Canada's strong jobs data makes U.S. jealous
Hey, who needs a gold medal hockey game to ramp up some Canadian pride?
Our home – the true, north, strong and free – is no doubt the envy of many nations on earth, but it’s often for things like our plush natural resources, our health care, our compassion.
Now, though? On the heels of a shattered-and-still-rebuilding global economy, Canada can add “national employment” to that list, as well.
Yes, while you no doubt heard of Canada’s positive jobs data revealed today, it may not have reached your ears that people are jealous. Specifically: the U.S.A.
The Huffington Post, one of the U.S.’ more popular news/opinion/gossip sites, published an article this morning titled, “Need A Job? Try Canada, Where Hiring Is Booming And Home Prices Are Rising.”
And the gist of said article is simple – Canada’s recovery is strong. Stronger than the U.S.’
HuffPo author Ryan McCarthy pats Canada on the back in the piece, largely for the aforementioned June jobs data, which is worth a round of applause on its own.
Canada added a “whopping” 93,200 new jobs last month, according to the Star, about 10,000 more new gigs than the States did, despite the obvious population discrepancies.
June’s jobs hike was at a pace about five times the rate predicted by economists, as reported by Bloomberg News.
But if that wasn’t enough, Americans are apparently envious over rising Canadian home prices, too.
Following ten straight monthly gains, home prices north of the 49th rose 0.3 per cent in May, in stark contrast to a housing market in the U.S. that hasn’t eked out much ground since its April, 2009, lows.
According to Royal LePage, Canada’s home prices could keep climbing, at an average rate of almost seven per cent this year alone.
Rising jobs? More valuable homes? An apparently healthier economy than the U.S.? Is that enough for Canada to beat its chest a little going into the weekend? Yeah, I’d say it is.
By Jason Buckland, MSN Money
Posted by: David | Jul 13, 2021 12:30:28 AM
Canadians need not get too boastful especially about those continuing to rise house prices. It does make sense for real estate prices in some cold northern city to be substantially higher than in an American sunbelt city and the day of reckoning will come. Our booms and busts don't necessarily follow American ones but over the long haul there will not be great differences in housing prices. Only real estate agents will tell you that there is no correction due house prices in Canadian cities like Victoria, Vancouver or Toronto.
Posted by: Vincent | Jul 13, 2021 12:39:38 AM
There is nothing to be proud of. Our healthcare system is falling apart, just talk to those of you who are working in hospitals across Canada: long waiting time to see doctors and most of people in this country don't have family doctors. To add insult to injuries, the conversative government spent over one billion dollars for their so called G8 and G20 summits and an artificial lake in Toronto. When it 's about healthcare and education , they don't have money.
Posted by: ann | Jul 13, 2021 12:57:03 AM
Healthcare, are you joking if you don't have insurance it's not free as you think. Going to the dentist - most people can't afford the simple things in life and trust me no other counrtys are envy of this country.
Posted by: Jeff | Jul 13, 2021 1:11:51 AM
Are you guys kidding me - complaining about the healthcare again. Well at least we have a healthcare. In the states, if you're not insured, you're SOL. And if you are insured, there's those lovely insurance companies trying every loophole and trick in the book to get off the hook to pay whatever claim comes through. Give me a least I know if something happens that's urgent enough, whether I have a job or not, I'll at least get taken care of.
Countries are indeed jealous of Canada, and it's not having to pay for dentist visits (you got to be kidding me) that'll make any difference.
And the most beautiful part of all this is that we're doing it despite of our strong dollars. So much for these economists that were thinking that we were all doomed after the dollar rose above 90 cents to the US dollar haha!
Posted by: Jan | Jul 13, 2021 1:27:46 AM
Why is it that, even when things are going really well, some Canadians will always find some idiotic thing to whine about.
Posted by: Odds | Jul 13, 2021 2:47:51 AM
I am proud of this country - proud to be Canadian. Of course its not perfect - what is? Shame on you for dissing what many people around the world would give anything to be a part of.
Posted by: flamesgirl77 | Jul 13, 2021 3:08:32 AM
We should be very proud to call Canada home. Our young family travels to the US at least twice a year, and each and every time, we get humbly thanked for keeping their ecomomy alive. Things are in DIRE straights for the Americans right now, and not looking to get any better what with the oil spill fiasco compliments of BP.
Our healthcare and eductaion could use a nice old fashioned overhaul, but are we in a WAY better position than the Americans? You betcha. Count your blessings tonight that while you may have to wait 4 - 6 hours at the emergency department, at least you get to see a doctor, no matter your economic status. People literally die in the US because they can't afford to see a doctor. I am sure they will take your place in the waiting room if you don't want to wait.
Posted by: flamesgirl77 | Jul 13, 2021 3:09:57 AM
And I just realized the one word I mis-typed is the one word I didn't want to mess up. I can spell education ;) (OMG! Our education system has turned so bad that a 33 year old mother of 2 misspells a word!) ;o)
Posted by: yeahright | Jul 13, 2021 3:35:30 AM
In general, Americans who visit, hate us when they are at bars hotels etc. I have had them call canada at wannabe country and we will kick your ass. It is funny what a few drinks will make people say..sometimes what they really think eh. All they do is bad mouth Canada, and cannot wait for the day when we will come over and take over our socialist Country and then as they call it, to enlighten us. Funny thing is, when I ask them, what a socialist is, they have no idea.
