Are you mooching off your neighbour’s Wi-Fi
According to a recent survey, 32 percent of Americans admit to surfing on their neighbour’s open Wi-Fi networks.
That’s up from 18 percent in 2008, reports USA Today, and there's no reason to think that the Canadian numbers are that much different.
According to experts, that's a practice that puts you and your sensitive information at risk.
"The reality is that many consumers have not taken the steps to protect themselves," says Kelly Davis-Felner, marketing director at the Wi-Fi Alliance, the non-profit trade group that commissioned the survey.
To that end, an easy-to-use eavesdropping tool called Firesheep has apparently been downloaded more than 1 million times since last year.
Reliability is another reason to pay for your own access. If you’re a heavy user or need the Internet to work from home, relying on a connection that your neighbour could shut off at any moment is probably not a good idea.
Looking to fight back? Here's how to protect yourself from Firesheep attacks.
It's not that difficult to set up a password. Here’s a how-to guide … and another.
Do you protect your Wi-Fi? Have you had problems in the past. If you’re a happy mooch, don’t you think you should at least let them know?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: Chazztbay | Feb 19, 2022 4:38:00 PM
This is another reason for the implementation of downloading limits. My brother who is University knows of several people in his Residence who share internet with as many as 10 different people using it.
I pay over $100 a month for the highest tier of speed and I want a consistent speed because that is what I pay for. If the rest of you have to have your downloading limited so I can get the speed I pay for, I am willing to make that sacrifice.
Posted by: Claire | Feb 19, 2022 6:34:00 PM
We had our wifi unprotected for years. We live in a good neighborhood so we never had a problem.... until three students moved in next door, and we got a whopping $50 bandwidth overage charge. Sure enough, I checked the computers that were connected to our network, and there were three new ones. Booted them off, and password-protected the network. The new neighbors weren't very friendly after that.
Posted by: Joshua | Feb 19, 2022 11:52:33 PM
Lets be honest, if you have unprotected Wifi than well, you deserve to have your bandwidth stolen. Its like not locking your front door and then complaining because someone broke in and stole something.
Posted by: J.K.L | Feb 21, 2022 5:35:19 PM
I protect my WIFI! Duh!
Posted by: Western Guy | Feb 24, 2022 2:48:21 PM
Really Joshua? You really believe that if you don't loc k your doors you can't complain if somebody robs you?
Next you will be saying that a lady wearing a short dress deserves to be attacked?
In society the blame for theft (be it wireless internet or other locked or unlocked) rests squarely on the shoulders of the thief. Yes I said it. You steel a neighbors wireless you are a thief. End of story.
Posted by: binder dundat | Feb 24, 2022 2:51:27 PM
Western Guy - get with reality pal, josh is right; in to todays world if you dont protect yourself and get screwed then you are to blame and nobody else, take responsibility.
Posted by: Richard | Feb 26, 2022 12:29:10 AM
You kids are idiots. Using someone's internet or even standing on the public sidewalk reading a book from THEIR porch lights is THEFT. Steeling something that isn't yours is wrong and a person shouldn't have to protect there things to stop theft. People more important that us make the laws and you just have to acept that their is right and wrong. Theft is wrong.
Posted by: Dr. John Steed | Mar 2, 2022 7:36:39 PM
@binder dundat... wow I have never heard such stupid comments. Blame the victim??? Are you stupid or just insane? I think your are just plain stupid. I agree with Western Guy 100%. If something is not yours, NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO TAKE IT! JUST BECAUSE IT IS NOT PROTECTED DOES NOT JUSTIFY THEFT!!!! ARE YOU THAT STUPID????
Posted by: binder dundat | Mar 8, 2022 10:44:07 AM
Hey DR steed, dont get you pantys in a knot, I'm not sure what world you live in but on planet earth this is how it goes, there is theft everywehre and everone is aware except of course yourself, wake up sir and smell the roses before someone steals them from, I'm really hoping that you dont actually work in the Canadian health care system otherwise we are in big trouble.
Posted by: Dr. John Steed | Aug 23, 2021 4:11:32 PM
@ binder dundat... OF COURSE I KNOW THEFT IS EVERYWHERE! Are you that ignorant? If someone accidently forgets to lock their car or their front door at night, does that make it acceptable for someone to come and steal something from you! If they get caught, who goes to jail, the owner or the thief? It seems in your world, the owner gets the blame. Oh BTW, just because something is locked does not prevent theft. What theft of flowers and trees from my property? Should I have put a lock on every flower, shrub and tree? Give me a F**king break!