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February 04, 2022

Why retailers love Super Bowl weekend

While your Super Bowl experience might not cost as much as, say, General Motors’ will, consumer spending for the NFL title game is nonetheless significant. Even in Canada.

In fact, shoppers are forecast to dole out a whopping $10.1 billion ahead of Sunday’s Packers-Steelers showdown in Dallas, the highest such figure recorded to date.

And while it’s not exactly Christmas, it’s still something: it’s showing that Super Bowl weekend, not unlike Boxing Day, Black Friday or Valentine’s Day, is becoming a shopping landmark right before our eyes.

According to the above-noted study, conducted by BIGresearch last month, the average shopper will spend about $71.51 on food, beverages and decorations for their Super Bowl parties this year – a figure up from $64, last year’s tally.

Now, those aren’t exactly Christmas-like figures, though they are substantial. Especially, of course, when you consider that about 25 per cent of consumers say they plan to purchase a new TV to watch the game, too.

And it’s not just Americans that dive in for the Super Bowl. Canadians are suckers just the same, and nowhere has it become more apparent than at big box retailers, who would love nothing more than to use a game with no north-of-the-border cultural significance to sell you a plasma. Just look: Best Buy and Future Shop have all you’ll ever need!

Indeed, while Super Bowl spending has transformed into a powerful retail season, we’re still not likely to spend near what attendees of the game and its parties will.

Tickets for the game, as you know, don’t come cheap; the lowest-priced seat on Stub Hub goes for more than $2,100. And that may just scratch the surface if you’ll be in Dallas this weekend and want the whole Super Bowl VIP experience.

It’ll cost you at least $750 to get into Diddy’s “Fantasy” party, about $2,500 to attend Prince’s soiree and as much as $6,667 ($80,000 for a table of 12) to land a “stageside cabana” for Sports Illustrated’s exclusive, David Guetta-DJ’ed shindig, according to Reuters.

All that’s fine, though. Stadium-goers will surely save on parking. After all, a space close to the stadium only goes for about $990 a pop.

Will you throw a Super Bowl party this year? What will you spend to host?

By Jason Buckland, MSN Money



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Gordon PowersGordon Powers

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