Is WD-40 really that indispensable?
Consumers and tradespeople looking to save time and money need look no farther than a can of WD-40, say Tim Nyberg and Jim Berg, a.k.a the Duct-Tape Guys in their eponymous masterpiece The WD-40 book.
And they may be on to something.
The versatile brand of household lubricant, which has been around since 1958, was invented by a small three-person company trying to develop a rust-prevention solvent for the aerospace industry.
Since the inventors came up with a successful formula on their 40th try, they called it WD-40. And that might have been it had impressed plant workers not started to sneak the product home for their own use, creating a buzz that still exists today.
Uses for WD-40 have soared since then with the company – which has annual sales of more than $300 million worldwide and also markets other must-have products like 2000 Flushes toilet cleaner, X-14 mildew stain remover and Carpet Fresh rug deodorizer – documenting over 2,000 ways that users claim to have put its product to use.
There's even a web site – wd40uses – that allows zealots to submit stories, photos and videos about creative ways to avoid paying for expensive repairs or replacement items.
A few of these "and there's more" claims include:
- Getting pythons to uncoil themselves from under buses
- Unsticking tongues stuck to cold metal
- Making golf balls fly farther
- Repelling mosquitoes
- Winter proofing boots
- Camouflaging scratches in ceramic tiles
- Keeping pigeons off balconies
- Alleviating arthritis and other aches
- Unfreezing door locks in winter
- Loosening tight Lego blocks.
Do you have any unusual WD-40 applications? Or have you found a better alternative altogether?
By Gordon Powers, MSN Money
Posted by: newfie | Apr 26, 2021 9:19:53 AM
on cetain materials it will remove grease stains from cooking bacon and other creasy dishes.spray some on the stain and wash it worked for me.
Posted by: the rock | Apr 26, 2021 10:42:39 AM
WD-40 is great for removing "permanent" markerfrom metal
Posted by: Gordon Ford | Apr 26, 2021 1:03:34 PM
Removing adhesive label residue.
Posted by: Gordon Ford | Apr 26, 2021 1:05:15 PM
Rmoving adhesive label residue
Posted by: jeo | Apr 26, 2021 1:11:54 PM
There was an old farmer back home who had knee problems so he sprayed WD-40 on them and they became swolen and infected and he was hospitalised from it. Great product, don't get me wrong, but please keep its uses reasonable.
Posted by: Richard | Apr 26, 2021 2:47:06 PM
I think the whole arthritis thing may have started as joke. At least that is how I took it when I first heard about it. WD-40 works for loosening up rusty joints right?
Posted by: gtafunmuscle | Apr 26, 2021 3:02:04 PM
can it be a viagra substitute?
Posted by: André St-Onge | Apr 26, 2021 3:06:40 PM
Removed dry wood gum and sap from spruce and fir of our body
Posted by: Typical Guy | Apr 26, 2021 6:29:38 PM
It's great as a sex lube........ you can also get high from inhaling the vapours.. superb product.
Posted by: skunk1970 | Apr 26, 2021 7:36:05 PM
I know a few oldtimers that spray fish hooks with wd-40, they swear the oil attracts fish. Cool invention
Posted by: skunk1970 | Apr 26, 2021 7:37:28 PM
It work awesome from removing road tar/ oil from your vehicle during the summer paving months
Posted by: polaris | Apr 26, 2021 10:14:46 PM
WD 40 is good at getting finger prints off stainless steel apliances
Posted by: lenny | Apr 26, 2021 10:15:56 PM
Yes. Spray a little bit on your flasher when fishing salmon. I thought my fishing guide was crazy and then we started hooking them. Crazy but true. Other boats caught zilch.
Posted by: Clark Griswold | Apr 26, 2021 10:30:10 PM
Another great tip is to liberally apply WD-40 underneath your toboggan. You haven't lived until you've slid down a near friction-less surface in the middle of winter.
Posted by: G.D.Dowson | Apr 27, 2021 7:59:42 AM
I once knew a hi rise building super that sprayed his elbows with wd-40 to free up the joints .he swore by this & often used it for relief. we thougt he was kidding untill he showed us & after spraying on he would rub it in to the joints that were painful..
Posted by: william snider | Apr 27, 2021 1:00:22 PM
i watched a video where some guys inflated a flat tire with wd 40 -----sprayed it in the flat and around the seal --lit it and poof instant repair
Posted by: Allan Boyd | Apr 27, 2021 1:35:39 PM
All of the Above with the exception of the Medical application . A few more-- Removes Tar, Paint(OFF of Hands as well) A shot in the Carb. intake on older Cars, better than Eather Engings that have sat 4 a long time- pull the Plugs spray in the WD let sit 24 hrs. I've always been able 2 turn them over, Best penatrating Oil I have found, Pull the Plug on your Mower spray in a small amount, before storing,, WHY AM I GOING ON & ON, Not much it does'nt FIX OR ENHANCE. What is puzzeling - WHY is it still on the Market? Everything I have found that really works Generaly Disapears. OH1 thing it won't fix-- My spelling. Thanks. Allan
Posted by: Kato Chen | Apr 27, 2021 2:35:23 PM
I this wd-40 is a must have around the house.
I work from home day trading and keep it around for many things.
But hey is you want to learn to trade check out
Posted by: Nicholas | Apr 27, 2021 3:17:33 PM
Try Spraying Wd-40 on the bottom of your lawnmower deck so the grass doesnt stick. works great.
Posted by: JoAnn | Apr 27, 2021 4:23:33 PM
works great as a lock de-icer, no need to call the automobile club if you have a can handy, I spray mine when it gets cold, no problems all winter.