Teen sells kidney for iPad2: report
When a product hits the right nerve, consumers will do anything to get it.
Remember the Furby? The popular holiday toy was so in-demand during the weeks leading up to Christmas, 1998, that shoppers lucky enough to get one would buy the motorized pet for $35, then head outside where, since the lines were still so long to get into the store, sell it to fellow shoppers for hundreds of dollars.
Some people will do whatever it takes. But this?
In one of the more shocking news stories of 2011 not involving rub ‘n tugs and the NDP, China’s SZTV reports a teen sold his kidney for an iPad2 earlier this spring.
According to the TV station’s story, which has been picked up by media outlets worldwide, the 17-year-old was connected online with a “kidney-selling agent,” which appear to be in common numbers in China.
The dealer pledged to pay the high schooler a little more than $3,000 for one of his kidneys. The teen pledged to take deal.
By details featured in the Global Times, the boy traveled to a separate province of China for the operation, which was carried out under the supervision of “three so-called middlemen” at a hospital that has no qualifications for kidney transplantation.
All was well after the operation, the Times says, and the boy returned home with a laptop, iPhone and iPad 2, the tablet he reportedly underwent the procedure to buy.
Unconfirmed reports have claimed the teen’s health has since faltered since the operation.
Maybe so, but the story is nonetheless more bad PR for Apple out of China, and more bad PR for consumers everywhere.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
*Follow Jason on Twitter here.
Posted by: jim | Jun 3, 2021 2:22:07 AM
What will he sell when the Ipad 3 comes out??! It's nature doing it's thing, Darwin's theories at work, when these people do this to themselves! Some might think the people offering this deal are devious and should be stopped, but this kid is clearly too stupid to survive a full life. I don't mean that as a joke. We are animals, after all, and in nature young ones are lost every day. No one that stupid could have grown up to be more than a zero anyway!
Posted by: mike | Jun 3, 2021 9:05:39 AM
actually we are not dumb animals,we have souls,we are made in the image of god in heaven,who love s us so much he sent his only son to die for us,that we might have life after death,forget darwins theories,the world is even more evil and dangerous then in darwins day,crime is out of control gangs run rampant,sexual predators every where,murders are getting even more brutal across the globe,children are not safe anywhere,says in the bible the fool says in his heart there is no God
Posted by: Invisible Pink Unicorn | Jun 3, 2021 9:58:07 AM
God .... I have heard of that imaginary friend. Make the congnitive pole vault to reality.. when your dead... your dead.. worm food... get over it...
Social Darwinism is a good thing. Helps keeps the gene pool from getting too polluted. I highly endorse this kind of trade (along with outlawing motorsycle helmets, the world needs organ donors). We need fewer mental midgets and more reality model based existance....if a person doesnt cut the minimum standard... so what? Life's a bitch... then you die... :)
Carpe diem...
Posted by: jack | Jun 3, 2021 9:58:20 AM
mike, you should consider reading other books than the bible. Seriously, we are living in the most peaceful time in the history of civilization, crime rates are falling year after year across the globe, people are getting out of poverty in record numbers. Save short term fluctuations, the world is getting slowly better. You are suffering from a confirmation bias as well as idiocy.
Posted by: Holly | Jun 3, 2021 2:39:24 PM
We should question the capitalism, with high advertising system, glamorising everything with famous people and celebrities. Just notice the first answer, about this news, "what he will do for iPad 3", that person is already advertising for big companies.
We are not animals at all, we are human beings, we have brain to think and choose between right and wrong and, soul to filter our thoughts.That is why we are distinguished from animals.
The capitalism created a very competitive world in a material way, and deeper gap between rich and poor . Nowadays everyone wants to be in the news, no matter how. Look at the uploads on WebSites. They are all in hope to become rich and famous. The system is bombarding people's brain and soul from everywhere, and everything.
Posted by: it is a matter of opinion | Jun 3, 2021 3:47:59 PM
Jack, I am with you, Mike should read something other than the bible. Of course you can never convince a thumper that there is no God despite the lack of any proof whatsoever, and before someone says the bible is proof, NO, it isn't. It is a rewritten, reinterpreted book. Just a book. It is no more factual then the writings of J.K. Rowlings. It is rambling, contradictory and quite a fairytale at times. Walking on water, parting seas, people turning to statues of salt, come on folks, not so different to Harry Potter at all.
