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May 16, 2021

SCENE bringing back old movies for 5th anniversary

We aren’t usually in the practice of pimping corporate promos in this space, but an interesting news release is being passed around media circles this week.

SCENE, the Scotiabank rewards card, hits its fifth anniversary this year, and it’s running a neat little vote through its Facebook page.

SCENE members, and there are millions of them, will get to vote on what movie from the past five years they want brought back to theatres.

For one night on June 18th, all SCENE members and three of their friends will get a chance to attend a free VIP screening of whatever movie is voted back to the big screen.

Discard this post if you don’t hold a SCENE card, but there are 3.5 million Canadians that can at least get a cool movie experience out of voting on Facebook.

*Bing: What is this year's highest-grossing movie?

Voting goes until May 27. The movies available are below.

A couple fine print unfortunates from the SCENE contest: Atlantic Canadians aren’t eligible to win, and there will be only 3,348 winners total across the whole country. So while the odds aren’t quite 1 in 1,045 (3.5 million divided by 3,348), they’ll be low and hinge on how many SCENE members participate.

Still, the idea of bringing back movies for a retro run is kinda cool, even if the promo only stretches five years back.

SCENE members can vote to see Avatar, Bridesmaids, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Inception, Iron Man, The King’s Speech, Shrek the Third, Star Trek, Transformers and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1.



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