Ryanair now to remove toilets from its planes
We’ll admit, we kind of have a fascination with Ryanair here at EverydayMoney.ca.
Why? Well, can’t say for sure. Not only does Ryanair not fly to Canada, it doesn’t even fly to North America, meaning only backpackers and Euro travellers have ever sat on one of the outfits Boeing 737-800’s.
But much in the way that Entourage is considered “lifestyle porn,” Ryanair is a kind of airline porn, in that the headlines it makes are irresistible to anyone that’s ever flown on a plane.
Now, after a laundry list of budget saving initiatives we’ll discuss below, Ryanair is proposing its latest strategy to slash fares for budget travellers: removing toilets from its planes.
About a year-and-a-half after the Dublin-based airline sparked controversy with its move to charge passengers to use its washrooms, bombastic Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary now just wants to do away with his loos, nearly altogether.
*Bing: Is it cheaper to book airfare last-minute or way in advance?
O’Leary says he’s in talks with Boeing to remove two of the three toilets found on-board Ryanair’s planes. Doing so would allow adding six more seats to its cabins.
Ryanair, which carries 75 million passengers a year, flies as many as 189 passengers each flight. If three toilets (or one toilet per 63 people) are brought down to one, and six more seats are included, that leaves just one can for 195 travellers. Legally speaking, according to the Independent, there is no legal stipulation for an airline to provide even one washroom on its aircrafts.
In O’Leary’s defence, once more, he always brings these wild ideas public for the benefit of the passenger. No matter what he proposes, he always insists, at least, it’s all for lowering fares.
“(Removing two of three toilets) would fundamentally lower air fares by about five per cent for all passengers,” he says, noting that about three bucks of a typical $65 ticket might be saved if more seats can be added to Ryanair’s cabins.
In previous bids to bring down airfare, or at least cater to Ryanair’s idea of what travellers want, the airline has floated the idea of flying with just one pilot per flight, adopting standing-room only trips and even child-free flights, which Ryanair says are coming this fall.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Witness | Oct 15, 2021 1:46:50 AM
Posted by: red | Oct 14, 2021 1:51:51 PM
maroon's ? is that like moron
LOL what a bunch red shaded colors
Yes, it sure it. If I remember correctly, this is how good ol' Bugs Bunny said "moron" on the Saturday morning cartoons.
Posted by: flubbety | Oct 15, 2021 2:06:02 AM
what can you expect from the country that broought us Bono.
at one concert he stood at the microphone and started clapping slowly
he said " every time I clap my hands a child dies in Africa"
some fan shouted " then stoop it ye murderous bostard!!"
Posted by: poonman | Oct 15, 2021 2:59:10 AM
One bad batch of in-flight meals or at the airport terminal can " Go " a long way !
Talk about when the Sh*t hits the Fan !!
You can use the 3 Dollar/Euro bills you save to wipe your A!!!
Posted by: Rob | Oct 15, 2021 3:07:05 AM
This has to be a joke... You cannot offer food and tea / coffee on a flight wihout some usage of a washroom. Savings of a few dollars is not an item to run for and this does not account for flight delay in the air, taxi delays and security lineups.
Has to be a bad story but use your feet to find an airline that provides service even on a small flight
Posted by: Picha | Oct 15, 2021 3:08:17 AM
Bearskin Airlines, in Canada, does not have any bathrooms in their planes. Flying with them is a bit disconcerting; you never know when an emergency will arise. However, the longest they go between touchdowns is about 60 minutes at a time, so they let you get off and use the washroom in whatever airport they are at, and then get back on the plane. The passengers also have to distribute themselves equally throughout the seats because if too many people sit at the front or on one side the airplane tips........
Posted by: kivi | Oct 15, 2021 4:59:52 AM
Why are people in such knot about the airline removing toilet on what are essentially short commuter flights? The reality is that those toilets probably hardly get used. I do take a commuter flight somewhat regularly which is about an hour flight. I do not recall ever seeing a single passenger use a toilet on these short flights, so yea I can see the point of it.