Holly, capitalism is a fact of life. Advertising, marketing, making us want things is what makes the world go round. No one wanting things equals no jobs. If we only bought what we needed, most of us would be unemployed.
Stupidity is a whole other ball of wax. Selling your kidney for the lastest gadgets is just plain stupid. There are other ways to earn money, they may take longer and involve more physical labour, but there are other ways. This guy is just an idiot...plain and simple.
Posted by: jim | Jun 3, 2021 4:19:46 PM
I think my point has been missed maybe? All religions and capitalistic evilry aside, the fact remains that we ARE animals; biologically, scientifically, in every MEASURABLE way, we are mammals. Very intelligent ones compared to other species. That fact doesn't change because we are technologically advanced. Because despite these advances, many of us are irrational, "too stupid", and still not able to successfully survive with all that has been given to us. I call that some sort of natural selection.
When deer come across a beautiful green pasture occupied by wolves, most will run to the next one. The one that doesn't consider its own well-being, and stays, and gets eaten, well like I was saying before...
Posted by: Jacob | Jun 3, 2021 9:30:30 PM
I agree with that this kid is utterly stupid. People like that need to "disappear", so that the gene pool stays strong. As for Mike, come on! Are you for real? It seems that everywhere you turn, there is a bible thumper? You know what, I don't take you seriously! You must be trolling!
Posted by: E | Jun 5, 2021 4:20:00 PM
What about the three so called middlemen!!! I can tell from this garbage you have written that all your brains are still in development. We will let the murder go free, he hit my kid because he was drunk and speeding. We will let him go free for taking my young child out of the safety of the school yard only to abuse and kill him. Yes, we can see that the child's brain was not devoloped to do such a stupid thing but please do not forget we as a people are resposible to protect the young from the wolves in the field. Remember, what goes around comes around. Watch your mouth. Be nagitive, speak nagitive, do nagitive and you are nagitive! Where is your loving human heart...
Posted by: Tip Bag | Jun 5, 2021 6:23:22 PM
Actually, this IS a case of Darwinism, regardless of Mike's naive hope that people as a whole are intelligent beings. His argument itself is grounds for suspicion, as far as intelligence goes. Some people are stupid. Cutting out your kidney for something that will soon be obsolete, and he could just learn to construct himself, is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard. "The world is more dangerous" than [Darwin's time] is a dumb argument for selling an organ for a few consumer gadgets, and an even dumber thing to say before you explain your religion: it makes it seem silly to think like you do.
I hope the kid stays alive for the next generation, so we get a follow up story.
Posted by: Tip Bag | Jun 5, 2021 6:26:41 PM
And there is no such thing as evil. There is only what affects us as individuals positively, versus negatively. People who don't have the power to prevent a negative event from occurring to their person at a later date will define such an act as "evil" and condemn it beyond reproach, thereby hoping to limit the possible harm to themselves.
People need to stop the vengeful attitudes, and start being more intelligent. Calling things good and evil will never be a good way to run a society: we need to ALL use our brains, and help eachother instead of chasing money and the newest toys...
Posted by: jim | Jun 5, 2021 10:48:36 PM
OK to E, what are you talking about?? Drunk drivers and such, focus buddy. What you're blabbering about is irrelevant. These "middlemen" didn't forcibly remove the kids organ. They didn't steal his kidney and then give him money as some sort of consolation. The kid sought them out. We're not arguing the morality of private organ distribution for profit. The kid sought them out, because he's stupid, agreed to their terms, because he's stupid, and traded a kidney for Apple products basically, because he's stupid.
Posted by: mohsen | Jun 5, 2021 11:22:46 PM
there is one god and he is our creator,
if u look around you and see the new technologys its all man made and engenneirs made it
but that chinese dont know nothing of how tat ipad2 works cause he dosent know about the technology behind it and thinks that this ipad will give what he needs.
its the same way u think of god who created u and u have no idea of his power and engennering that he made humans
Posted by: Route66 | Jun 6, 2021 3:08:08 AM
Any religion is simply a frame of mind. The upside is that it helps believers carry on when the going gets rough. They just convince themselves that thier problems are part of a greater plan and just carry on with life.
Posted by: Mike | Jun 16, 2021 11:23:20 AM
What an absolut IDIOT!!!!! not much more to say!