Economic slowdown leading to fewer drunk drivers: report
I don’t recall the economy, back when it was strong even, having this kind of reach.
For instance, as the world’s financial system plodded along in health pre-2008, we never heard stories of how great it was to own a home or how nice it was to make your car payments on time.
But ever since the economy tanked, it’s been remarkable how the recession’s tentacles have been able to wrap around everyone and everything, even two years since the downturn officially ceased.
To wit: according to a new report out of the U.S., the slowed-down economy may just be keeping more drunk drivers off the road.
By new numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drunk driving in the States is at its lowest rate since 1993, and experts are crediting the economic slowdown.
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Based on a national telephone survey of 451,000 people, not only has the level of alcohol-impaired driving dropped to its lowest mark since 1993, it’s also plunged a whopping 30 per cent since its peak in 2006.
“One possibility is that people are drinking at home more and therefore driving less after drinking,” Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the CDC’s director, reasoned this week.
Perhaps. Certainly, it makes sense that people, strapped for cash, are opting to drink on the cheap at home – or, to further the point, simply drinking less on the whole.
But it’s also basic economics that there are simply less drivers on the road now than there were in 2006.
In the U.K., at least, the number of cars on the road last year declined for the first time since World War II. Fewer drivers, less disposable cash for booze = fewer drunk drivers swerving about.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Michael | Oct 11, 2021 10:52:41 PM
PROVERBS 29:7-12
7 The righteous one is knowing the legal claim of the lowly ones. He that is wicked does not consider such knowledge.
8 Men of boastful talk inflame a town, but those who are wise turn back anger.
9 A wise man having entered into judgment with a foolish man—he has become excited and has also laughed, and there is no rest.
10 Bloodthirsty men hate anyone blameless; and as for the upright ones, they keep seeking for the soul of each one.
11 All his spirit is what a stupid one lets out, but he that is wise keeps it calm to the last.
12 Where a ruler is paying attention to false speech, all those waiting on him will be wicked.
Posted by: Elmo | Oct 15, 2021 1:18:06 PM
Hey Michael... what happened to Proverbs 1 thru 6. IDIOT !!
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