Posted by: BOYCOTT Israel and USA | Jul 13, 2021 6:22:55 AM
If the USA ever spent on their people instead of on war and weapons, it would be the best country in the world. But the USA is controlled by corporations and allows Zionist jews to make their monetary policy and dictate their foreign relations, so the USA will be bankrupt within 25 to 30 years. And when the USA does INEVITABLY go bankrupt, the world will become a cleaner and safer place and all the dictatorships and tyrants they support will also disappear.
Stop terrorism : BOYCOTT Israel and USA
Posted by: canadafirstaid | Jul 13, 2021 6:58:44 AM
What the . . . .? The old We Vs. They Syndrome - does not cut it, folks. We are great because we (CDN.) live next door to the US (They) who helped this land1become who we are. Just as we helped them to become - who they are. Get it?? God bless America (North + South America) for we're all in this together. CFA
Posted by: joe237 | Jul 13, 2021 8:00:56 AM
Are people seriously scolding others for not having a glowing opinion of our country?? It's our responsibility to question things here and not just accept that it's all awesome. It's not unpatriotic to question or mention the bad things about your country. I'm tired of being told I should be ashamed of myself because i don't think my home could be improved. I mean great, apparently some Americans are envious of Canada due to an ill-informed news article. I mean because of one article it's decided that they envy us? Come on.
And to "CanadafirstAid" who claims that we're great because of the U.S, thank you for the best laugh I've had in weeks.
Posted by: David | Jul 13, 2021 11:25:08 AM
Articles like these are a load of crock.
Strong jobs data? Are you kidding me. Test it for yourselves, place a job ad anywhere and you'll receive so many resumes it will make your head spin.
Plus, creating a bunch of low wage part time dead end jobs is not what I would consider "strong jobs" creation.
Posted by: Lillian Lee | Jul 13, 2021 12:34:37 PM
We are so lucky that our economy is doing well because of our sound financial system and copius natural resources. At one time we envied the Americans for their apparently high standard of living..We didn't realize what a price they would pay. Let that be a lesson for us. I think as good neighbors we should sympathize with them, and if our system is more workable perhaps they can learn from us and we can all have a better life.
Posted by: Lisa | Jul 13, 2021 3:05:57 PM
Oh geez...this is one topic I definitely don't want to get into. So no, I don't need anyone telling me how awful the states is. I'll say that upfront. However, to "jeff" and people like him...our healthcare in Canada is no better than the states really. And by the way...if there is an emergency Jeff, in BOTH Canada and the States they WILL treat you. I know this from my own experience AND from talking to AMERICAN relatives who don't have much money. I've been treated in Canada and the USA, and actually got much better service in the USA. However, BOTH countries WILL treat emergencies.
Geez Mr. Buckland...quit trying to pit the Canadians against the's getting very tiring.
Posted by: alex | Jul 14, 2021 12:24:13 AM
gosh golly i sure darn-it don't want to comment...but...
i have spent 75% of the last 18 years working in the states. i have watched co-workers (both american and canadian) run into health problems. the only ones with issues after-the-fact are the people who had to be helped in the states.
i have watched in amazement as u.s. citizens refuse to be taken to the hospital. even when it was clearly time for a hospital. seeing something like this happen a handfull of times in real life really hammers home how assinine some people's politics have become.
we have it lucky here. maybe it isn't what it used to be like. we can all thank the health-care nay-sayers for the decline. they fuel certain political parties to slowly dismantle a at-one-time perfectly robust and working system.
nowadays someone who can't think past their broken elbow only sees the wait time.
maybe it didn't feel like you were being "taken car of", maybe it felt like you were one of far too many other faces being shot past a doctors face in a single shift. "guy doesn't give a sh!t, what's wrong with this stupid health-care system? supposed to be so great! b.s. !"
less people=less service. less money invested=more public grumbling. more public manipulation=a better chance for some business buddies to fill eachother's pockets.
we are lucky to have caught any of this dream, before the pirates divvy it up.
Posted by: Jane Doe | Jul 16, 2021 10:55:18 AM
the PM office should be ashamed informing the world that jobs are increasing in Canada!! all those
employable unemployed speak up and let your voice be heard above PM office maybe then the world will know we are not as we say we are. Stats has nothing to do with this either as are records are not upto date due to funding cuts. This has nothing to do with loyalty to one's country but everythig to do with politics. I want and need a job and there has not been one for over a year. Let me know where the line starts and I am ready to sign on the dotted line.
Posted by: Magentis | Jul 19, 2021 10:09:14 AM
Who cares what country is doing better or has better health care? I am a citizen of both countries and I owe my allegiance to neither. Rather, I owe my allegiance to wherever I can make the best deal for myself. If that means moving on to Dubai or Australia or somewhere else, I will do it, just like any corporation will do the same thing. People need to think like a corporation, not have loyalty to any one place. Go where you will benefit.
Posted by: Steve | Jul 19, 2021 11:40:45 PM
Canada's healthcare is only good in comparison to American or Chinese healthcare. In order to keep thinking that it's great make sure to avoid looking at Europe. As for how great our economy is look to Australia. I am not trying to talk Canada down, I love my home, but lets do be realistic here, we should be doing so much better than we actually are.
Posted by: screw canada | Nov 17, 2021 5:37:44 PM
i from texas and here we are starting dee americin arkadia for american eternal peace and guess why you gay canadians are dee ones datht should be jelous............HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YOU CANT HAVE OUR ETERNAL PEACE CUZ WE A TRUE NATION AMERICA UNLIKE CANADA IS FREE AND THE BEST SOCIEY IN LIFE AND MAYBE EVEN DAHT WORLD. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i want to pee on a canadian body and eat it one.