The Marijuana Price Index
Not often does marijuana have a place here at, but the economic side of the drug seems to continue popping up lately.
Last October, for example, there was a neat story about California’s possible legalization of pot in the state (the proposition was eventually rejected). Who opposed the move? The California Beer & Beverage Distributors, a group that saw legal marijuana as a “threat to sales, as consumers may substitute pot for booze.”
Yet, thanks to a new website that tracks marijuana prices across North America, we have another reason to discuss weed in this space. Introducing: the Marijuana Price Index.
And, you have to hand it to the stoners on this one., as the URL goes, is an organized, relevant, user-friendly site that’s keeping tabs on marijuana prices in the U.S. and Canada, one ounce at a time.
Through the site’s user-submission system, potheads can submit the price of the marijuana they’ve just purchased, where they bought it and what quality it is.
So far, PriceOfWeed has about 3,000 submissions after only one week online. According to the site’s blog, they’re hoping to expand pot price tracking to Europe within the next few days.
What can we tell from their data to this point? Well, for one, Canada seems to be the place to go for reasonably-priced marijuana.
Nearly every province/territory across Canada boasts weed prices of less than $300 per ounce; only in Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Newfoundland and Labrador does it cost more, at $300-$400 per ounce.
This is much, much less than what pot costs south of the border, according to the Marijuana Price Index. If you look at the site’s map, pot costs more than $400 per ounce in nearly all the eastern United States – only Michigan, Ohio, Florida and Maine are under that $400 marking in the U.S., east of Colorado.
What to do with this info? That’s up to you. But a good consumer -- no matter what you’re buying, we guess -- is an educated consumer.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: Bruce Elniski | Dec 2, 2021 4:55:11 PM
I support the legalization of all drugs, including Marijuana. The "drug war" has mostly been an employment program for judges, lawyers, prison guards, prison companies and cops. No social good has come of the drug war. That is why I support legalization. That way it can be made available to anyone who so desires, subject to the usual regulations as pertain to alcohol and tobacco.
The drug war has proved to be violent, racist, mean-spirited (as in against pain-relief and compassionate use rules) and very destructive of good-will between authority and citizens.
Drug uses are no more "stoners" than politicians are all "liars" although a stronger case could be made, perhaps, for the latter generalization than the former.
Bruce Elniski
Posted by: allan | Dec 2, 2021 5:11:50 PM
smoke it all u want but dont let me smell the gross in communal living...
Posted by: needtoknow | Dec 2, 2021 5:24:50 PM
With Harper running the show in Canada we are in trouble, he has set back the logical solution to marijauna by years if not decades by his get tough on drugs bill! Wake up Canada get rid of Harper and his gang of conservatives in the next election. It is time for a proper debate about marijauna laws and lets move into the 21 first century with some sane debate, not some fear mongering conserative crap!
Posted by: stoner | Dec 2, 2021 5:30:30 PM
Prices qouted are way to high.
I get quarter for $50.00.
That is $200.00 an ounce.
The more you buy the less you pay.
I imagine I could get an oz for about $180.00.
Posted by: clairity | Dec 2, 2021 5:51:01 PM
Pot cost less than $250.00 an oz. in Calgary. It's should be legalized like booze, it's time has long come. I hardly ever smoke pot but if I want to that's my business! I like drinking and I must admit that drinking has caused me far more problems in my life than smoking some pot and listening to music. Think of all the the waisted tax dollars spent and the police time trying to control something that is harmless and that people do anyway! If people drank less in favor of smoking pot we would have far less domestic problems and people dying in car accidents. Also it would make a huge dent in organized crime, save lives, and free up police and the courts to help society by dealing with major crime problems. I don't care that the booze industry thinks they will lose sales to pot! They don't care about us anyway, and if the Government cared about Canadians they would make pot legal, period! I'm a middle aged white male.
Posted by: Noel | Dec 2, 2021 6:52:08 PM
Is society going to be better off if people are allowed to legally smoke pot? I think it is pretty clear that individuals using pot are less productive in society (a society of stoners isn't going to accomplish much) and are more likely to be a burden and therefore a society doesn't accomplish as much if it has legalized pot. Therefore we should work to eliminate it from Canada for the good of Canada.
The people claming above that the taxing of pot would be the financial fix for Canada must already be high. If those people didn't buy pot and instead spent that money on other consumer products or saved it Canada's economy would be just as well off not to mention the better prodictivity they would have personally.
Also concerning the discussions about alcohol being more destructive to society you might be right. However this still doesn't mean that legalized pot would be good for society as it is pretty obvious that alcohol is not. Personally I think alcohol should eventually follow pot into being illegal.
Lastly pot is bad on society because it is a gateway drop. Talk to a druggie and you will typically see that they started with pot and kept getting worse drugs until they hit bottom. Take pot out of the equation and fewer people will fall prey to hard drugs.
Posted by: crazy | Dec 2, 2021 7:21:36 PM
Price @$400..????? Huh...That's outrageous. ...better be purple haze....regular good bud in Boston is $150... That's good grass ...not commercial crap...
Posted by: Gordon | Dec 2, 2021 7:39:04 PM
Posted by: SUBSTITUE5 | Dec 2, 2021 8:08:43 PM
Yes, I agree, it does increase the chances of psychosis. Using marijuana in the early stages of mental development increases the chances of schizophrenia so if the governement did legalize it( And I agree they should) it would mean developing tight restrictions and screening on youth in high schools(Do you really want the next generation growing up useless and subsidized by government? Who will run the retirement homes?)Those in denial will continue to do deny. Look at it with a open mind. There are pros and cons, and by the looks at some of these comments, one of those cons is the loss of basic use of the English language. My God, people. Learn to spell.
