Is Abercrombie's threat to 'Jersey Shore' star just a PR stunt?
In a world where even Rod Blagojevich can get an endorsement deal, it doesn’t take much for a celeb to be associated with a product or service.
But the opposite of a paid spokesperson deal is when a brand feels their link with a particular person or group is so detrimental to business they order it stopped.
Remember: when Cristal maker Louis Roederer suggested to rappers that its champagne wasn’t for pimp cups or pouring on strippers, or that particularly nasty hoax from the ‘90s when Tommy Hilfiger was falsely rumoured to have said that, if he knew blacks and Asians were to wear his clothes, he never would have made them.
We have arrived, again, at an endorsement cease and desist, but one of dubious nature. According to an Abercrombie & Fitch press release, the trendy clothier has told Jersey Shore star Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino to stop wearing its clothes.
Certainly, we don’t know how many of MSN Money’s readers watch the bombastic MTV reality show, but “The Situation” has nonetheless reached B-level celebrity status outside the program.
*Bing: What celebrity earns the most each year from endorsements?
Though, apparently, the reality star’s connection with Abercrombie clothes (he wears them on the show) has proved irksome to the retailer. In a tersely worded release, A&F writes:
“We are deeply concerned that Mr. Sorrentino’s association with our brand could cause significant damage to our image … We have therefore offered a substantial payment to Michael ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino and the producers of MTV’s The Jersey Shore to have the character wear an alternate brand.”
So, what we have here is a clothing company quite literally offering to pay a public figure to stop wearing its clothes. Fairly, to our best knowledge, unprecedented.
Of course, the Internet is already abuzz over the release (titled tongue-in-cheekily “a win-win situation") and sceptics think it’s quite obviously a sham, a PR gimmick to get people talking about Abercrombie & Fitch.
Surely, if it is, the above would suggest it’s been a success.
What do you think? Is Abercrombie’s PR team this savvy, or does the brand really want some reality TV star dope to stop wearing its clothes?
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: TheGreatGastby | Aug 20, 2021 5:19:28 AM
Don't you have something better to write about?
Posted by: Elmo | Aug 20, 2021 12:42:12 PM
Obviously Abercrumbie & Bitch (NOT a typo) haven't heard about civil liberties, civil or human rights or anything that gives individuals the right to choose to wear whatever they want. Just as Nike may no longer use Tiger Woods in its ad campaigns or commercials, they can certainly not stop him from buying or wearing Nike apparel, not to be photographed in Nike apparel. It's a PR scam. Just watch... 6 months from now "the Situation" will probably be doing commercials for A&F or be a member of their Board of Directors.
Posted by: James | Aug 20, 2021 6:02:48 PM
What kind of trash watches this show anyways? They call this a reality show!!! COME ON! All these garbage, so called "reality" shows are scripted. You need to have an IQ of 10 or less to watch this trash.
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Posted by: Michelle | Aug 22, 2021 9:54:13 AM
Clearly they did not think this through. For those of you that trash the show, yes I agree. It is scripted and for those that are uneducated. However, the show is made for the younger generation and believe it or not.... more people watch Jerseyhsore then expected. You have a tv series that is directed to people of a certain age group and a clothing line directed to the same age bracket. I think it was an extremely bad call on the part of A & F. I predict their sales dropping. Furthermore, to do it right at the time of back to school shopping? Bad move.
Posted by: Alyssa | Aug 22, 2021 10:31:08 AM
Wow! I can't believe A & F would be so cruel. Everyone has they're opinions on Jersey Shore but the cast are still people with rights. I'm definitely NEVER shopping at A & F ever again! That's too bad too. They were my favorite store. :( I just can't support a brand who would be so crude and snobby.
Posted by: Alyssa | Aug 22, 2021 10:33:49 AM
Not to mention, I'm posting this on my Facebook so that everyone will know and they will hopefully quit supporting A & F too.
Posted by: Mel | Aug 22, 2021 12:14:16 PM
Alyssa, take it easy the question is this for real or a pr stunt. Now everyone is talking about this I think A & F got what they wanted free PR!!!! and I don't believe you will stop shopping there!!!!
Posted by: Noisy Joisy | Aug 22, 2021 12:19:51 PM
Looks like Alyssa is developing her own kind of consumer snobbiness. Twitter and Facebook yourself to your little heart's content. Nobody gives a rat's azz about your little "revenge" crusade or for Joisy Shore. You're obviously one of those clueless little Snooki wannabees. Idiot !!
Posted by: lulu | Aug 22, 2021 5:11:49 PM
Am I missing something. Who is Abercrombie and Fitch and what is this Jersey Shore thing? I don't get one word of this! Very Confused!!
Posted by: Harry Feltersnatch | Aug 22, 2021 6:23:53 PM
Hey Alyssa, looks like you need to start taking it in the shit shed more often. It will help get all of the shit out of you, as you are obviously full of it. You're probably not even hot enough to wear or even fit into A & F clothes.
Posted by: ED | Aug 26, 2021 11:16:27 AM
It has occurred to me that when I watch TV it seems to me that, I see more commercial than the actual show I want to see! For witch I really am willing to pay .Now the broadcasting institutions have managed to manipulate it, that they get paid four times for the programs .Once from the commercials comp , the actual producers of the show, the individual distributing cable comp ,and at the end of line the Joe public that is forced to endure the agony of the mindless litany of commercials on and on .I hoop that the regulators of the broadcasting governors would start think of the general public ,instead of the big interest of the business lobbyists . I suppose that would most likely be a pipe dream. This is the opinion of a dejected TV watcher