Posted by: no name | Oct 15, 2021 5:12:04 AM
THe worst part is even though many people are complaining about this....there will be the nut bars that will travel ...I have flown ryan air many times ..it is extremely clean and they are over courteous..which is the most I can say for others...the toilet I can live with ...but, one pilot..?....scary.....invest in robots is safer than one pilot and cheaper in the long run....
Posted by: Long Ago | Oct 15, 2021 5:58:52 AM
I cannot believe how some people live and have such great bladder and bowl control etc. Emergencies do happen.
Everyone just wear Depends when flying with this air line. You change when you get to the airport. Hope I do not have to sit near someone who does have to go while in flight. New slogan for them. You can rely on us, but Depends where you're going.
Same as commuters? At least you can get off in a real emergency.
One pilot! Good luck to those who fly under that condition. I bet a lot of the small aircraft accidents were unpreventable due to having only one pilot, who took seriously sick or had a stroke etc. It happens on the road with drivers so why not airplanes.
Now I know the meaning of Fly, Bye - they just have been spelling it wrong or punctuation is wrong.
Posted by: gerrit | Oct 15, 2021 6:43:35 AM
yes, great idea for childless flights. Nothing is annoying when you pay to be a business class and hear a screeming child the whole flight. Why don't they have a special flight once a week for familys only. Or put muzzles on those kids.
Posted by: digger | Oct 15, 2021 9:11:02 AM
Flying is a choice - Ryanair makes it clear they are A BUDGET AIRLINE. The CEO puts it in front of his customer base for discussion - quite democratic. Lots of feedback will encourage him and his executive staff to make the right decision. $3.00 may not be a lot to some people, but it is considerable for a few, to save bucks whenever, where ever. This is a proposal, not yet a done deal. This open forum will probably see Ryanair make an intelligent, practical decision. In Canada we have very high expectations, and yes, Ward Air used to provide china service on its flights - really not all that necessary in the long run, right?
Get a grip everyone -" Budget Airlines" are here for a reason - just take a look at Porter flying out of downtown Toronto Island Airport (shameless plug, and no, I don't work for them). They haven't the need to downsize the number of toilets - yet. But- what are we, the paying passengers, willing to settle for? No airline can provide any service unless it makes some money - bills, staff, need to be paid. This is simple arithmetic.
Posted by: john | Oct 15, 2021 9:56:46 AM
Has anyone else noticed that these anouncements are purely for publicity? It's working. They would never be allowed to fly with one pilot, standing room only etc. But they get free headlines for things that will never be done.
Posted by: RUNADIAN | Oct 15, 2021 9:56:47 AM
Id love it if Ryanair camerto canada. If you live in western Canada, it costs as much to fly to to toronto as it does for people in the east to go to Jamaica or Ccuba all inclusive for a week. 1 bathroom for a 90 minutes flight, whats the problem? Ebveryone is commenting like there will be no bathroom for a 13 hour flight. Standing room only?Anyone who likes that idea has never hit heavy turbulence.
After a few trips to asia, and seeing their cheap local airlines, and understanding that Europe has similar airlines, I feel totally ripped off by what goes on over here.
Go Ryanair,
Posted by: RUNADIAN | Oct 15, 2021 9:58:48 AM
Maroon is from bugs bunny, silly rabbit.
Posted by: kasia | Oct 15, 2021 10:34:30 AM
Well I really tihnk there is a huge point to this...Perhaps because Ryanair flights are short and thus having a bathroom would be pointless. The whole trip from England to Amsterdam took a whole of 45 minutes, which includes takeoff and landing. So, really, when is there time to go the the bathroom?
However, although they may have a point, I still dont' agree with removing toilets from airlines because when you gotta go, you gotta go! especially if they serve drinks. No toilets? Then Don't Sell Drinks and Snacks, things that make you go potty :)
Posted by: kasia | Oct 15, 2021 10:38:26 AM
Honestly, where's the LIKE Button? I would like to LIKE all these comments lol
Posted by: Sandy | Oct 15, 2021 11:15:04 AM
The reality is that Ryanair carried 75 million passengers who were obviously attracted to the fact that the airline offers the lowest fares in Europe, operate on time all at the same time remaining profitable without any subsidies, bailouts or handouts from governments. Those who don't like the service are free to use the many other carriers that are available at a higher cost, operating less efficiently and often with subsidies.
