and what does the McGuinty Government do Harmonized Sale Tax. Let's not forget the Health Tax. Your right the CEO's make more in the first week of the New Year then the average person makes all year. People who didn't lose their jobs were asked to take pay cuts. Who in our Government took 10 20% pay cuts last year?
Posted by: ty | Jan 7, 2022 9:44:49 AM
We should rank #1 for corruption, remember when now dictator harper said he lost confidence in the gov't, because it was " corrupt and in league with organized crime" what charges came as a result?Ex-dictator mulroney taking bags of cash while leader and not paying income tax,or the current unlawfull group claiming to be the cdn gov't who thinks being a traitor is deserving of the term honourable eg. mp's. now we're forced to fund the break-up of canada,due to the cash for votes scam currently in place.
Posted by: Paul | Jan 7, 2022 9:58:55 AM
I to have read through the comments presented here and agree with everyone of them. This country is corrupt, right through to the core of big buiness, government agencies and all its systems. It's time that our government be shrunk down in size, in what we allow it to do without answering to us...the ones who put them in power....not just our elected officals but the entire lot of them.....Our people in government and in politics as well as in big business that are connected to government should be cut off from our tax dollars until we decide how it should be spent and where......Look at the auto industry, banks and investment agencies and how they used our system to get money from us. You dont see a small business being able to get that kind of help or individuals getting that kind of assistance from "our government". There is no honour when it comes to money and the saying goes....."power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely".........It's time to cut back on just how much power we are letting them take away from us. We elected they serve us, not the other way around....time "we" did some real deep firing of alot of dead wieght in all areas of our so called Canadian governmental system!....
Posted by: glenn | Jan 7, 2022 10:20:33 AM
Every nation is currupt to a certain degree...It's human nature. Canadian politians have to be more accountable for the waste of our hard earned tax dollars. I see it every day working for a Municipality in southern Ontario which has Amalgamated in '98 and is still struggling with the concept to this day. The provincial governments disentangled themselves from the municipal level because they are inept at doing what they were hired for therefore passing the buck to the municipal level cutting all funding and leaving the less experienced local government with the task of finding money to maintain, not improve , local infrastructure. It was just amazing to see municipal employees clawing for a top supervisory or managerial position knowing full well if they didn't stab thier fellow workers in the back, they were out of a job, regardless if they were competant for the position or not. The people who were knowledgeable at running a municipal government were tossed aside possibly because they lacked the aggressive nature required today to stay on top. If we would of hired these people, I'm sure our need for consultant's would surely decrease. Corruption does exist, it has a trickle down effect in government, I see it everyday. I work with frauds!