Sign of the times? Coney Island forced to ration toilet paper
Talk about a crappy economy.
We have every index to measure the world’s finances – the Unclaimed Bodies Index, the Men’s Underwear Index, the Hot Waitresses Index, etc. – but perhaps, in order to properly gauge economic well-being, we need only to turn our heads slightly while sitting on a public toilet.
Yes, maybe we need the Toilet Paper Index. Because, if you buy a story being reported now by the New York Post, the Big Apple is “so hard up” for cash that it’s having to ration bum wipe in public restrooms.
According to the Post, New York City’s Parks Department was caught, on July 4th no less, having to ration toilet paper in the women’s restrooms along the famous Coney Island boardwalk.
“Never in my life have I experienced anything like this,” one beachgoer told the newspaper. “I walked toward a stall, and a bathroom attendant stopped me by shouting, ‘Hey, MAM! There’s no toilet paper here,’ and she whipped out a big roll for me to grab some.”
A Parks Department rep claimed later that the outfit’s budget is fine and there is no reason to ration TP, but city employees privately told the Post the department hasn’t been properly stocking toilet paper of late, which forced them to form lines in the women’s restrooms on a busy Independence Day at the beach.
For the record, there didn’t appear to be any TP rationing in the men’s washrooms in Coney Island. In fact, says the Post, that’s because there just wasn’t any at all.
Was the toilet paper snafu a budget issue, then, or bureaucratic mix-up? Tough to say just yet, but the story is plenty of fun without knowing.
Said one woman beachgoer, after a female Parks Department worker ripped off a predetermined amount of squares for her bathroom rendezvous, “It’s very weird that someone decides how much paper you get because they don’t know what situation you’re in.
“You might need more!”
Indeed. A true holiday tale.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Uncle B | Jul 8, 2021 10:51:47 AM
Imagine! Americans, they consume close to 80% of the world's resources. True, they have the largest economy in the world, but China, a much more sustainable far less foreign oil dependent communist system rivals them, even threatens to over-take them soon. Lacking budget for toilet paper reflects badly on the Coca-Cola Corpocracy's effectiveness. Will we see Americans bio-gassing humanure, recovering sludges, to fertilize huge fields of hemp to provide more, cheaper toilet paper? Fuel for cars? Buses? Cheaper top soil building fertilizers for hemp fields? HELL No! They seek Military Bases on the Moon, on Asteroids, on Mars! To defend against even Science Fiction's well defined enemies I suppose? Is there some folly going on here? No. The American working folk, the proletariat, were systematically de-unionized, manipulated through race issues, robbed through usury on mortgages, then reduced to precariat. These new precariat are systematically reduced in number, in rights, in wages, in employment opportunities, in property aquasition, to 'Disenfranchised', to stand defensless on the "unemployables" lines and in the soup kitchens of the nation, left without even decent medical care for themselves, their children. \no Toilet paper? Soon, camps, no medical care, not even the humane furnaces of the Third Reich. Even as we speak, large shanty towns well hidden by corporate media exist. Tent cities are a reality. America's fine, world renouned school system, reduced , by shameful admission of President Obama to 39th in the world, and only in the last few decades. Detriot City, decades ago a thriving net wealth producer, a cultural center, a vibrant metropolis, now a Third World shame for America, a scar on her landscape. Toilet paper ? Sign of the times, the profound and rapid paradigm change sweeping America, sweeping the Western World, All the while an Asian empire rising in the East!Are we witnessing the latter days of the last the greatest, Caucasian Empire the world will ever know? I think so! Even toilet paper, restricted by bureaucrats, limited regulated to high prices by corporatists, no hemp content allowed! Even the Hurst Empire touches the American soul today, refusing good economical hemp paper reserving the coprorate right to extract, at any cost, undue profit from even the lowliest os situations, even pricing wiping the Yankee bum!
Posted by: ????? | Jul 9, 2021 5:12:52 PM
Uncle B. I have no idea whwt you said??????
Posted by: Chip | Jul 9, 2021 10:14:51 PM
OMG... Uncle B. ran out of meds
Posted by: Heather | Jul 12, 2021 11:52:37 AM
Simple solution to a simple England, some public toilets cost about 25 cents to use. They're spotless and well-stocked. I never had a problem paing for the privilage of spending a penny, just have to remember to set aside a few pence when you leave the house so you don't have to scramble when the need strikes.
Posted by: cross2bear | Jul 12, 2021 1:48:52 PM
"Never in my life have I experienced anything like this" says one beachgoer - of course not, because they have never gone farther than their own back yard, and certainly havent travelled the world to see that there IS a world and life beyond the borders of the USA. Ration TP? How bout just not use it at all? In middle eastern, asian and even some European countries, TP is optional. You can control what goes in on your own home, but dont expect the wrold to accommodate you.
Posted by: Bernadette | Jul 12, 2021 6:11:50 PM
In much of Asia and Latin America, toilets and sewage systems aren't even built to "digest" toilet paper. Many don't even have flush mechanisms. You take a scoop of water from a cistern before doing your business, use some to wash yourself, pour the rest down so that the force of gravity will flush the toilet for you. Dry yourself with the pocket hankie you always carry with you, because there's no paper towel or air dryers. And you know what? Society continues to function just fine. While I have no intention of ranting like Uncle B (I don't need meds, for one thing!), there are many ways to deal with daily life that don't involve flushing away enough natural resources to build one million wooden homes each year. Maybe it's not such a bad thing that our ridiculously entitled society has reached a point where it just might have to start thinking about how much of the world's resources it consumes.
Posted by: Route 66 | Jul 14, 2021 1:10:51 AM
Uncle B: The reason that China is so successful is because there are no unions. Did you ever consider that? BTW: Most places that ration things like toilet paper is because people steal it, not because it isn't made from hemp.
Posted by: jk | Jul 14, 2021 2:29:35 PM
I don't go to the bathroom because I don't need to. Rarely when I need to fart, they smell like roses. I'm from Ca.