Posted by: Ken Hedger | Oct 15, 2021 11:17:06 AM
Bet they will pay a lot more for cleaning
Posted by: Patric | Oct 15, 2021 11:31:16 AM
Who cares?? You don't like it, don't fly with them. If you want a toilet, then pick an airline that has them. People are still going to fly with them in order to save money. You'll never see me on their planes but I'm sure you'll see many many people "holding it" to save euros! Maybe they'll consider selling bottles that passengers can urinate in. More money in their pocket.
Posted by: Ryan Air wins the Darwin award for Stupidity | Oct 15, 2021 12:00:49 PM
RyanAir wins the Darwin award for stupidty
I do not know who is more stupid. Ryan air or the people who fly with them. Ryan air, or any one who is willing to fly with a company who looks at saving money by reducing toliets, or removing a pilot for cost savings. It Is guarenteed they are also probally saving on maintenance ( Behind the scenes) cheap parts, falsefing repair records. etc. Personally don't care so much about the toliets, but I do care if my plane falls out of the sky from 20,000 + feet.
Just remember Corporate cancer starts from the head and works it way down, I would be very worried about the probalbiity of disaster with that organization,and at that time heads will roll. Having a bombastic CEO only shows me that Ryanair has an internal culture of fear and ass kissing. Not a good situation when you are taking 198 lives in your hands with every flight ( no matter how short). I have seen it before. And it usually signals a spectacular Crash and burn for the company( sorry for the pun).
My recommendation is to avoid Ryanair
Posted by: T S-D | Oct 15, 2021 12:24:12 PM
I have flown RyanAir before - in the past before they prostituted themselves, and just 2 years ago, on a flight from Marseille to Bournemouth. It was an experience which we won't quickly forget!!! Suffice it to say, that in their drive for "economy" and "lowering fares", this airline will stop at NOTHING to keep the costs down - EVEN nearly KILLING PEOPLE! It was clear when we boarded the plane that the crew were in a hurry - there flight had arrived late, and they had only a few minutes to board pax and do checks before needing to be airborne or they would lose their takeoff slot. So we were hearded in like CATTLE, and had barely managed to get the seatbelts on before we were in the air... it's only a short flight (just over an hour), so people don't think twice about the way that they are treated... but they should - as our landing shows...
I'M GOING TO PUT THIS IN CAPS SO NO-ONE MISSES IT: - AS WE APPROACHED LANDING ALL THE PASSENGERS WERE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER THINKING THE SAME THING, "WE'RE GOING TOO DAMN FAST!" THE PILOT SEEMED TO REALIZE HIS MISTAKE ABOUT THE SAME TIME, AND CUT HIS SPEED, CAUSING US TO FALL TOO RAPIDLY, HE WAS FIGHTING FOR CONTROL - WE DIDN'T NEED THE FLIGHT CREW TO TELL US TO BRACE- PASSENGERS WERE SCREAMING AND BRACING FOR A CRASH LANDING BECAUSE IT WAS OBVIOUS THAT THE PILOT WAS MORE CONCERNED WITH KEEPING HIS SCHEDULE THAN GETTING US THERE SAFELY... HE THEN HAD TO SPEED UP AGAIN TO STOP US FROM STALLING, AND CAME INTO THE GROUND WAY TOO FAST, THEN HAD TO FIGHT WITH THE REVERSE THRUSTERS TO STOP FROM OVERRUNNING THE RUNWAY! When the plane finally lurched to a halt (throwing us all forward), he did what resembled a "hand-brake turn" to get us off the runway... and as quickly to the skyway as possible, so we could be once again shunted off the plane so that they could load their next lot of cattle (I mean passengers!) There has to be a balance between keeping fares low, and keeping passengers and crews safe. RyanAir has completely forgotten that, and I would tell anyone thinking of travelling with them to think twice, unless they are prepared to put their life on the line in the interest of economy!!!!