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July 05, 2021

How the business world elite spend their mornings

Apple CEO Tim Cook is a morning person.

Famously, Steve Jobs’ successor rises at 4:30 a.m. to send motivational emails to his team for the day ahead. He mows down energy bars while working, and reportedly prides himself on being the first one in and last one out of the office.

Cook’s work ethic is common among successful business people, who often share the trait of being early risers. Many of the western world’s top executives are up at preposterous hours to start their day.

Does your morning need an overhaul? Here’s what some of the most prominent CEOs and business stars do to start their day.

Laura Vanderkam is author of the e-book What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast, and she’s uncovered what, and why, the top business people do to start their day.

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In summary, Vanderkam found the morning is when our capacity for production is at its greatest.

Mornings, Vanderkam told Business Insider, is that one time you have to yourself before other priorities sneak in. It’s the best time for exercise, creative work or time alone with your family.

But there’s also science behind it. The author’s book notes studies that prove will power is like a muscle, which is strongest in the morning.

The morning is when will power and self-discipline is strongest, and the sentiments fatigue from use throughout the day. Focus and self-control will be strongest before you start your work day.

Don’t sweat, though: you don’t have to be a powerful CEO to revamp your morning.

If you want to optimize that time before your work day, Vanderkam recommends starting slow. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier, and wake up 15 minutes earlier to start. If you need, bribe yourself.

Reward yourself with a donut for getting up earlier. Setting the habit is the hard part, swapping out a donut for a healthier breakfast is easier once the behaviour is learned.

After all, early to rise is why many of the business world elite ascend to the positions they do.



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