And if you're a teenager and living for the next buzz, think about what you'll be doing in ten, twenty years. Grow up first. You have one life. How do you want it to play out? I see enough welfare bums who could have done something with themselves but instead do nothing but get together and get high every day. I grew up with them. And they're 50 years old now.Real productive. Control it before it controls you. I have a puff most saturday nights. That's my reward for getting through another week of working toward a self sustaining retirement.
Posted by: Mcnautty | Dec 2, 2021 8:43:22 PM
The Canadian government controls the spirits industry so between the seller and supplier who's fondling who?
Posted by: Dan | Dec 2, 2021 8:48:13 PM
Nobody says anything when one of our so called Political authorities(Premier Campbell)can disgrace us in Hawaii,with a D.U.I.,and make the B.C. taxpayers pay for his lawyer and court fees.Or how about the sudden rise in the use of Crack Cocaine,Heroin,or Crystal Meth,in our work places that conduct drug tests on the jobsite,solely on the fact that these drugs are in FACT out of your system in a very short time,3 days or less.Where pot takes 30 days.Fort McMurry,Alberta(Prime example)has realized the severity of this problem.
I've been a drug and alcohol counselor for the Nothern Aboriginal People of northeastern B.C. for seven years,and with my experience with the problems with the use of these drugs,I have NEVER seen or heard of anyone breaking the law,dieing,or harming anyone else,for smoking potand only pot,not mixing with anything else(booze or whatever their preference),Just in the past 2 months,I have already buried 6 people,due to use of Crack Cocaine.
Personally,I think our poloticians should get their heads out of their butt cheeks and have a REAL good look at the REAL problems this country is having,on a more serious level.I have also NEVER seen any pot smoker have withdrawals from it's use,But watch what happens when a Crackhead runs out.
Pot will always be a herb or weed,nothing more,I don't care how good it is.Thank you for your time.
God bless Pierre Elliot Trudeu.Harper shouldn't have LIED about the legalization of pot in the last election,because now he might as well follow suit with Campbell,lie to our fellow Canadians,and ALL trust goes up in......SMOKE:)
Posted by: ted | Dec 2, 2021 8:52:59 PM
it should be legalize *its a wast of money to take people to court and put them in jail.weed it good for pain .they give it in pill form to people with cancer in other countrys*the goverment dont want to legalize it because the y wont get enough tax out of it .the goverment was not long to get the slot machines legal in our thats all it amounts to.thers is alot of kids doing with out food on the table because of the slot machines.
Posted by: SUBSTITUE5 | Dec 2, 2021 9:19:12 PM
Noel, you need a could hit of reality. Pot will never be eliminated. Shades of prohibition!!! And as far as alternatively buying materail consumer goods or saving the money that's not going to happen, either. Man is basically a flawed vessel, and diversion or debasement of some kind will always happen( Prostitution should be legalized also on this basis.) Accept that and it becomes clearer. If you can't eliminate it, control it.
Posted by: smokey | Dec 2, 2021 9:42:55 PM
the hell with paying taxes.i do enough of that now. everyone who smokes weed ,should be able to grow their own. if they want.
Posted by: Earl | Dec 2, 2021 10:31:31 PM
Marijuana will be legalized when simple tests that can be implemented quickly and accurately, the equivalent of a breathalyser. The only legitimate reason for not legalizing the drug is that driving under the influence would be difficult to enforce. For that same reason the users would have a much harder time as police discretion would be the typical method of enforcement. Until that can be accomplished the people filling the courts wasting time and money would be DUI’s instead of possession. Trafficking would still be a problem, as the government isn’t going to allow any one who chooses to sell. Legalizing will only solve the issues that aren’t really a problem now, but there are still a lot of hidden side effects. You will still have the welfare cases and the parents who barely taking care of their kids and the youth under performing in school all because each of them wants to spend what little money or time they have getting high. Not to mention that all of those extra tax dollars the government would be hauling in would be sucked right back up by those people smoking everyday when they check into a hospital for a smoking related illness. They are pushing to making smoking difficult for a reason why legalize another way to do it?
Posted by: david | Dec 2, 2021 10:45:13 PM
im gonna smoke it when ever i want anyways, just leagalize. put the big time drug dealers out of buisness.
Posted by: Stew | Dec 2, 2021 10:53:30 PM
1. Don't explain on this site how to properly grow and market pot. The govt. may actually see it and grab a brain for once and follow the instructions given.
2. For those who understand, no explanation is needed, for those that don't understand, no explanation is possible.
3. It's always 4:20 somewhere......
Posted by: bob | Dec 3, 2021 10:41:05 AM
As much as I would like to see maijuana legalized, I can't help but think that it would get abused in all situations. The problem with the stuff (in my opinion) is that there is no 1/2 way point. No one wants to be quarter or half stoned-it really isn't fun until you are past a certain point. At least with alcohol,after 1-2 beers you still have most of your faculties.Almost eferyone has talked to someone stoned-it is such a turnoff. Especially with the red eyes and dumb look that goes with it. I think we'd be opening a HUGE Pandora's box legalizing it.
Posted by: DR green lung | Dec 4, 2021 2:42:31 AM
LOL.... I must live in the best place on earth (central canada) because i can't remember the last time i paid 240 for an oz, i can buy an oz of primo off any joker in the street for 200 in winnipeg 240 is like rural prices!
Posted by: Di | Dec 4, 2021 3:09:26 AM
The psychosis is caused by the removal of cannabinoids (which have anti-psychotic properties) in order to increase the levels of THC. I other words, certain strains being developed to make you "higher". Government regulation would solve this.
Marijuana has no known toxicity level, and is not physically addictive. Can we say this about tobacco or alcohol?