Can money buy happiness? Uh, yes: study
Is anyone really sure where the phrase “money can’t buy happiness” came from?
Probably, it stemmed from some royal of yesteryear that was burdened by his powers or maybe brought down, Caesar-like, by his own team. Of course, the saying would also apply to someone like Cliff Baxter, the manic depressive (albeit wealthy) former Enron executive that shot himself to death following the company’s collapse.
Aside from times like these, though, does anyone buy it? Indeed, while we may have disagreed with such a notion before, now we may be able to scientifically prove it's wrong.
By a new study from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, money can buy you happiness – which is to say, if the country you live in is wealthy, you’re more likely to be happy with your life.
According to the report released this week, data from 140 countries has indeed concluded that an increased capacity for life satisfaction coincides with the prosperity of a nation.
Now, here’s where you’re saying, Oh, you think so, doctor? It’s not exactly rocket science to suggest living in a wealthy nation, where waste isn’t running in the streets or violence isn’t erupting around you, makes for a more pleasant day-to-day.
But the interesting, unique thing to the Wharton study is that happiness-by-wealth isn’t relative. Report co-author Justin Wolfers, an associate professor of business and public policy at the Wharton School, says that his research shows people in Italy have the same relationship with money as people in Thailand and people in Kenya.
Before, common perception suggested only us Westernized folk put such a premium on money prefacing happiness. Turns out, the rest of the world may just be as materialistic as us, after all.
Posted by: SP | Feb 2, 2022 12:33:46 PM
Quote from the article in question "This might be a good reason for nations to make sure they share the wealth". Funny how this overview conveniently missed the emphasis of this point. Perhaps the Thompson Family helps to fund these articles.
Posted by: Trixie | Feb 2, 2022 3:35:50 PM
I agree with SP. These articles aren't exactly well written. I believe the author is just throwing an article together, often just to get people arguing. All of that being said, in a world where money/cash is the choice of bartering, yes, money can definitely buy happiness. In my opinion, it's a no brainer.
Posted by: Richard | Feb 3, 2022 7:07:09 AM
Wow... and I wonder I much $$$ they had to spent on this "study" ? Duh... of course a country's prosperity and stability is relevant to it's citizens; it speaks to security, employment, health care, clean drinking water, etc. And money can buy you happiness... money from the job you have will pay for food, a roof over your head, your children's education, other necessities in life. An overabundance of money, not so much, unless you're really into extravagances... which are superfluous. Think of the number of people who live in "poverty"... which an extra 1K per month or 12K per year would bring them out of... if put to good use of course.
Posted by: Bryan | Feb 3, 2022 10:02:19 AM
I don't know if money can buy you happiness, but at the least it will buy you comfort in your time of misery. So having money is a plus either way.